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Accelerated discovery of CO2 electrocatalysts using active machine learning 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7807) : 178-+
作者:  Lan, Jun;  Ge, Jiwan;  Yu, Jinfang;  Shan, Sisi;  Zhou, Huan;  Fan, Shilong;  Zhang, Qi;  Shi, Xuanling;  Wang, Qisheng;  Zhang, Linqi;  Wang, Xinquan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:91/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The rapid increase in global energy demand and the need to replace carbon dioxide (CO2)-emitting fossil fuels with renewable sources have driven interest in chemical storage of intermittent solar and wind energy(1,2). Particularly attractive is the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to chemical feedstocks, which uses both CO2 and renewable energy(3-8). Copper has been the predominant electrocatalyst for this reaction when aiming for more valuable multi-carbon products(9-16), and process improvements have been particularly notable when targeting ethylene. However, the energy efficiency and productivity (current density) achieved so far still fall below the values required to produce ethylene at cost-competitive prices. Here we describe Cu-Al electrocatalysts, identified using density functional theory calculations in combination with active machine learning, that efficiently reduce CO2 to ethylene with the highest Faradaic efficiency reported so far. This Faradaic efficiency of over 80 per cent (compared to about 66 per cent for pure Cu) is achieved at a current density of 400 milliamperes per square centimetre (at 1.5 volts versus a reversible hydrogen electrode) and a cathodic-side (half-cell) ethylene power conversion efficiency of 55 +/- 2 per cent at 150 milliamperes per square centimetre. We perform computational studies that suggest that the Cu-Al alloys provide multiple sites and surface orientations with near-optimal CO binding for both efficient and selective CO2 reduction(17). Furthermore, in situ X-ray absorption measurements reveal that Cu and Al enable a favourable Cu coordination environment that enhances C-C dimerization. These findings illustrate the value of computation and machine learning in guiding the experimental exploration of multi-metallic systems that go beyond the limitations of conventional single-metal electrocatalysts.

REDD plus measurement, reporting and verification - A cost trap? Implications for financing REDD plus MRV costs by result-based payments 期刊论文
作者:  Koehl, Michael;  Neupane, Prem Raj;  Mundhenk, Philip
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
REDD  Measurement, reporting, verification  Result-based payments  Transaction cost  Carbon price  Emissions reduction  
Gram-scale bottom-up flash graphene synthesis 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7792) : 647-651
作者:  Long, Haizhen;  Zhang, Liwei;  Lv, Mengjie;  Wen, Zengqi;  Zhang, Wenhao;  Chen, Xiulan;  Zhang, Peitao;  Li, Tongqing;  Chang, Luyuan;  Jin, Caiwei;  Wu, Guozhao;  Wang, Xi;  Yang, Fuquan;  Pei, Jianfeng;  Chen, Ping;  Margueron, Raphael;  Deng, Haiteng;  Zhu, Mingzhao;  Li, Guohong
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Most bulk-scale graphene is produced by a top-down approach, exfoliating graphite, which often requires large amounts of solvent with high-energy mixing, shearing, sonication or electrochemical treatment(1-3). Although chemical oxidation of graphite to graphene oxide promotes exfoliation, it requires harsh oxidants and leaves the graphene with a defective perforated structure after the subsequent reduction step(3,4). Bottom-up synthesis of high-quality graphene is often restricted to ultrasmall amounts if performed by chemical vapour deposition or advanced synthetic organic methods, or it provides a defect-ridden structure if carried out in bulk solution(4-6). Here we show that flash Joule heating of inexpensive carbon sources-such as coal, petroleum coke, biochar, carbon black, discarded food, rubber tyres and mixed plastic waste-can afford gram-scale quantities of graphene in less than one second. The product, named flash graphene (FG) after the process used to produce it, shows turbostratic arrangement (that is, little order) between the stacked graphene layers. FG synthesis uses no furnace and no solvents or reactive gases. Yields depend on the carbon content of the source  when using a high-carbon source, such as carbon black, anthracitic coal or calcined coke, yields can range from 80 to 90 per cent with carbon purity greater than 99 per cent. No purification steps are necessary. Raman spectroscopy analysis shows a low-intensity or absent D band for FG, indicating that FG has among the lowest defect concentrations reported so far for graphene, and confirms the turbostratic stacking of FG, which is clearly distinguished from turbostratic graphite. The disordered orientation of FG layers facilitates its rapid exfoliation upon mixing during composite formation. The electric energy cost for FG synthesis is only about 7.2 kilojoules per gram, which could render FG suitable for use in bulk composites of plastic, metals, plywood, concrete and other building materials.

Flash Joule heating of inexpensive carbon sources is used to produce gram-scale quantities of high-quality graphene in under a second, without the need for a furnace, solvents or reactive gases.

Recycling offshore wind farms at decommissioning stage 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2019, 129: 698-709
作者:  Topham, Eva;  McMillan, David;  Bradley, Stuart;  Hart, Edward
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
Offshore wind farms  Offshore wind energy  Decommissioning  Dismantling  Recycling  Sustainability  Cost reduction  
Estimating benefits and costs of policies proposed in the 13th FYP to improve energy efficiency and reduce air emissions of China's electric power sector 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2017, 111
作者:  Li, Mingquan;  Patino-Echeverri, Dalia
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Energy efficiency  Emissions reduction  Cost-benefit analysis  Electric power sector  China  Cost of Carbon Abatement  
Estimating the cost of saving electricity through US utility customer funded energy efficiency programs 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2017, 104: 43477
作者:  Hoffman, Ian M.;  Goldman, Charles A.;  Rybka, Gregory;  Leventis, Greg;  Schwartz, Lisa;  Sanstad, Alan H.;  Schiller, Steven
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Energy efficiency  Ratepayer-funded efficiency  Demand-side management  Cost of saved energy  Savings target  Emissions reduction  
Retrospective Analysis of the Benefits and Impacts of U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2016
作者:  Wiser, Ryan;  Barbose, Galen;  Heeter, Jenny;  Mai, Trieu;  Bird, Lori;  Bolinger, Mark;  Carpenter, Alberta;  Heath, Garvin;  Keyser, David;  Macknick, Jordan;  Mills, Andrew;  Millstein, Dev
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
renewable portfolio standard  RPS  benefit  cost  greenhouse gas  reduction  jobs  wholesale electricity price