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Impaired cell fate through gain-of-function mutations in a chromatin reader 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 121-+
作者:  Wan, Liling;  Chong, Shasha;  Xuan, Fan;  Liang, Angela;  Cui, Xiaodong;  Gates, Leah;  Carroll, Thomas S.;  Li, Yuanyuan;  Feng, Lijuan;  Chen, Guochao;  Wang, Shu-Ping;  Ortiz, Michael V.;  Daley, Sara K.;  Wang, Xiaolu;  Xuan, Hongwen;  Kentsis, Alex;  Muir, Tom W.;  Roeder, Robert G.;  Li, Haitao;  Li, Wei;  Tjian, Robert;  Wen, Hong;  Allis, C. David
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Modifications of histone proteins have essential roles in normal development and human disease. Recognition of modified histones by '  reader'  proteins is a key mechanism that mediates the function of histone modifications, but how the dysregulation of these readers might contribute to disease remains poorly understood. We previously identified the ENL protein as a reader of histone acetylation via its YEATS domain, linking it to the expression of cancer-driving genes in acute leukaemia1. Recurrent hotspot mutations have been found in the ENL YEATS domain in Wilms tumour2,3, the most common type of paediatric kidney cancer. Here we show, using human and mouse cells, that these mutations impair cell-fate regulation by conferring gain-of-function in chromatin recruitment and transcriptional control. ENL mutants induce gene-expression changes that favour a premalignant cell fate, and, in an assay for nephrogenesis using murine cells, result in undifferentiated structures resembling those observed in human Wilms tumour. Mechanistically, although bound to largely similar genomic loci as the wild-type protein, ENL mutants exhibit increased occupancy at a subset of targets, leading to a marked increase in the recruitment and activity of transcription elongation machinery that enforces active transcription from target loci. Furthermore, ectopically expressed ENL mutants exhibit greater self-association and form discrete and dynamic nuclear puncta that are characteristic of biomolecular hubs consisting of local high concentrations of regulatory factors. Such mutation-driven ENL self-association is functionally linked to enhanced chromatin occupancy and gene activation. Collectively, our findings show that hotspot mutations in a chromatinreader domain drive self-reinforced recruitment, derailing normal cell-fate control during development and leading to an oncogenic outcome.

Engineering covalently bonded 2D layered materials by self-intercalation 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7807) : 171-+
作者:  Shang, Jian;  Ye, Gang;  Shi, Ke;  Wan, Yushun;  Luo, Chuming;  Aihara, Hideki;  Geng, Qibin;  Auerbach, Ashley;  Li, Fang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Two-dimensional (2D) materials(1-5) offer a unique platform from which to explore the physics of topology and many-body phenomena. New properties can be generated by filling the van der Waals gap of 2D materials with intercalants(6,7)  however, post-growth intercalation has usually been limited to alkali metals(8-10). Here we show that the self-intercalation of native atoms(11,12) into bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides during growth generates a class of ultrathin, covalently bonded materials, which we name ic-2D. The stoichiometry of these materials is defined by periodic occupancy patterns of the octahedral vacancy sites in the van der Waals gap, and their properties can be tuned by varying the coverage and the spatial arrangement of the filled sites(7,13). By performing growth under high metal chemical potential(14,15) we can access a range of tantalum-intercalated TaS(Se)(y), including 25% Ta-intercalated Ta9S16, 33.3% Ta-intercalated Ta7S12, 50% Ta-intercalated Ta10S16, 66.7% Ta-intercalated Ta8Se12 (which forms a Kagome lattice) and 100% Ta-intercalated Ta9Se12. Ferromagnetic order was detected in some of these intercalated phases. We also demonstrate that self-intercalated V11S16, In11Se16 and FexTey can be grown under metal-rich conditions. Our work establishes self-intercalation as an approach through which to grow a new class of 2D materials with stoichiometry- or composition-dependent properties.

Laser spectroscopy of pionic helium atoms 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7806) : 37-+
作者:  Shang, Jian;  Ye, Gang;  Shi, Ke;  Wan, Yushun;  Luo, Chuming;  Aihara, Hideki;  Geng, Qibin;  Auerbach, Ashley;  Li, Fang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Charged pions(1) are the lightest and longest-lived mesons. Mesonic atoms are formed when an orbital electron in an atom is replaced by a negatively charged meson. Laser spectroscopy of these atoms should permit the mass and other properties of the meson to be determined with high precision and could place upper limits on exotic forces involving mesons (as has been done in other experiments on antiprotons(2-9)). Determining the mass of the pi(-) meson in particular could help to place direct experimental constraints on the mass of the muon antineutrino(10-13). However, laser excitations of mesonic atoms have not been previously achieved because of the small number of atoms that can be synthesized and their typically short (less than one picosecond) lifetimes against absorption of the mesons into the nuclei(1). Metastable pionic helium (pi He-4(+)) is a hypothetical(14-16) three-body atom composed of a helium-4 nucleus, an electron and a pi(-) occupying a Rydberg state of large principal (n approximate to 16) and orbital angular momentum (l approximate to n - 1) quantum numbers. The pi He-4(+) atom is predicted to have an anomalously long nanosecond-scale lifetime, which could allow laser spectroscopy to be carried out(17). Its atomic structure is unique owing to the absence of hyperfine interactions(18,19) between the spin-0 pi(-) and the He-4 nucleus. Here we synthesize pi He-4(+) in a superfluid-helium target and excite the transition (n, l) = (17, 16) -> (17, 15) of the pi(-)-occupied pi He-4(+) orbital at a near-infrared resonance frequency of 183,760 gigahertz. The laser initiates electromagnetic cascade processes that end with the nucleus absorbing the pi(-) and undergoing fission(20,21). The detection of emerging neutron, proton and deuteron fragments signals the laser-induced resonance in the atom, thereby confirming the presence of pi He-4(+). This work enables the use of the experimental techniques of quantum optics to study a meson.

Long-lived pionic helium atoms (composed of a helium-4 nucleus, an electron and a negatively charged pion) are synthesized in a superfluid-helium target, as confirmed by laser spectroscopy involving the pion-occupied orbitals.

Patterns of somatic structural variation in human cancer genomes 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7793) : 112-+
作者:  Wan, Liling;  Chong, Shasha;  Xuan, Fan;  Liang, Angela;  Cui, Xiaodong;  Gates, Leah;  Carroll, Thomas S.;  Li, Yuanyuan;  Feng, Lijuan;  Chen, Guochao;  Wang, Shu-Ping;  Ortiz, Michael V.;  Daley, Sara K.;  Wang, Xiaolu;  Xuan, Hongwen;  Kentsis, Alex;  Muir, Tom W.;  Roeder, Robert G.;  Li, Haitao;  Li, Wei;  Tjian, Robert;  Wen, Hong;  Allis, C. David
收藏  |  浏览/下载:37/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

A key mutational process in cancer is structural variation, in which rearrangements delete, amplify or reorder genomic segments that range in size from kilobases to whole chromosomes(1-7). Here we develop methods to group, classify and describe somatic structural variants, using data from the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), which aggregated whole-genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types(8). Sixteen signatures of structural variation emerged. Deletions have a multimodal size distribution, assort unevenly across tumour types and patients, are enriched in late-replicating regions and correlate with inversions. Tandem duplications also have a multimodal size distribution, but are enriched in early-replicating regions-as are unbalanced translocations. Replication-based mechanisms of rearrangement generate varied chromosomal structures with low-level copy-number gains and frequent inverted rearrangements. One prominent structure consists of 2-7 templates copied from distinct regions of the genome strung together within one locus. Such cycles of templated insertions correlate with tandem duplications, and-in liver cancerfrequently activate the telomerase gene TERT. A wide variety of rearrangement processes are active in cancer, which generate complex configurations of the genome upon which selection can act.

TIR domains of plant immune receptors are NAD(+)-cleaving enzymes that promote cell death 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6455) : 799-+
作者:  Wan, Li;  Essuman, Kow;  Anderson, Ryan G.;  Sasaki, Yo;  Monteiro, Freddy;  Chung, Eui-Hwan;  Nishimura, Erin Osborne;  DiAntonio, Aaron;  Milbrandt, Jeffrey;  Dangl, Jeffery L.;  Nishimura, Marc T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6446) : 1152-+
作者:  Chen, Lei;  Qin, Qiang;  Jiang, Yu;  Wang, Kun;  Lin, Zeshan;  Li, Zhipeng;  Bibi, Faysal;  Yang, Yongzhi;  Wang, Jinhuan;  Nie, Wenhui;  Su, Weiting;  Liu, Guichun;  Li, Qiye;  Fu, Weiwei;  Pan, Xiangyu;  Liu, Chang;  Yang, Jie;  Zhang, Chenzhou;  Yin, Yuan;  Wang, Yu;  Zhao, Yue;  Zhang, Chen;  Wang, Zhongkai;  Qin, Yanli;  Liu, Wei;  Wang, Bao;  Ren, Yandong;  Zhang, Ru;  Zeng, Yan;  da Fonseca, Rute R.;  Wei, Bin;  Li, Ran;  Wan, Wenting;  Zhao, Ruoping;  Zhu, Wenbo;  Wang, Yutao;  Duan, Shengchang;  Gao, Yun;  Zhang, Yong E.;  Chen, Chunyan;  Hvilsom, Christina;  Epps, Clinton W.;  Chemnick, Leona G.;  Doug, Yang;  Mirarab, Siavash;  Siegismund, Hans Redlef;  Ryder, Oliver A.;  Gilbert, M. Thomas P.;  Lewin, Harris A.;  Zhang, Guojie;  Heller, Rasmus;  Wang, Wen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Double-negative-index ceramic aerogels for thermal superinsulation 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6428) : 723-+
作者:  Xu, Xiang;  Zhang, Qiangqiang;  Hao, Menglong;  Hu, Yuan;  Lin, Zhaoyang;  Peng, Lele;  Wang, Tao;  Ren, Xuexin;  Wang, Chen;  Zhao, Zipeng;  Wan, Chengzhang;  Fei, Huilong;  Wang, Lei;  Zhu, Jian;  Sun, Hongtao;  Chen, Wenli;  Du, Tao;  Deng, Biwei;  Cheng, Gary J.;  Shakir, Imran;  Dames, Chris;  Fisher, Timothy S.;  Zhang, Xiang;  Li, Hui;  Huang, Yu;  Duan, Xiangfeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Rapid transition from continental breakup to igneous oceanic crust in the South China Sea 期刊论文
NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2018, 11 (10) : 782-+
作者:  Larsen, H. C.;  Mohn, G.;  Nirrengarten, M.;  Sun, Z.;  Stock, J.;  Jian, Z.;  Klaus, A.;  Alvarez-Zarikian, C. A.;  Boaga, J.;  Bowden, S. A.;  Briais, A.;  Chen, Y.;  Cukur, D.;  Dadd, K.;  Ding, W.;  Dorais, M.;  Ferre, E. C.;  Ferreira, F.;  Furusawa, A.;  Gewecke, A.;  Hinojosa, J.;  Hofig, T. W.;  Hsiung, K. H.;  Huang, B.;  Huang, E.;  Huang, X. L.;  Jiang, S.;  Jin, H.;  Johnson, B. G.;  Kurzawski, R. M.;  Lei, C.;  Li, B.;  Li, L.;  Li, Y.;  Lin, J.;  Liu, C.;  Liu, Z.;  Luna, A. J.;  Lupi, C.;  McCarthy, A.;  Ningthoujam, L.;  Osono, N.;  Peate, D. W.;  Persaud, P.;  Qiu, N.;  Robinson, C.;  Satolli, S.;  Sauermilch, I;  Schindlbeck, J. C.;  Skinner, S.;  Straub, S.;  Su, X.;  Su, C.;  Tian, L.;  Van Der Zwan, F. M.;  Wan, S.;  Wu, H.;  Xiang, R.;  Yadav, R.;  Yi, L.;  Yu, P. S.;  Zhang, C.;  Zhang, J.;  Zhang, Y.;  Zhao, N.;  Zhong, G.;  Zhong, L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Organic and solution-processed tandem solar cells with 17.3% efficiency 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 361 (6407) : 1094-+
作者:  Meng, Lingxian;  Zhang, Yamin;  Wan, Xiangjian;  Li, Chenxi;  Zhang, Xin;  Wang, Yanbo;  Ke, Xin;  Xiao, Zuo;  Ding, Liming;  Xia, Ruoxi;  Yip, Hin-Lap;  Cao, Yong;  Chen, Yongsheng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
A selfish genetic element confers non-Mendelian inheritance in rice 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 360 (6393) : 1130-1132
作者:  Yu, Xiaowen;  Zhao, Zhigang;  Zheng, Xiaoming;  Zhou, Jiawu;  Kong, Weiyi;  Wang, Peiran;  Bai, Wenting;  Zheng, Hai;  Zhang, Huan;  Li, Jing;  Liu, Jiafan;  Wang, Qiming;  Zhang, Long;  Liu, Kai;  Yu, Yang;  Guo, Xiuping;  Wang, Jiulin;  Lin, Qibing;  Wu, Fuqing;  Ren, Yulong;  Zhu, Shanshan;  Zhang, Xin;  Cheng, Zhijun;  Lei, Cailin;  Liu, Shijia;  Liu, Xi;  Tian, Yunlu;  Jiang, Ling;  Ge, Song;  Wu, Chuanyin;  Tao, Dayun;  Wang, Haiyang;  Wan, Jianmin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27