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Massively multiplexed nucleic acid detection with Cas13 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : 277-+
作者:  Mahato, Biraj;  Kaya, Koray Dogan;  Fan, Yan;  Sumien, Nathalie;  Shetty, Ritu A.;  Zhang, Wei;  Davis, Delaney;  Mock, Thomas;  Batabyal, Subrata;  Ni, Aiguo;  Mohanty, Samarendra;  Han, Zongchao;  Farjo, Rafal;  Forster, Michael J.;  Swaroop, Anand;  Chavala, Sai H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:63/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

CRISPR-based nucleic acid detection is used in a platform that can simultaneously detect 169 human-associated viruses in multiple samples, providing scalable, multiplexed pathogen detection aimed at routine surveillance for public health.

The great majority of globally circulating pathogens go undetected, undermining patient care and hindering outbreak preparedness and response. To enable routine surveillance and comprehensive diagnostic applications, there is a need for detection technologies that can scale to test many samples(1-3)while simultaneously testing for many pathogens(4-6). Here, we develop Combinatorial Arrayed Reactions for Multiplexed Evaluation of Nucleic acids (CARMEN), a platform for scalable, multiplexed pathogen detection. In the CARMEN platform, nanolitre droplets containing CRISPR-based nucleic acid detection reagents(7)self-organize in a microwell array(8)to pair with droplets of amplified samples, testing each sample against each CRISPR RNA (crRNA) in replicate. The combination of CARMEN and Cas13 detection (CARMEN-Cas13) enables robust testing of more than 4,500 crRNA-target pairs on a single array. Using CARMEN-Cas13, we developed a multiplexed assay that simultaneously differentiates all 169 human-associated viruses with at least 10 published genome sequences and rapidly incorporated an additional crRNA to detect the causative agent of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. CARMEN-Cas13 further enables comprehensive subtyping of influenza A strains and multiplexed identification of dozens of HIV drug-resistance mutations. The intrinsic multiplexing and throughput capabilities of CARMEN make it practical to scale, as miniaturization decreases reagent cost per test by more than 300-fold. Scalable, highly multiplexed CRISPR-based nucleic acid detection shifts diagnostic and surveillance efforts from targeted testing of high-priority samples to comprehensive testing of large sample sets, greatly benefiting patients and public health(9-11).

IGF1R is an entry receptor for respiratory syncytial virus 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7817) : 615-+
作者:  Pasquina-Lemonche, L.;  Burns, J.;  Turner, R. D.;  Kumar, S.;  Tank, R.;  Mullin, N.;  Wilson, J. S.;  Chakrabarti, B.;  Bullough, P. A.;  Foster, S. J.;  Hobbs, J. K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Respiratory syncytial virus enters cells by binding to cell-surface IGFR1, which activates PKC zeta and induces trafficking of the NCL coreceptor to the RSV particles at the cell surface.

Pneumonia resulting from infection is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Pulmonary infection by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a large burden on human health, for which there are few therapeutic options(1). RSV targets ciliated epithelial cells in the airways, but how viruses such as RSV interact with receptors on these cells is not understood. Nucleolin is an entry coreceptor for RSV2 and also mediates the cellular entry of influenza, the parainfluenza virus, some enteroviruses and the bacterium that causes tularaemia(3,4). Here we show a mechanism of RSV entry into cells in which outside-in signalling, involving binding of the prefusion RSV-F glycoprotein with the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor, triggers the activation of protein kinase C zeta (PKC zeta). This cellular signalling cascade recruits nucleolin from the nuclei of cells to the plasma membrane, where it also binds to RSV-F on virions. We find that inhibiting PKC zeta activation prevents the trafficking of nucleolin to RSV particles on airway organoid cultures, and reduces viral replication and pathology in RSV-infected mice. These findings reveal a mechanism of virus entry in which receptor engagement and signal transduction bring the coreceptor to viral particles at the cell surface, and could form the basis of new therapeutics to treat RSV infection.

Structural transitions in influenza haemagglutinin at membrane fusion pH 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7814) : 150-+
作者:  Wei, Kevin;  Korsunsky, Ilya;  Marshall, Jennifer L.;  Gao, Anqi;  Watts, Gerald F. M.;  Major, Triin;  Croft, Adam P.;  Watts, Jordan;  Blazar, Philip E.;  Lange, Jeffrey K.;  Thornhill, Thomas S.;  Filer, Andrew;  Raza, Karim;  Donlin, Laura T.;  Siebel, Christian W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Cryo-electron microscopy studies of the influenza haemagglutinin glycoprotein at the low pH of host endosomes reveals structural intermediates, offering a dynamic view of how the protein mediates membrane fusion.

Infection by enveloped viruses involves fusion of their lipid envelopes with cellular membranes to release the viral genome into cells. For HIV, Ebola, influenza and numerous other viruses, envelope glycoproteins bind the infecting virion to cell-surface receptors and mediate membrane fusion. In the case of influenza, the receptor-binding glycoprotein is the haemagglutinin (HA), and following receptor-mediated uptake of the bound virus by endocytosis(1), it is the HA that mediates fusion of the virus envelope with the membrane of the endosome(2). Each subunit of the trimeric HA consists of two disulfide-linked polypeptides, HA1 and HA2. The larger, virus-membrane-distal, HA1 mediates receptor binding  the smaller, membrane-proximal, HA2 anchors HA in the envelope and contains the fusion peptide, a region that is directly involved in membrane interaction(3). The low pH of endosomes activates fusion by facilitating irreversible conformational changes in the glycoprotein. The structures of the initial HA at neutral pH and the final HA at fusion pH have been investigated by electron microscopy(4,5) and X-ray crystallography(6-8). Here, to further study the process of fusion, we incubate HA for different times at pH 5.0 and directly image structural changes using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. We describe three distinct, previously undescribed forms of HA, most notably a 150 angstrom-long triple-helical coil of HA2, which may bridge between the viral and endosomal membranes. Comparison of these structures reveals concerted conformational rearrangements through which the HA mediates membrane fusion.

Changing rapid weather variability increases influenza epidemic risk in a warming climate 期刊论文
作者:  Liu, Qi;  Tan, Zhe-Min;  Sun, Jie;  Hou, Yayi;  Fu, Congbin;  Wu, Zhaohua
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
influenza epidemic  rapid weather variability  North mid-latitude  climate change  predictable model  
Assessing the role of live poultry trade in community-structured transmission of avian influenza in China 期刊论文
作者:  Yang, Qiqi;  Zhao, Xiang;  Lemey, Philippe;  Suchard, Marc A.;  Bi, Yuhai;  Shi, Weifeng;  Liu, Di;  Qi, Wenbao;  Zhang, Guogang;  Stenseth, Nils Chr.;  Pybus, Oliver G.;  Tian, Huaiyu
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13
avian influenza  poultry trade  phylogeography  community-structured transmission  
Structural insight into arenavirus replication machinery 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 615-+
作者:  Zhang, Xiaheng;  Smith, Russell T.;  Le, Chip;  McCarver, Stefan J.;  Shireman, Brock T.;  Carruthers, Nicholas I.;  MacMillan, David W. C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The authors provide high-resolution structures of two arenavirus polymerases, revealing that the active site of arenavirus polymerase is inherently switched on, without the requirement for allosteric activation by 5 '  -viral RNA, and that dimerization facilitates polymerase activity.

Arenaviruses can cause severe haemorrhagic fever and neurological diseases in humans and other animals, exemplified by Lassa mammarenavirus, Machupo mammarenavirus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, posing great threats to public health(1-4). These viruses encode a large multi-domain RNA-dependent RNA polymerase for transcription and replication of the viral genome(5). Viral polymerases are one of the leading antiviral therapeutic targets. However, the structure of arenavirus polymerase is not yet known. Here we report the near-atomic resolution structures of Lassa and Machupo virus polymerases in both apo and promoter-bound forms. These structures display a similar overall architecture to influenza virus and bunyavirus polymerases but possess unique local features, including an arenavirus-specific insertion domain that regulates the polymerase activity. Notably, the ordered active site of arenavirus polymerase is inherently switched on, without the requirement for allosteric activation by 5 '  -viral RNA, which is a necessity for both influenza virus and bunyavirus polymerases(6,7). Moreover, dimerization could facilitate the polymerase activity. These findings advance our understanding of the mechanism of arenavirus replication and provide an important basis for developing antiviral therapeutics.

Inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales 期刊论文
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2017, 20 (3)
作者:  Pepin, Kim M.;  Kay, Shannon L.;  Golas, Ben D.;  Shriner, Susan S.;  Gilbert, Amy T.;  Miller, Ryan S.;  Graham, Andrea L.;  Riley, Steven;  Cross, Paul C.;  Samuel, Michael D.;  Hooten, Mevin B.;  Hoeting, Jennifer A.;  Lloyd-Smith, James O.;  Webb, Colleen T.;  Buhnerkempe, Michael G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Antibody  antibody kinetics  disease hazard  force of infection  incidence  individual-level variation  influenza  serosurveillance  transmission  within-host  
Bridging the Gap: Prototype Tools to Support Local Disaster Preparedness Planning and Collaboration 科技报告
来源:Rand Corporation. 出版年: 2012
作者:  ꙸĿ뎈Ŀ;  Military Families;  Economists;  Middle East;  Wages andMelinda Moore;  Michael A. Wermuth;  Adam C. Resnick;  Harold D. Green;  James R. Broyles;  Scot Hickey;  Jordan Ostwald;  Kristin J. Leuschner;  Kimberlie Biever
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
侘ʳ뎈Ŀles Nemfakos, Bernard D. Rostker, Raymond E. Conley, Stephanie Young, William A. WilliamsMilitary ADisaster Recovery Operations  Capabilities Based Planning  Emergency Services and Response  Hurricanes  Earthquakes  Influenza  Civil-Military Relations  
A Blueprint for Improving the Promotion and Delivery of Adult Vaccination in the United States 科技报告
来源:Rand Corporation. 出版年: 2012
作者:  Katherine M. Harris;  Lori Uscher-Pines;  Soeren Mattke;  Arthur L. Kellermann
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
Influenza  Adult Populations  Vaccination  United States  Economists  Medical Professionals  
Bridging the Gap: Developing a Tool to Support Local Civilian and Military Disaster Preparedness 科技报告
来源:Rand Corporation. 出版年: 2010
作者:  Melinda Moore;  Michael A. Wermuth;  Laura Werber;  Anita Chandra;  Darcy Noricks;  Adam C. Resnick;  Carolyn Chu;  James J. Burks
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
Disaster Recovery Operations  Capabilities Based Planning  Emergency Services and Response  Earthquakes  Civil-Military Relations  Influenza  Public Health Preparedness  Pandemic  Hurricanes  Domestic Terrorism