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RGF1 controls root meristem size through ROS signalling 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 85-+
作者:  Yamada, Masashi;  Han, Xinwei;  Benfey, Philip N.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The stem cell niche and the size of the root meristem in plants are maintained by intercellular interactions and signalling networks involving a peptide hormone, root meristem growth factor 1 (RGF1)(1). Understanding how RGF1 regulates the development of the root meristem is essential for understanding stem cell function. Although five receptors for RGF1 have been identified(2-4), the downstream signalling mechanism remains unknown. Here we report a series of signalling events that follow RGF1 activity. We find that the RGF1-receptor pathway controls the distribution of reactive oxygen species (ROS) along the developmental zones of the Arabidopsis root. We identify a previously uncharacterized transcription factor, RGF1-INDUCIBLE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 1 (RITF1), that has a central role in mediating RGF1 signalling. Manipulating RITF1 expression leads to the redistribution of ROS along the root developmental zones. Changes in ROS distribution in turn enhance the stability of the PLETHORA2 protein, a master regulator of root stem cells. Our results thus clearly depict a signalling cascade that is initiated by RGF1, linking this peptide to mechanisms that regulate ROS.

Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  von Appen, Alexander;  LaJoie, Dollie;  Johnson, Isabel E.;  Trnka, Michael J.;  Pick, Sarah M.;  Burlingame, Alma L.;  Ullman, Katharine S.;  Frost, Adam
收藏  |  浏览/下载:52/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Skin organoids generated in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells form complex, multilayered skin tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous glands and neural circuitry, and integrate with endogenous skin when grafted onto immunocompromised mice.

The skin is a multilayered organ, equipped with appendages (that is, follicles and glands), that is critical for regulating body temperature and the retention of bodily fluids, guarding against external stresses and mediating the sensation of touch and pain(1,2). Reconstructing appendage-bearing skin in cultures and in bioengineered grafts is a biomedical challenge that has yet to be met(3-9). Here we report an organoid culture system that generates complex skin from human pluripotent stem cells. We use stepwise modulation of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathways to co-induce cranial epithelial cells and neural crest cells within a spherical cell aggregate. During an incubation period of 4-5 months, we observe the emergence of a cyst-like skin organoid composed of stratified epidermis, fat-rich dermis and pigmented hair follicles that are equipped with sebaceous glands. A network of sensory neurons and Schwann cells form nerve-like bundles that target Merkel cells in organoid hair follicles, mimicking the neural circuitry associated with human touch. Single-cell RNA sequencing and direct comparison to fetal specimens suggest that the skin organoids are equivalent to the facial skin of human fetuses in the second trimester of development. Moreover, we show that skin organoids form planar hair-bearing skin when grafted onto nude mice. Together, our results demonstrate that nearly complete skin can self-assemble in vitro and be used to reconstitute skin in vivo. We anticipate that our skin organoids will provide a foundation for future studies of human skin development, disease modelling and reconstructive surgery.

The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7804) : 496-+
作者:  Gorgulla, Christoph;  Boeszoermenyi, Andras;  Wang, Zi-Fu;  Fischer, Patrick D.;  Coote, Paul W.;  Padmanabha Das, Krishna M.;  Malets, Yehor S.;  Radchenko, Dmytro S.;  Moroz, Yurii S.;  Scott, David A.;  Fackeldey, Konstantin;  Hoffmann, Moritz;  Iavniuk, Iryna;  Wagner, Gerhard;  Arthanari, Haribabu
收藏  |  浏览/下载:56/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

As anthropogenic climate change continues the risks to biodiversity will increase over time, with future projections indicating that a potentially catastrophic loss of global biodiversity is on the horizon(1-3). However, our understanding of when and how abruptly this climate-driven disruption of biodiversity will occur is limited because biodiversity forecasts typically focus on individual snapshots of the future. Here we use annual projections (from 1850 to 2100) of temperature and precipitation across the ranges of more than 30,000 marine and terrestrial species to estimate the timing of their exposure to potentially dangerous climate conditions. We project that future disruption of ecological assemblages as a result of climate change will be abrupt, because within any given ecological assemblage the exposure of most species to climate conditions beyond their realized niche limits occurs almost simultaneously. Under a high-emissions scenario (representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5), such abrupt exposure events begin before 2030 in tropical oceans and spread to tropical forests and higher latitudes by 2050. If global warming is kept below 2 degrees C, less than 2% of assemblages globally are projected to undergo abrupt exposure events of more than 20% of their constituent species  however, the risk accelerates with the magnitude of warming, threatening 15% of assemblages at 4 degrees C, with similar levels of risk in protected and unprotected areas. These results highlight the impending risk of sudden and severe biodiversity losses from climate change and provide a framework for predicting both when and where these events may occur.

Using annual projections of temperature and precipitation to estimate when species will be exposed to potentially harmful climate conditions reveals that disruption of ecological assemblages as a result of climate change will be abrupt and could start as early as the current decade.

Paracrine orchestration of intestinal tumorigenesis by a mesenchymal niche 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7804) : 524-+
作者:  Poore, Gregory D.;  Kopylova, Evguenia;  Zhu, Qiyun;  Carpenter, Carolina;  Fraraccio, Serena;  Wandro, Stephen;  Kosciolek, Tomasz;  Janssen, Stefan;  Metcalf, Jessica;  Song, Se Jin;  Kanbar, Jad;  Miller-Montgomery, Sandrine;  Heaton, Robert;  Mckay, Rana;  Patel, Sandip Pravin;  Swafford, Austin D.;  Knight, Rob
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The initiation of an intestinal tumour is a probabilistic process that depends on the competition between mutant and normal epithelial stem cells in crypts(1). Intestinal stem cells are closely associated with a diverse but poorly characterized network of mesenchymal cell types(2,3). However, whether the physiological mesenchymal microenvironment of mutant stem cells affects tumour initiation remains unknown. Here we provide in vivo evidence that the mesenchymal niche controls tumour initiation in trans. By characterizing the heterogeneity of the intestinal mesenchyme using single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis, we identified a population of rare pericryptal Ptgs2-expressing fibroblasts that constitutively process arachidonic acid into highly labile prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)). Specific ablation of Ptgs2 in fibroblasts was sufficient to prevent tumour initiation in two different models of sporadic, autochthonous tumorigenesis. Mechanistically, single-cell RNA-sequencing analyses of a mesenchymal niche model showed that fibroblast-derived PGE(2) drives the expansion omicron f a population of Sca-1(+) reserve-like stem cells. These express a strong regenerative/tumorigenic program, driven by the Hippo pathway effector Yap. In vivo, Yap is indispensable for Sca-1(+) cell expansion and early tumour initiation and displays a nuclear localization in both mouse and human adenomas. Using organoid experiments, we identified a molecular mechanism whereby PGE(2) promotes Yap dephosphorylation, nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity by signalling through the receptor Ptger4. Epithelial-specific ablation of Ptger4 misdirected the regenerative reprogramming of stem cells and prevented Sca-1(+) cell expansion and sporadic tumour initiation in mutant mice, thereby demonstrating the robust paracrine control of tumour-initiating stem cells by PGE(2)-Ptger4. Analyses of patient-derived organoids established that PGE(2)-PTGER4 also regulates stem-cell function in humans. Our study demonstrates that initiation of colorectal cancer is orchestrated by the mesenchymal niche and reveals a mechanism by which rare pericryptal Ptgs2-expressing fibroblasts exert paracrine control over tumour-initiating stem cells via the druggable PGE(2)-Ptger4-Yap signalling axis.

Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of intestinal mesenchyme identified a population of fibroblasts that produce prostaglandin E-2, which, when disrupted, prevented initiation of intestinal tumours.

Global conservation of species' niches 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7802) : 232-+
作者:  Guo, Xiaoyan;  Aviles, Giovanni;  Liu, Yi;  Tian, Ruilin;  Unger, Bret A.;  Lin, Yu-Hsiu T.;  Wiita, Arun P.;  Xu, Ke;  Correia, M. Almira;  Kampmann, Martin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Environmental change is rapidly accelerating, and many species will need to adapt to survive(1). Ensuring that protected areas cover populations across a broad range of environmental conditions could safeguard the processes that lead to such adaptations(1-3). However, international conservation policies have largely neglected these considerations when setting targets for the expansion of protected areas(4). Here we show that-of 19,937 vertebrate species globally(5-8)-the representation of environmental conditions across their habitats in protected areas (hereafter, niche representation) is inadequate for 4,836 (93.1%) amphibian, 8,653 (89.5%) bird and 4,608 (90.9%) terrestrial mammal species. Expanding existing protected areas to cover these gaps would encompass 33.8% of the total land surface-exceeding the current target of 17% that has been adopted by governments. Priority locations for expanding the system of protected areas to improve niche representation occur in global biodiversity hotspots(9), including Colombia, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and southwest China, as well as across most of the major land masses of the Earth. Conversely, we also show that planning for the expansion of protected areas without explicitly considering environmental conditions would marginally reduce the land area required to 30.7%, but that this would lead to inadequate niche representation for 7,798 (39.1%) species. As the governments of the world prepare to renegotiate global conservation targets, policymakers have the opportunity to help to maintain the adaptive potential of species by considering niche representation within protected areas(1,2).

Protected areas would need to expand to 33.8% of the total land surface to adequately represent environmental conditions across the habitats of amphibians, birds and terrestrial mammals, far exceeding the current 17% target.

Live-animal imaging of native haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7794) : 278-+
作者:  Gerstung, Moritz;  Jolly, Clemency;  Leshchiner, Ignaty;  Dentro, Stefan C.;  Gonzalez, Santiago;  Rosebrock, Daniel;  Mitchell, Thomas J.;  Rubanova, Yulia;  Anur, Pavana;  Yu, Kaixian;  Tarabichi, Maxime;  Deshwar, Amit;  Wintersinger, Jeff;  Kleinheinz, Kortine;  Vazquez-Garcia, Ignacio;  Haase, Kerstin;  Jerman, Lara;  Sengupta, Subhajit;  Macintyre, Geoff;  Malikic, Salem;  Donmez, Nilgun;  Livitz, Dimitri G.;  Cmero, Marek;  Demeulemeester, Jonas;  Schumacher, Steven;  Fan, Yu;  Yao, Xiaotong;  Lee, Juhee;  Schlesner, Matthias;  Boutros, Paul C.;  Bowtell, David D.;  Zhu, Hongtu;  Getz, Gad;  Imielinski, Marcin;  Beroukhim, Rameen;  Sahinalp, S. Cenk;  Ji, Yuan;  Peifer, Martin;  Markowetz, Florian;  Mustonen, Ville;  Yuan, Ke;  Wang, Wenyi;  Morris, Quaid D.;  Spellman, Paul T.;  Wedge, David C.;  Van Loo, Peter;  Deshwar, Amit G.;  Adams, David J.;  Campbell, Peter J.;  Cao, Shaolong;  Christie, Elizabeth L.;  Cun, Yupeng;  Dawson, Kevin J.;  Drews, Ruben M.;  Eils, Roland;  Fittall, Matthew;  Garsed, Dale W.;  Ha, Gavin;  Lee-Six, Henry;  Martincorena, Inigo;  Oesper, Layla;  Peto, Myron;  Raphael, Benjamin J.;  Salcedo, Adriana;  Shi, Ruian;  Shin, Seung Jun;  Spiro, Oliver;  Stein, Lincoln D.;  Vembu, Shankar;  Wheeler, David A.;  Yang, Tsun-Po
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The biology of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) has predominantly been studied under transplantation conditions(1,2). It has been particularly challenging to study dynamic HSC behaviour, given that the visualization of HSCs in the native niche in live animals has not, to our knowledge, been achieved. Here we describe a dual genetic strategy in mice that restricts reporter labelling to a subset of the most quiescent long-term HSCs (LT-HSCs) and that is compatible with current intravital imaging approaches in the calvarial bone marrow(3-5). We show that this subset of LT-HSCs resides close to both sinusoidal blood vessels and the endosteal surface. By contrast, multipotent progenitor cells (MPPs) show greater variation in distance from the endosteum and are more likely to be associated with transition zone vessels. LT-HSCs are not found in bone marrow niches with the deepest hypoxia and instead are found in hypoxic environments similar to those of MPPs. In vivo time-lapse imaging revealed that LT-HSCs at steady-state show limited motility. Activated LT-HSCs show heterogeneous responses, with some cells becoming highly motile and a fraction of HSCs expanding clonally within spatially restricted domains. These domains have defined characteristics, as HSC expansion is found almost exclusively in a subset of bone marrow cavities with bone-remodelling activity. By contrast, cavities with low bone-resorbing activity do not harbour expanding HSCs. These findings point to previously unknown heterogeneity within the bone marrow microenvironment, imposed by the stages of bone turnover. Our approach enables the direct visualization of HSC behaviours and dissection of heterogeneity in HSC niches.

A dual genetic strategy enables the labelling and in vivo imaging of native long-term haematopoietic stem cells in the mouse calvarial bone marrow.

Epigenetic therapy inhibits metastases by disrupting premetastatic niches 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 284-+
作者:  Mehta, Vedanta;  Pang, Kar-Lai;  Rozbesky, Daniel;  Nather, Katrin;  Keen, Adam;  Lachowski, Dariusz;  Kong, Youxin;  Karia, Dimple;  Ameismeier, Michael;  Huang, Jianhua;  Fang, Yun;  del Rio Hernandez, Armando;  Reader, John S.;  Jones, E. Yvonne;  Tzima, Ellie
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Cancer recurrence after surgery remains an unresolved clinical problem(1-3). Myeloid cells derived from bone marrow contribute to the formation of the premetastatic microenvironment, which is required for disseminating tumour cells to engraft distant sites(4-6). There are currently no effective interventions that prevent the formation of the premetastatic microenvironment(6,7). Here we show that, after surgical removal of primary lung, breast and oesophageal cancers, low-dose adjuvant epigenetic therapy disrupts the premetastatic microenvironment and inhibits both the formation and growth of lung metastases through its selective effect on myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). In mouse models of pulmonary metastases, MDSCs are key factors in the formation of the premetastatic microenvironment after resection of primary tumours. Adjuvant epigenetic therapy that uses low-dose DNA methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors, 5-azacytidine and entinostat, disrupts the premetastatic niche by inhibiting the trafficking of MDSCs through the downregulation of CCR2 and CXCR2, and by promoting MDSC differentiation into a more-interstitial macrophage-like phenotype. A decreased accumulation of MDSCs in the premetastatic lung produces longer periods of disease-free survival and increased overall survival, compared with chemotherapy. Our data demonstrate that, even after removal of the primary tumour, MDSCs contribute to the development of premetastatic niches and settlement of residual tumour cells. A combination of low-dose adjuvant epigenetic modifiers that disrupts this premetastatic microenvironment and inhibits metastases may permit an adjuvant approach to cancer therapy.

Bacterial coexistence driven by motility and spatial competition 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7796) : 588-+
作者:  Micke, P.;  Leopold, T.;  King, S. A.;  Benkler, E.;  Spiess, L. J.;  Schmoeger, L.;  Schwarz, M.;  Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, J. R.;  Schmidt, P. O.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Elucidating elementary mechanisms that underlie bacterial diversity is central to ecology(1,2) and microbiome research(3). Bacteria are known to coexist by metabolic specialization(4), cooperation(5) and cyclic warfare(6-8). Many species are also motile(9), which is studied in terms of mechanism(10,11), benefit(12,13), strategy(14,15), evolution(16,17) and ecology(18,19). Indeed, bacteria often compete for nutrient patches that become available periodically or by random disturbances(2,20,21). However, the role of bacterial motility in coexistence remains unexplored experimentally. Here we show that-for mixed bacterial populations that colonize nutrient patches-either population outcompetes the other when low in relative abundance. This inversion of the competitive hierarchy is caused by active segregation and spatial exclusion within the patch: a small fast-moving population can outcompete a large fast-growing population by impeding its migration into the patch, while a small fast-growing population can outcompete a large fast-moving population by expelling it from the initial contact area. The resulting spatial segregation is lost for weak growth-migration trade-offs and a lack of virgin space, but is robust to population ratio, density and chemotactic ability, and is observed in both laboratory and wild strains. These findings show that motility differences and their trade-offs with growth are sufficient to promote diversity, and suggest previously undescribed roles for motility in niche formation and collective expulsion-containment strategies beyond individual search and survival.

In mixed bacterial populations that colonize nutrient patches, a growth-migration trade-off can lead to spatial exclusion that provides an advantage to populations that become rare, thereby stabilizing the community.

Sex-specific adipose tissue imprinting of regulatory T cells 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 581-+
作者:  Qureshi, Abdul Aziz;  Suades, Albert;  Matsuoka, Rei;  Brock, Joseph;  McComas, Sarah E.;  Nji, Emmanuel;  Orellana, Laura;  Claesson, Magnus;  Delemotte, Lucie;  Drew, David
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Adipose tissue is an energy store and a dynamic endocrine organ(1,2). In particular, visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is critical for the regulation of systemic metabolism(3,4). Impaired VAT function-for example, in obesity-is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes(5,6). Regulatory T (T-reg) cells that express the transcription factor FOXP3 are critical for limiting immune responses and suppressing tissue inflammation, including in the VAT(7-9). Here we uncover pronounced sexual dimorphism in T-reg cells in the VAT. Male VAT was enriched for T-reg cells compared with female VAT, and T-reg cells from male VAT were markedly different from their female counterparts in phenotype, transcriptional landscape and chromatin accessibility. Heightened inflammation in the male VAT facilitated the recruitment of T-reg cells via the CCL2-CCR2 axis. Androgen regulated the differentiation of a unique IL-33-producing stromal cell population specific to the male VAT, which paralleled the local expansion of T-reg cells. Sex hormones also regulated VAT inflammation, which shaped the transcriptional landscape of VAT-resident T-reg cells in a BLIMP1 transcription factor-dependent manner. Overall, we find that sex-specific differences in T-reg cells from VAT are determined by the tissue niche in a sex-hormone-dependent manner to limit adipose tissue inflammation.

Visceral adipose tissue contains populations of regulatory T cells that exhibit sexual dimorphism, determined by the surrounding niche, and differ between male and female mice in terms of cell number, phenotype, transcriptional landscape and chromatin accessibility.

Geographically divergent evolutionary and ecological legacies shape mammal biodiversity in the global tropics and subtropics 期刊论文
作者:  Rowan, John;  Beaudrot, Lydia;  Franklin, Janet;  Reed, Kaye E.;  Smail, Irene E.;  Zamora, Andrew;  Kamilar, Jason M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13
biogeography  functional ecology  human impacts  paleoclimate legacies  phylogenetic diversity