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Significant production of ClNO2 and possible source of Cl-2 from N2O5 uptake at a suburban site in eastern China 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2020, 20 (10) : 6147-6158
作者:  Xia, Men;  Peng, Xiang;  Wang, Weihao;  Yu, Chuan;  Sun, Peng;  Li, Yuanyuan;  Liu, Yuliang;  Xu, Zhengning;  Wang, Zhe;  Xu, Zheng;  Nie, Wei;  Ding, Aijun;  Wang, Tao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2020/06/01
Mixing characteristics of refractory black carbon aerosols at an urban site in Beijing 期刊论文
作者:  Liu, Hang;  Pan, Xiaole;  Liu, Dantong;  Liu, Xiaoyong;  Chen, Xueshun;  Tian, Yu;  Sun, Yele;  Fu, Pingqing;  Wang, Zifa
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/20
A dominant autoinflammatory disease caused by non-cleavable variants of RIPK1 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 109-+
作者:  Tao, Panfeng;  Sun, Jinqiao;  Wu, Zheming;  Wang, Shihao;  Wang, Jun;  Li, Wanjin;  Pan, Heling;  Bai, Renkui;  Zhang, Jiahui;  Wang, Ying;  Lee, Pui Y.;  Ying, Wenjing;  Zhou, Qinhua;  Hou, Jia;  Wang, Wenjie;  Sun, Bijun;  Yang, Mi;  Liu, Danru;  Fang, Ran;  Han, Huan;  Yang, Zhaohui;  Huang, Xin;  Li, Haibo;  Deuitch, Natalie;  Zhang, Yuan;  Dissanayake, Dilan;  Haude, Katrina;  McWalter, Kirsty;  Roadhouse, Chelsea;  MacKenzie, Jennifer J.;  Laxer, Ronald M.;  Aksentijevich, Ivona;  Yu, Xiaomin;  Wang, Xiaochuan;  Yuan, Junying;  Zhou, Qing
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Activation of RIPK1 controls TNF-mediated apoptosis, necroptosis and inflammatory pathways(1). Cleavage of human and mouse RIPK1 after residues D324 and D325, respectively, by caspase-8 separates the RIPK1 kinase domain from the intermediate and death domains. The D325A mutation in mouse RIPK1 leads to embryonic lethality during mouse development(2,3). However, the functional importance of blocking caspase-8-mediated cleavage of RIPK1 on RIPK1 activation in humans is unknown. Here we identify two families with variants in RIPK1 (D324V and D324H) that lead to distinct symptoms of recurrent fevers and lymphadenopathy in an autosomaldominant manner. Impaired cleavage of RIPK1 D324 variants by caspase-8 sensitized patients'  peripheral blood mononuclear cells to RIPK1 activation, apoptosis and necroptosis induced by TNF. The patients showed strong RIPK1-dependent activation of inflammatory signalling pathways and overproduction of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines compared with unaffected controls. Furthermore, we show that expression of the RIPK1 mutants D325V or D325H in mouse embryonic fibroblasts confers not only increased sensitivity to RIPK1 activation-mediated apoptosis and necroptosis, but also induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF. By contrast, patient-derived fibroblasts showed reduced expression of RIPK1 and downregulated production of reactive oxygen species, resulting in resistance to necroptosis and ferroptosis. Together, these data suggest that human non-cleavable RIPK1 variants promote activation of RIPK1, and lead to an autoinflammatory disease characterized by hypersensitivity to apoptosis and necroptosis and increased inflammatory response in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, as well as a compensatory mechanism to protect against several pro-death stimuli in fibroblasts.

A metabolic pathway for bile acid dehydroxylation by the gut microbiome 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Zhong, Miao;  Tran, Kevin;  Min, Yimeng;  Wang, Chuanhao;  Wang, Ziyun;  Dinh, Cao-Thang;  De Luna, Phil;  Yu, Zongqian;  Rasouli, Armin Sedighian;  Brodersen, Peter;  Sun, Song;  Voznyy, Oleksandr;  Tan, Chih-Shan;  Askerka, Mikhail;  Che, Fanglin;  Liu, Min;  Seifitokaldani, Ali;  Pang, Yuanjie;  Lo, Shen-Chuan;  Ip, Alexander;  Ulissi, Zachary;  Sargent, Edward H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The biosynthetic pathway that produces the secondary bile acids DCA and LCA in human gut microbes has been fully characterized, engineered into another bacterial host, and used to confer DCA production in germ-free mice-an important proof-of-principle for the engineering of gut microbial pathways.

The gut microbiota synthesize hundreds of molecules, many of which influence host physiology. Among the most abundant metabolites are the secondary bile acids deoxycholic acid (DCA) and lithocholic acid (LCA), which accumulate at concentrations of around 500 mu M and are known to block the growth ofClostridium difficile(1), promote hepatocellular carcinoma(2)and modulate host metabolism via the G-protein-coupled receptor TGR5 (ref.(3)). More broadly, DCA, LCA and their derivatives are major components of the recirculating pool of bile acids(4)  the size and composition of this pool are a target of therapies for primary biliary cholangitis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Nonetheless, despite the clear impact of DCA and LCA on host physiology, an incomplete knowledge of their biosynthetic genes and a lack of genetic tools to enable modification of their native microbial producers limit our ability to modulate secondary bile acid levels in the host. Here we complete the pathway to DCA and LCA by assigning and characterizing enzymes for each of the steps in its reductive arm, revealing a strategy in which the A-B rings of the steroid core are transiently converted into an electron acceptor for two reductive steps carried out by Fe-S flavoenzymes. Using anaerobic in vitro reconstitution, we establish that a set of six enzymes is necessary and sufficient for the eight-step conversion of cholic acid to DCA. We then engineer the pathway intoClostridium sporogenes, conferring production of DCA and LCA on a nonproducing commensal and demonstrating that a microbiome-derived pathway can be expressed and controlled heterologously. These data establish a complete pathway to two central components of the bile acid pool.

The fate of carbon in a mature forest under carbon dioxide enrichment 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7802) : 227-+
作者:  Sun, P. Z.;  Yang, Q.;  Kuang, W. J.;  Stebunov, Y. V.;  Xiong, W. Q.;  Yu, J.;  Nair, R. R.;  Katsnelson, M. I.;  Yuan, S. J.;  Grigorieva, I. V.;  Lozada-Hidalgo, M.;  Wang, F. C.;  Geim, A. K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:71/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

Carbon dioxide enrichment of a mature forest resulted in the emission of the excess carbon back into the atmosphere via enhanced ecosystem respiration, suggesting that mature forests may be limited in their capacity to mitigate climate change.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment (eCO(2)) can enhance plant carbon uptake and growth(1-5), thereby providing an important negative feedback to climate change by slowing the rate of increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration(6). Although evidence gathered from young aggrading forests has generally indicated a strong CO2 fertilization effect on biomass growth(3-5), it is unclear whether mature forests respond to eCO(2) in a similar way. In mature trees and forest stands(7-10), photosynthetic uptake has been found to increase under eCO(2) without any apparent accompanying growth response, leaving the fate of additional carbon fixed under eCO(2) unclear(4,5,7-11). Here using data from the first ecosystem-scale Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment in a mature forest, we constructed a comprehensive ecosystem carbon budget to track the fate of carbon as the forest responded to four years of eCO(2) exposure. We show that, although the eCO(2) treatment of +150 parts per million (+38 per cent) above ambient levels induced a 12 per cent (+247 grams of carbon per square metre per year) increase in carbon uptake through gross primary production, this additional carbon uptake did not lead to increased carbon sequestration at the ecosystem level. Instead, the majority of the extra carbon was emitted back into the atmosphere via several respiratory fluxes, with increased soil respiration alone accounting for half of the total uptake surplus. Our results call into question the predominant thinking that the capacity of forests to act as carbon sinks will be generally enhanced under eCO(2), and challenge the efficacy of climate mitigation strategies that rely on ubiquitous CO2 fertilization as a driver of increased carbon sinks in global forests.

Characterising mass-resolved mixing state of black carbon in Beijing using a morphology-independent measurement method 期刊论文
作者:  Yu, Chenjie;  Liu, Dantong;  Broda, Kurtis;  Joshi, Rutambhara;  Olfert, Jason;  Sun, Yele;  Fu, Pingqing;  Coe, Hugh;  Allan, James D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
Notch signalling drives synovial fibroblast identity and arthritis pathology 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : 259-+
作者:  Han, Xiaoping;  Zhou, Ziming;  Fei, Lijiang;  Sun, Huiyu;  Wang, Renying;  Chen, Yao;  Chen, Haide;  Wang, Jingjing;  Tang, Huanna;  Ge, Wenhao;  Zhou, Yincong;  Ye, Fang;  Jiang, Mengmeng;  Wu, Junqing;  Xiao, Yanyu;  Jia, Xiaoning;  Zhang, Tingyue;  Ma, Xiaojie;  Zhang, Qi;  Bai, Xueli;  Lai, Shujing;  Yu, Chengxuan;  Zhu, Lijun;  Lin, Rui;  Gao, Yuchi;  Wang, Min;  Wu, Yiqing;  Zhang, Jianming;  Zhan, Renya;  Zhu, Saiyong;  Hu, Hailan;  Wang, Changchun;  Chen, Ming;  Huang, He;  Liang, Tingbo;  Chen, Jianghua;  Wang, Weilin;  Zhang, Dan;  Guo, Guoji
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

NOTCH3 signalling is shown to be the underlying driver of the differentiation and expansion of a subset of synovial fibroblasts implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.

The synovium is a mesenchymal tissue composed mainly of fibroblasts, with a lining and sublining that surround the joints. In rheumatoid arthritis the synovial tissue undergoes marked hyperplasia, becomes inflamed and invasive, and destroys the joint(1,2). It has recently been shown that a subset of fibroblasts in the sublining undergoes a major expansion in rheumatoid arthritis that is linked to disease activity(3-5)  however, the molecular mechanism by which these fibroblasts differentiate and expand is unknown. Here we identify a critical role for NOTCH3 signalling in the differentiation of perivascular and sublining fibroblasts that express CD90 (encoded by THY1). Using single-cell RNA sequencing and synovial tissue organoids, we found that NOTCH3 signalling drives both transcriptional and spatial gradients-emanating from vascular endothelial cells outwards-in fibroblasts. In active rheumatoid arthritis, NOTCH3 and Notch target genes are markedly upregulated in synovial fibroblasts. In mice, the genetic deletion of Notch3 or the blockade of NOTCH3 signalling attenuates inflammation and prevents joint damage in inflammatory arthritis. Our results indicate that synovial fibroblasts exhibit a positional identity that is regulated by endothelium-derived Notch signalling, and that this stromal crosstalk pathway underlies inflammation and pathology in inflammatory arthritis.

Nanoplasma-enabled picosecond switches for ultrafast electronics (vol 579, pg 534, 2020) 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : E8-E8
作者:  Li, Jing;  Xu, Chuanliang;  Lee, Hyung Joo;  Ren, Shancheng;  Zi, Xiaoyuan;  Zhang, Zhiming;  Wang, Haifeng;  Yu, Yongwei;  Yang, Chenghua;  Gao, Xiaofeng;  Hou, Jianguo;  Wang, Linhui;  Yang, Bo;  Yang, Qing;  Ye, Huamao;  Zhou, Tie;  Lu, Xin;  Wang, Yan;  Qu, Min;  Yang, Qingsong;  Zhang, Wenhui;  Shah, Nakul M.;  Pehrsson, Erica C.;  Wang, Shuo;  Wang, Zengjun;  Jiang, Jun;  Zhu, Yan;  Chen, Rui;  Chen, Huan;  Zhu, Feng;  Lian, Bijun;  Li, Xiaoyun;  Zhang, Yun;  Wang, Chao;  Wang, Yue;  Xiao, Guangan;  Jiang, Junfeng;  Yang, Yue;  Liang, Chaozhao;  Hou, Jianquan;  Han, Conghui;  Chen, Ming;  Jiang, Ning;  Zhang, Dahong;  Wu, Song;  Yang, Jinjian;  Wang, Tao;  Chen, Yongliang;  Cai, Jiantong;  Yang, Wenzeng;  Xu, Jun;  Wang, Shaogang;  Gao, Xu;  Wang, Ting;  Sun, Yinghao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03
Identifying SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses in Malayan pangolins 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7815) : 282-+
作者:  Li, Jia;  Yang, Xiangdong;  Liu, Yang;  Huang, Bolong;  Wu, Ruixia;  Zhang, Zhengwei;  Zhao, Bei;  Ma, Huifang;  Dang, Weiqi;  Wei, Zheng;  Wang, Kai;  Lin, Zhaoyang;  Yan, Xingxu;  Sun, Mingzi;  Li, Bo;  Pan, Xiaoqing;  Luo, Jun;  Zhang, Guangyu;  Liu, Yuan;  Huang, Yu;  Duan, Xidong;  Duan, Xiangfeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The ongoing outbreak of viral pneumonia in China and across the world is associated with a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2(1). This outbreak has been tentatively associated with a seafood market in Wuhan, China, where the sale of wild animals may be the source of zoonotic infection(2).Although bats are probable reservoir hosts for SARS-CoV-2, the identity of any intermediate host that may have facilitated transfer to humans is unknown. Here we report the identification of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses in Malayan pangolins (Manisjavanica) seized in anti-smuggling operations in southern China. Metagenomic sequencing identified pangolin-associated coronaviruses that belong to two sub-lineages of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses, including one that exhibits strong similarity in the receptor-binding domain to SARS-CoV-2. The discovery of multiple lineages of pangolin coronavirus and their similarity to SARS-CoV-2 suggests that pangolins should be considered as possible hosts in the emergence of new coronaviruses and should be removed from wet markets to prevent zoonotic transmission.

Universal quantum logic in hot silicon qubits 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 355-+
作者:  Li, Jia;  Yang, Xiangdong;  Liu, Yang;  Huang, Bolong;  Wu, Ruixia;  Zhang, Zhengwei;  Zhao, Bei;  Ma, Huifang;  Dang, Weiqi;  Wei, Zheng;  Wang, Kai;  Lin, Zhaoyang;  Yan, Xingxu;  Sun, Mingzi;  Li, Bo;  Pan, Xiaoqing;  Luo, Jun;  Zhang, Guangyu;  Liu, Yuan;  Huang, Yu;  Duan, Xidong;  Duan, Xiangfeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Quantum computation requires many qubits that can be coherently controlled and coupled to each other(1). Qubits that are defined using lithographic techniques have been suggested to enable the development of scalable quantum systems because they can be implemented using semiconductor fabrication technology(2-5). However, leading solid-state approaches function only at temperatures below 100 millikelvin, where cooling power is extremely limited, and this severely affects the prospects of practical quantum computation. Recent studies of electron spins in silicon have made progress towards a platform that can be operated at higher temperatures by demonstrating long spin lifetimes(6), gate-based spin readout(7) and coherent single-spin control(8). However, a high-temperature two-qubit logic gate has not yet been demonstrated. Here we show that silicon quantum dots can have sufficient thermal robustness to enable the execution of a universal gate set at temperatures greater than one kelvin. We obtain single-qubit control via electron spin resonance and readout using Pauli spin blockade. In addition, we show individual coherent control of two qubits and measure single-qubit fidelities of up to 99.3 per cent. We demonstrate the tunability of the exchange interaction between the two spins from 0.5 to 18 megahertz and use it to execute coherent two-qubit controlled rotations. The demonstration of '  hot'  and universal quantum logic in a semiconductor platform paves the way for quantum integrated circuits that host both the quantum hardware and its control circuitry on the same chip, providing a scalable approach towards practical quantum information processing.