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Approaching the motional ground state of a 10-kg object 期刊论文
Science, 2021
作者:  Chris Whittle;  Evan D. Hall;  Sheila Dwyer;  Nergis Mavalvala;  Vivishek Sudhir;  R. Abbott;  A. Ananyeva;  C. Austin;  L. Barsotti;  J. Betzwieser;  C. D. Blair;  A. F. Brooks;  D. D. Brown;  A. Buikema;  C. Cahillane;  J. C. Driggers;  A. Effler;  A. Fernandez-Galiana;  P. Fritschel;  V. V. Frolov;  T. Hardwick;  M. Kasprzack;  K. Kawabe;  N. Kijbunchoo;  J. S. Kissel;  G. L. Mansell;  F. Matichard;  L. McCuller;  T. McRae;  A. Mullavey;  A. Pele;  R. M. S. Schofield;  D. Sigg;  M. Tse;  G. Vajente;  D. C. Vander-Hyde;  Hang Yu;  Haocun Yu;  C. Adams;  R. X. Adhikari;  S. Appert;  K. Arai;  J. S. Areeda;  Y. Asali;  S. M. Aston;  A. M. Baer;  M. Ball;  S. W. Ballmer;  S. Banagiri;  D. Barker;  J. Bartlett;  B. K. Berger;  D. Bhattacharjee;  G. Billingsley;  S. Biscans;  R. M. Blair;  N. Bode;  P. Booker;  R. Bork;  A. Bramley;  K. C. Cannon;  X. Chen;  A. A. Ciobanu;  F. Clara;  C. M. Compton;  S. J. Cooper;  K. R. Corley;  S. T. Countryman;  P. B. Covas;  D. C. Coyne;  L. E. H. Datrier;  D. Davis;  C. Di Fronzo;  K. L. Dooley;  P. Dupej;  T. Etzel;  M. Evans;  T. M. Evans;  J. Feicht;  P. Fulda;  M. Fyffe;  J. A. Giaime;  K. D. Giardina;  P. Godwin;  E. Goetz;  S. Gras;  C. Gray;  R. Gray;  A. C. Green;  E. K. Gustafson;  R. Gustafson;  J. Hanks;  J. Hanson;  R. K. Hasskew;  M. C. Heintze;  A. F. Helmling-Cornell;  N. A. Holland;  J. D. Jones;  S. Kandhasamy;  S. Karki;  P. J. King;  Rahul Kumar;  M. Landry;  B. B. Lane;  B. Lantz;  M. Laxen;  Y. K. Lecoeuche;  J. Leviton;  J. Liu;  M. Lormand;  A. P. Lundgren;  R. Macas;  M. MacInnis;  D. M. Macleod;  S. Márka;  Z. Márka;  D. V. Martynov;  K. Mason;  T. J. Massinger;  R. McCarthy;  D. E. McClelland;  S. McCormick;  J. McIver;  G. Mendell;  K. Merfeld;  E. L. Merilh;  F. Meylahn;  T. Mistry;  R. Mittleman;  G. Moreno;  C. M. Mow-Lowry;  S. Mozzon;  T. J. N. Nelson;  P. Nguyen;  L. K. Nuttall;  J. Oberling;  Richard J. Oram;  C. Osthelder;  D. J. Ottaway;  H. Overmier;  J. R. Palamos;  W. Parker;  E. Payne;  R. Penhorwood;  C. J. Perez;  M. Pirello;  H. Radkins;  K. E. Ramirez;  J. W. Richardson;  K. Riles;  N. A. Robertson;  J. G. Rollins;  C. L. Romel;  J. H. Romie;  M. P. Ross;  K. Ryan;  T. Sadecki;  E. J. Sanchez;  L. E. Sanchez;  T. R. Saravanan;  R. L. Savage;  D. Schaetz;  R. Schnabel;  E. Schwartz;  D. Sellers;  T. Shaffer;  B. J. J. Slagmolen;  J. R. Smith;  S. Soni;  B. Sorazu;  A. P. Spencer;  K. A. Strain;  L. Sun;  M. J. Szczepańczyk;  M. Thomas;  P. Thomas;  K. A. Thorne;  K. Toland;  C. I. Torrie;  G. Traylor;  A. L. Urban;  G. Valdes;  P. J. Veitch;  K. Venkateswara;  G. Venugopalan;  A. D. Viets;  T. Vo;  C. Vorvick;  M. Wade;  R. L. Ward;  J. Warner;  B. Weaver;  R. Weiss;  B. Willke;  C. C. Wipf;  L. Xiao;  H. Yamamoto;  L. Zhang;  M. E. Zucker;  J. Zweizig
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Long-term drying of Mars by sequestration of ocean-scale volumes of water in the crust 期刊论文
Science, 2021
作者:  E. L. Scheller;  B. L. Ehlmann;  Renyu Hu;  D. J. Adams;  Y. L. Yung
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2021/04/06
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in Boston highlights the impact of superspreading events 期刊论文
Science, 2021
作者:  Jacob E. Lemieux;  Katherine J. Siddle;  Bennett M. Shaw;  Christine Loreth;  Stephen F. Schaffner;  Adrianne Gladden-Young;  Gordon Adams;  Timelia Fink;  Christopher H. Tomkins-Tinch;  Lydia A. Krasilnikova;  Katherine C. DeRuff;  Melissa Rudy;  Matthew R. Bauer;  Kim A. Lagerborg;  Erica Normandin;  Sinéad B. Chapman;  Steven K. Reilly;  Melis N. Anahtar;  Aaron E. Lin;  Amber Carter;  Cameron Myhrvold;  Molly E. Kemball;  Sushma Chaluvadi;  Caroline Cusick;  Katelyn Flowers;  Anna Neumann;  Felecia Cerrato;  Maha Farhat;  Damien Slater;  Jason B. Harris;  John A. Branda;  David Hooper;  Jessie M. Gaeta;  Travis P. Baggett;  James O’Connell;  Andreas Gnirke;  Tami D. Lieberman;  Anthony Philippakis;  Meagan Burns;  Catherine M. Brown;  Jeremy Luban;  Edward T. Ryan;  Sarah E. Turbett;  Regina C. LaRocque;  William P. Hanage;  Glen R. Gallagher;  Lawrence C. Madoff;  Sandra Smole;  Virginia M. Pierce;  Eric Rosenberg;  Pardis C. Sabeti;  Daniel J. Park;  Bronwyn L. MacInnis
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2021/02/17
A triple-star system with a misaligned and warped circumstellar disk shaped by disk tearing 期刊论文
Science, 2020
作者:  Stefan Kraus;  Alexander Kreplin;  Alison K. Young;  Matthew R. Bate;  John D. Monnier;  Tim J. Harries;  Henning Avenhaus;  Jacques Kluska;  Anna S. E. Laws;  Evan A. Rich;  Matthew Willson;  Alicia N. Aarnio;  Fred C. Adams;  Sean M. Andrews;  Narsireddy Anugu;  Jaehan Bae;  Theo ten Brummelaar;  Nuria Calvet;  Michel Curé;  Claire L. Davies;  Jacob Ennis;  Catherine Espaillat;  Tyler Gardner;  Lee Hartmann;  Sasha Hinkley;  Aaron Labdon;  Cyprien Lanthermann;  Jean-Baptiste LeBouquin;  Gail H. Schaefer;  Benjamin R. Setterholm;  David Wilner;  Zhaohuan Zhu
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/09/08
Hydrogen peroxide sensor HPCA1 is an LRR receptor kinase in Arabidopsis 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7796) : 577-+
作者:  Bogomilov, M.;  Tsenov, R.;  Vankova-Kirilova, G.;  Song, Y. P.;  Tang, J. Y.;  Li, Z. H.;  Bertoni, R.;  Bonesini, M.;  Chignoli, F.;  Mazza, R.;  Palladino, V;  de Bari, A.;  Orestano, D.;  Tortora, L.;  Kuno, Y.;  Sakamoto, H.;  Sato, A.;  Ishimoto, S.;  Chung, M.;  Sung, C. K.;  Filthaut, F.;  Jokovic, D.;  Maletic, D.;  Savic, M.;  Jovancevic, N.;  Nikolov, J.;  Vretenar, M.;  Ramberger, S.;  Asfandiyarov, R.;  Blondel, A.;  Drielsma, F.;  Karadzhov, Y.;  Boyd, S.;  Greis, J. R.;  Lord, T.;  Pidcott, C.;  Taylor, I;  Charnley, G.;  Collomb, N.;  Dumbell, K.;  Gallagher, A.;  Grant, A.;  Griffiths, S.;  Hartnett, T.;  Martlew, B.;  Moss, A.;  Muir, A.;  Mullacrane, I;  Oates, A.;  Owens, P.;  Stokes, G.;  Warburton, P.;  White, C.;  Adams, D.;  Bayliss, V;  Boehm, J.;  Bradshaw, T. W.;  Brown, C.;  Courthold, M.;  Govans, J.;  Hills, M.;  Lagrange, J-B;  Macwaters, C.;  Nichols, A.;  Preece, R.;  Ricciardi, S.;  Rogers, C.;  Stanley, T.;  Tarrant, J.;  Tucker, M.;  Watson, S.;  Wilson, A.;  Bayes, R.;  Nugent, J. C.;  Soler, F. J. P.;  Chatzitheodoridis, G. T.;  Dick, A. J.;  Ronald, K.;  Whyte, C. G.;  Young, A. R.;  Gamet, R.;  Cooke, P.;  Blackmore, V. J.;  Colling, D.;  Dobbs, A.;  Dornan, P.;  Franchini, P.;  Hunt, C.;  Jurj, P. B.;  Kurup, A.;  Long, K.;  Martyniak, J.;  Middleton, S.;  Pasternak, J.;  Uchida, M. A.;  Cobb, J. H.;  Booth, C. N.;  Hodgson, P.;  Langlands, J.;  Overton, E.;  Pec, V;  Smith, P. J.;  Wilbur, S.;  Ellis, M.;  Gardener, R. B. S.;  Kyberd, P.;  Nebrensky, J. J.;  DeMello, A.;  Gourlay, S.;  Lambert, A.;  Li, D.;  Luo, T.;  Prestemon, S.;  Virostek, S.;  Palmer, M.;  Witte, H.;  Adey, D.;  Bross, A. D.;  Bowring, D.;  Liu, A.;  Neuffer, D.;  Popovic, M.;  Rubinov, P.;  Freemire, B.;  Hanlet, P.;  Kaplan, D. M.;  Mohayai, T. A.;  Rajaram, D.;  Snopok, P.;  Torun, Y.;  Cremaldi, L. M.;  Sanders, D. A.;  Summers, D. J.;  Coney, L. R.;  Hanson, G. G.;  Heidt, C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a major reactive oxygen species in unicellular and multicellular organisms, and is produced extracellularly in response to external stresses and internal cues(1-4). H2O2 enters cells through aquaporin membrane proteins and covalently modifies cytoplasmic proteins to regulate signalling and cellular processes. However, whether sensors for H2O2 also exist on the cell surface remains unknown. In plant cells, H2O2 triggers an influx of Ca2+ ions, which is thought to be involved in H2O2 sensing and signalling. Here, by using forward genetic screens based on Ca2+ imaging, we isolated hydrogen-peroxide-induced Ca(2+)increases (hpca) mutants in Arabidopsis, and identified HPCA1 as a leucine-rich-repeat receptor kinase belonging to a previously uncharacterized subfamily that features two extra pairs of cysteine residues in the extracellular domain. HPCA1 is localized to the plasma membrane and is activated by H2O2 via covalent modification of extracellular cysteine residues, which leads to autophosphorylation of HPCA1. HPCA1 mediates H2O2-induced activation of Ca2+ channels in guard cells and is required for stomatal closure. Our findings help to identify how the perception of extracellular H2O2 is integrated with responses to various external stresses and internal cues in plants, and have implications for the design of crops with enhanced fitness.

HPCA1, a member of a previously uncharacterized subfamily of leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases, is the hydrogen-peroxide sensor at the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis.

MAIT cells are imprinted by the microbiota in early life and promote tissue repair 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 366 (6464) : 445-+
作者:  Constantinides, Michael G.;  Link, Verena M.;  Tamoutounour, Samira;  Wong, Andrea C.;  Perez-Chaparro, P. Juliana;  Han, Seong-Ji;  Chen, Y. Erin;  Li, Kelin;  Farhat, Sepideh;  Weckel, Antonin;  Krishnamurthy, Siddharth R.;  Vujkovic-Cvijin, Ivan;  Linehan, Jonathan L.;  Bouladoux, Nicolas;  Merrill, E. Dean;  Roy, Sobhan;  Cua, Daniel J.;  Adams, Erin J.;  Bhandoola, Avinash;  Scharschmidt, Tiffany C.;  Aube, Jeffrey;  Fischbach, Michael A.;  Belkaid, Yasmine
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
ARID1A and PI3-kinase pathway mutations in the endometrium drive epithelial transdifferentiation and collective invasion 期刊论文
作者:  Wilson, Mike R.;  Reske, Jake J.;  Holladay, Jeanne;  Wilber, Genna E.;  Rhodes, Mary;  Koeman, Julie;  Adams, Marie;  Johnson, Ben;  Su, Ren-Wei;  Joshi, Niraj R.;  Patterson, Amanda L.;  Shen, Hui;  Leach, Richard E.;  Teixeira, Jose M.;  Fazleabas, Asgerally T.;  Chandler, Ronald L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
The Association between Mandated Preseason Heat Acclimatization Guidelines and Exertional Heat illness during Preseason High School American Football Practices 期刊论文
作者:  Kerr, Zachary Y.;  Register-Mihalik, Johna K.;  Pryor, Riana R.;  Pierpoint, Lauren A.;  Scarneo, Samantha E.;  Adams, William M.;  Kucera, Kristen L.;  Casa, Douglas J.;  Marshall, Stephen W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
C-4 anatomy can evolve via a single developmental change 期刊论文
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2019, 22 (2) : 302-312
作者:  Lundgren, Marjorie R.;  Dunning, Luke T.;  Olofsson, Jill K.;  Moreno-Villena, Jose J.;  Bouvier, Jacques W.;  Sage, Tammy L.;  Khoshravesh, Roxana;  Sultmanis, Stefanie;  Stata, Matt;  Ripley, Brad S.;  Vorontsova, Maria S.;  Besnard, Guillaume;  Adams, Claire;  Cuff, Nicholas;  Mapaura, Anthony;  Bianconi, Matheus E.;  Long, Christine M.;  Christin, Pascal-Antoine;  Osborne, Colin P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Alloteropsis  bundle sheath  C-3-C-4 intermediate  C-4 photosynthesis  evolution  grass  leaf anatomy  mesophyll  vein density  
Using Magnetic Topology to Probe the Sources of Mars' Nightside Ionosphere 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018, 45 (22) : 12190-12197
作者:  Adams, D.;  Xu, S.;  Mitchell, D. L.;  Lillis, R. L.;  Fillingim, M.;  Andersson, L.;  Fowler, C.;  Connerney, J. E. P.;  Espley, J.;  Mazelle, C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Mars  MAVEN  ionosphere  night  magnetic topology