Upwelling variability in the California Current: bridging local dynamics and climate variability
Jerome Fiechter
主持机构University of California-Santa Cruz
项目类别Standard Grant
英文摘要Coastal upwelling research has a long and rich history in the California Current System, yet a comprehensive description of the interplay between physical processes at local, regional, and basin scales has remained elusive. Seasonal upwelling, driven by strong equatorward alongshore winds, plays a fundamental role in shaping the circulation and ecosystem structure along the west coast of the United States. The main objective of this study is to use high-resolution numerical simulations to characterize variability in the full three-dimensional, time varying circulation associated with wind-driven coastal upwelling in the California Current System. More specifically, the model results will be used to: (i) produce a regional synthesis that rigorously identifies and describes regions of enhanced upwelling in the vicinity of major coastal headlands, and (ii) quantify the impact of regional- and basin-scale processes on local-scale upwelling dynamics. This research will provide significant new insight into how regions of enhanced upwelling contribute to shaping alongshore gradients of physical and biogeochemical properties. Of particular relevance is the connection to coastal ocean acidification and the occurrence and persistence of low pH conditions over the continental shelf along the U.S. west coast. Enhanced upwelling centers are likely to play a key role in determining the spatiotemporal variability of nearshore pH levels, and, therefore, alongshore heterogeneity in the short- and long-term ecosystem response to coastal ocean acidification. This study will increase understanding of how much biogeochemical variability is attributable to physical forcing associated with local upwelling dynamics (as modulated by regional- and basin-scale processes), thereby advancing current knowledge of which coastal regions along the U.S. west coast are more prone to frequent and severe acidification events. In addition, the project will support a postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Cruz who will gain valuable training in state-of-the-art regional ocean circulation modeling and diagnostic methods, such as adjoint-based calculations. Project outcomes will also be integrated into the graduate curriculum at UCSC, and enhance educational tools available for the community-based Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Finally, the PIs will present general audience lectures at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center in Santa Cruz, as part of an ongoing series on how seasonal California upwelling will respond to changing climate conditions, and the potential impacts on ecosystem processes and socio-economic services.

Coastal upwelling trends and variability determined on the basis of coast-wide averages (i.e., integrated over stronger and weaker upwelling regions) likely compound different dynamical processes and may misrepresent the true nature of the local physical and biogeochemical fluctuations occurring along the U.S. west coast. Therefore, this research will provide significant new insight into how regions of enhanced upwelling in the vicinity of major coastal headlands contribute to shaping the coastal ocean circulation and physical variability at local scales. Outcomes from the numerical experiments will also help determine how regional- and basin-scale variability modulates vertical transport and water mass properties in the vicinity of enhanced upwelling centers and surrounding shelf regions. The most innovative aspect of the project is that it will describe the impacts of local-, regional-, and basin-scale processes on the full 3-dimensional, time-varying ocean circulation associated with coastal upwelling, as opposed to relying on traditional upwelling proxies (e.g., Bakun index) which are often unreliable in regions of intense upwelling or strong onshore geostrophic flow. Another important contribution from this research is that it will demonstrate the benefits of downscaling regional data-assimilative solutions to the local scales at which alongshore variability in upwelling dynamics occurs along the U.S. west coast. Finally, the results from the numerical simulations will complement and enhance another research project, funded under NSF's Coastal SEES Program, focused on quantifying the magnitude, frequency of occurence, and predictability of low pH events along California, as well as their potential impact on coastal ecosystem processes.
来源学科分类Geosciences - Ocean Sciences
GB/T 7714
Jerome Fiechter.Upwelling variability in the California Current: bridging local dynamics and climate variability.2016.
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