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Alcohol-derived DNA crosslinks are repaired by two distinct mechanisms 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 603-+
作者:  Xu, Wanghuai;  Zheng, Huanxi;  Liu, Yuan;  Zhou, Xiaofeng;  Zhang, Chao;  Song, Yuxin;  Deng, Xu;  Leung, Michael;  Yang, Zhengbao;  Xu, Ronald X.;  Wang, Zhong Lin;  Zeng, Xiao Cheng;  Wang, Zuankai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Acetaldehyde is a highly reactive, DNA-damaging metabolite that is produced upon alcohol consumption(1). Impaired detoxification of acetaldehyde is common in the Asian population, and is associated with alcohol-related cancers(1,2). Cells are protected against acetaldehyde-induced damage by DNA crosslink repair, which when impaired causes Fanconi anaemia (FA), a disease resulting in failure to produce blood cells and a predisposition to cancer(3,4). The combined inactivation of acetaldehyde detoxification and the FA pathway induces mutation, accelerates malignancies and causes the rapid attrition of blood stem cells(5-7). However, the nature of the DNA damage induced by acetaldehyde and how this is repaired remains a key question. Here we generate acetaldehyde-induced DNA interstrand crosslinks and determine their repair mechanism in Xenopus egg extracts. We find that two replication-coupled pathways repair these lesions. The first is the FA pathway, which operates using excision-analogous to the mechanism used to repair the interstrand crosslinks caused by the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. However, the repair of acetaldehyde-induced crosslinks results in increased mutation frequency and an altered mutational spectrum compared with the repair of cisplatin-induced crosslinks. The second repair mechanism requires replication fork convergence, but does not involve DNA incisions-instead the acetaldehyde crosslink itself is broken. The Y-family DNA polymerase REV1 completes repair of the crosslink, culminating in a distinct mutational spectrum. These results define the repair pathways of DNA interstrand crosslinks caused by an endogenous and alcohol-derived metabolite, and identify an excision-independent mechanism.

DNA interstrand crosslinks induced by acetaldehyde are repaired by both the Fanconi anaemia pathway and by a second, excision-independent repair mechanism.

Magnetic Weyl semimetal phase in a Kagome crystal 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6459) : 1282-+
作者:  Liu, D. F.;  Liang, A. J.;  Liu, E. K.;  Xu, Q. N.;  Li, Y. W.;  Chen, C.;  Pei, D.;  Shi, W. J.;  Mo, S. K.;  Dudin, P.;  Kim, T.;  Cacho, C.;  Li, G.;  Sun, Y.;  Yang, L. X.;  Liu, Z. K.;  Parkin, S. S. P.;  Felser, C.;  Chen, Y. L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Geochemical characteristics of crude oil from a tight oil reservoir in the Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar sag, Junggar Basin (vol 101, pg 39, 2017) 期刊论文
AAPG BULLETIN, 2019, 103 (5) : 1070-1070
作者:  Cao, Z.;  Liu, G. D.;  Kong, Y. H.;  Wang, C. Y.;  Niu, Z. C.;  Zhang, J. Y.;  Geng, C. B.;  Shan, X.;  Wei, Z. P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
Racial profiling harms science 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6433) : 1290-1291
作者:  Lu, Shan;  Han, Zhe;  Hung, Mien-Chie;  Xu, Jianming;  Xu, Yong;  Zheng, Pan;  Zheng, Zhi-Ming;  Zou, Lee;  Li, Zihai;  Zheng, Lei;  Kang, Yibin;  Yang, Yingzi;  He, Lin;  Liao, X. Charlene;  Yu, Hongtao;  Yue, Zhenyu;  Liu, Shan-Lu;  Zheng, Hui
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Pan-tumor genomic biomarkers for PD-1 checkpoint blockade-based immunotherapy (vol 363, eaar3593, 2019) 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6430)
作者:  Cristescu, R.;  Mogg, R.;  Ayers, M.;  Albright, A.;  Murphy, E.;  Yearley, J.;  Sher, X.;  Liu, X. Q.;  Lu, H.;  Nebozhyn, M.;  Zhang, C.;  Lunceford, J. K.;  Joe, A.;  Cheng, J.;  Webber, A. L.;  Ibrahim, N.;  Plimack, E. R.;  Ott, P. A.;  Seiwert, T. Y.;  Ribas, A.;  McClanahan, T. K.;  Tomassini, J. E.;  Loboda, A.;  Kaufman, D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Multicomponent intermetallic nanoparticles and superb mechanical behaviors of complex alloys 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 362 (6417) : 933-+
作者:  Yang, T.;  Zhao, Y. L.;  Tong, Y.;  Jiao, Z. B.;  Wei, J.;  Cai, J. X.;  Han, X. D.;  Chen, D.;  Hu, A.;  Kai, J. J.;  Lu, K.;  Liu, Y.;  Liu, C. T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Rapid transition from continental breakup to igneous oceanic crust in the South China Sea 期刊论文
NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2018, 11 (10) : 782-+
作者:  Larsen, H. C.;  Mohn, G.;  Nirrengarten, M.;  Sun, Z.;  Stock, J.;  Jian, Z.;  Klaus, A.;  Alvarez-Zarikian, C. A.;  Boaga, J.;  Bowden, S. A.;  Briais, A.;  Chen, Y.;  Cukur, D.;  Dadd, K.;  Ding, W.;  Dorais, M.;  Ferre, E. C.;  Ferreira, F.;  Furusawa, A.;  Gewecke, A.;  Hinojosa, J.;  Hofig, T. W.;  Hsiung, K. H.;  Huang, B.;  Huang, E.;  Huang, X. L.;  Jiang, S.;  Jin, H.;  Johnson, B. G.;  Kurzawski, R. M.;  Lei, C.;  Li, B.;  Li, L.;  Li, Y.;  Lin, J.;  Liu, C.;  Liu, Z.;  Luna, A. J.;  Lupi, C.;  McCarthy, A.;  Ningthoujam, L.;  Osono, N.;  Peate, D. W.;  Persaud, P.;  Qiu, N.;  Robinson, C.;  Satolli, S.;  Sauermilch, I;  Schindlbeck, J. C.;  Skinner, S.;  Straub, S.;  Su, X.;  Su, C.;  Tian, L.;  Van Der Zwan, F. M.;  Wan, S.;  Wu, H.;  Xiang, R.;  Yadav, R.;  Yi, L.;  Yu, P. S.;  Zhang, C.;  Zhang, J.;  Zhang, Y.;  Zhao, N.;  Zhong, G.;  Zhong, L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Phylogenomics reveals multiple losses of nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbiosis 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 361 (6398)
作者:  Griesmann, Maximilian;  Chang, Yue;  Liu, Xin;  Song, Yue;  Haberer, Georg;  Crook, Matthew B.;  Billault-Penneteau, Benjamin;  Lauressergues, Dominique;  Keller, Jean;  Imanishi, Leandro;  Roswanjaya, Yuda Purwana;  Kohlen, Wouter;  Pujic, Petar;  Battenberg, Kai;  Alloisio, Nicole;  Liang, Yuhu;  Hilhorst, Henk;  Salgado, Marco G.;  Hocher, Valerie;  Gherbi, Hassen;  Svistoonoff, Sergio;  Doyle, Jeff J.;  He, Shixu;  Xu, Yan;  Xu, Shanyun;  Qu, Jing;  Gao, Qiang;  Fang, Xiaodong;  Fu, Yuan;  Normand, Philippe;  Berry, Alison M.;  Wall, Luis G.;  Ane, Jean-Michel;  Pawlowski, Katharina;  Xu, Xun;  Yang, Huanming;  Spannagl, Manuel;  Mayer, Klaus F. X.;  Wong, Gane Ka-Shu;  Parniske, Martin;  Delaux, Pierre-Marc;  Cheng, Shifeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Measurement of the neutron lifetime using a magneto-gravitational trap and in situ detection 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 360 (6389) : 627-631
作者:  Pattie, R. W., Jr.;  Callahan, N. B.;  Cude-Woods, C.;  Adamek, E. R.;  Broussard, L. J.;  Clayton, S. M.;  Currie, S. A.;  Dees, E. B.;  Ding, X.;  Engel, E. M.;  Fellers, D. E.;  Fox, W.;  Geltenbort, P.;  Hickerson, K. P.;  Hoffbauer, M. A.;  Holley, A. T.;  Komives, A.;  Liu, C. -Y.;  MacDonald, S. W. T.;  Makela, M.;  Morris, C. L.;  Ortiz, J. D.;  Ramsey, J.;  Salvat, D. J.;  Saunders, A.;  Seestrom, S. J.;  Sharapov, E. I.;  Sjue, S. K.;  Tang, Z.;  Vanderwerp, J.;  Vogelaar, B.;  Walstrom, P. L.;  Wang, Z.;  Wei, W.;  Weaver, H. L.;  Wexler, J. W.;  Womack, T. L.;  Young, A. R.;  Zeck, B. A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Challenging local realism with human choices 期刊论文
NATURE, 2018, 557 (7704) : 212-+
作者:  Abellan, C.;  Acin, A.;  Alarcon, A.;  Alibart, O.;  Andersen, C. K.;  Andreoli, F.;  Beckert, A.;  Beduini, F. A.;  Bendersky, A.;  Bentivegna, M.;  Bierhorst, P.;  Burchardt, D.;  Cabello, A.;  Carine, J.;  Carrasco, S.;  Carvacho, G.;  Cavalcanti, D.;  Chaves, R.;  Cortes-Vega, J.;  Cuevas, A.;  Delgado, A.;  de Riedmatten, H.;  Eichler, C.;  Farrera, P.;  Fuenzalida, J.;  Garcia-Matos, M.;  Garthoff, R.;  Gasparinetti, S.;  Gerrits, T.;  Jouneghani, F. Ghafari;  Glancy, S.;  Gomez, E. S.;  Gonzalez, P.;  Guan, J-Y;  Handsteiner, J.;  Heinsoo, J.;  Heinze, G.;  Hirschmann, A.;  Jimenez, O.;  Kaiser, F.;  Knill, E.;  Knoll, L. T.;  Krinner, S.;  Kurpiers, P.;  Larotonda, M. A.;  Larsson, J-A;  Lenhard, A.;  Li, H.;  Li, M-H;  Lima, G.;  Liu, B.;  Liu, Y.;  Lopez Grande, I. H.;  Lunghi, T.;  Ma, X.;  Magana-Loaiza, O. S.;  Magnard, P.;  Magnoni, A.;  Marti-Prieto, M.;  Martinez, D.;  Mataloni, P.;  Mattar, A.;  Mazzera, M.;  Mirin, R. P.;  Mitchell, M. W.;  Nam, S.;  Oppliger, M.;  Pan, J-W;  Patel, R. B.;  Pryde, G. J.;  Rauch, D.;  Redeker, K.;  Rielander, D.;  Ringbauer, M.;  Roberson, T.;  Rosenfeld, W.;  Salathe, Y.;  Santodonato, L.;  Sauder, G.;  Scheidl, T.;  Schmiegelow, C. T.;  Sciarrino, F.;  Seri, A.;  Shalm, L. K.;  Shi, S-C;  Slussarenko, S.;  Stevens, M. J.;  Tanzilli, S.;  Toledo, F.;  Tura, J.;  Ursin, R.;  Vergyris, P.;  Verma, V. B.;  Walter, T.;  Wallraff, A.;  Wang, Z.;  Weinfurter, H.;  Weston, M. M.;  White, A. G.;  Wu, C.;  Xavier, G. B.;  You, L.;  Yuan, X.;  Zeilinger, A.;  Zhang, Q.;  Zhang, W.;  Zhong, J.
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