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Peta–electron volt gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula 期刊论文
Science, 2021
作者:  The LHAASO Collaboration*†;  Zhen Cao;  F. Aharonian;  Q. An;  Axikegu;  L. X. Bai;  Y. X. Bai;  Y. W. Bao;  D. Bastieri;  X. J. Bi;  Y. J. Bi;  H. Cai;  J. T. Cai;  Zhe Cao;  J. Chang;  J. F. Chang;  B. M. Chen;  E. S. Chen;  J. Chen;  Liang Chen;  Liang Chen;  Long Chen;  M. J. Chen;  M. L. Chen;  Q. H. Chen;  S. H. Chen;  S. Z. Chen;  T. L. Chen;  X. L. Chen;  Y. Chen;  N. Cheng;  Y. D. Cheng;  S. W. Cui;  X. H. Cui;  Y. D. Cui;  B. D’Ettorre Piazzoli;  B. Z. Dai;  H. L. Dai;  Z. G. Dai;  Danzengluobu;  D. della Volpe;  X. J. Dong;  K. K. Duan;  J. H. Fan;  Y. Z. Fan;  Z. X. Fan;  J. Fang;  K. Fang;  C. F. Feng;  L. Feng;  S. H. Feng;  Y. L. Feng;  B. Gao;  C. D. Gao;  L. Q. Gao;  Q. Gao;  W. Gao;  M. M. Ge;  L. S. Geng;  G. H. Gong;  Q. B. Gou;  M. H. Gu;  F. L. Guo;  J. G. Guo;  X. L. Guo;  Y. Q. Guo;  Y. Y. Guo;  Y. A. Han;  H. H. He;  H. N. He;  J. C. He;  S. L. He;  X. B. He;  Y. He;  M. Heller;  Y. K. Hor;  C. Hou;  X. Hou;  H. B. Hu;  S. Hu;  S. C. Hu;  X. J. Hu;  D. H. Huang;  Q. L. Huang;  W. H. Huang;  X. T. Huang;  X. Y. Huang;  Z. C. Huang;  F. Ji;  X. L. Ji;  H. Y. Jia;  K. Jiang;  Z. J. Jiang;  C. Jin;  T. Ke;  D. Kuleshov;  K. Levochkin;  B. B. Li;  Cheng Li;  Cong Li;  F. Li;  H. B. Li;  H. C. Li;  H. Y. Li;  Jian Li;  Jie Li;  K. Li;  W. L. Li;  X. R. Li;  Xin Li;  Xin Li;  Y. Li;  Y. Z. Li;  Zhe Li;  Zhuo Li;  E. W. Liang;  Y. F. Liang;  S. J. Lin;  B. Liu;  C. Liu;  D. Liu;  H. Liu;  H. D. Liu;  J. Liu;  J. L. Liu;  J. S. Liu;  J. Y. Liu;  M. Y. Liu;  R. Y. Liu;  S. M. Liu;  W. Liu;  Y. Liu;  Y. N. Liu;  Z. X. Liu;  W. J. Long;  R. Lu;  H. K. Lv;  B. Q. Ma;  L. L. Ma;  X. H. Ma;  J. R. Mao;  A. Masood;  Z. Min;  W. Mitthumsiri;  T. Montaruli;  Y. C. Nan;  B. Y. Pang;  P. Pattarakijwanich;  Z. Y. Pei;  M. Y. Qi;  Y. Q. Qi;  B. Q. Qiao;  J. J. Qin;  D. Ruffolo;  V. Rulev;  A. Saiz;  L. Shao;  O. Shchegolev;  X. D. Sheng;  J. Y. Shi;  H. C. Song;  Yu. V. Stenkin;  V. Stepanov;  Y. Su;  Q. N. Sun;  X. N. Sun;  Z. B. Sun;  P. H. T. Tam;  Z. B. Tang;  W. W. Tian;  B. D. Wang;  C. Wang;  H. Wang;  H. G. Wang;  J. C. Wang;  J. S. Wang;  L. P. Wang;  L. Y. Wang;  R. N. Wang;  Wei Wang;  Wei Wang;  X. G. Wang;  X. J. Wang;  X. Y. Wang;  Y. Wang;  Y. D. Wang;  Y. J. Wang;  Y. P. Wang;  Z. H. Wang;  Z. X. Wang;  Zhen Wang;  Zheng Wang;  D. M. Wei;  J. J. Wei;  Y. J. Wei;  T. Wen;  C. Y. Wu;  H. R. Wu;  S. Wu;  W. X. Wu;  X. F. Wu;  S. Q. Xi;  J. Xia;  J. J. Xia;  G. M. Xiang;  D. X. Xiao;  G. Xiao;  H. B. Xiao;  G. G. Xin;  Y. L. Xin;  Y. Xing;  D. L. Xu;  R. X. Xu;  L. Xue;  D. H. Yan;  J. Z. Yan;  C. W. Yang;  F. F. Yang;  J. Y. Yang;  L. L. Yang;  M. J. Yang;  R. Z. Yang;  S. B. Yang;  Y. H. Yao;  Z. G. Yao;  Y. M. Ye;  L. Q. Yin;  N. Yin;  X. H. You;  Z. Y. You;  Y. H. Yu;  Q. Yuan;  H. D. Zeng;  T. X. Zeng;  W. Zeng;  Z. K. Zeng;  M. Zha;  X. X. Zhai;  B. B. Zhang;  H. M. Zhang;  H. Y. Zhang;  J. L. Zhang;  J. W. Zhang;  L. X. Zhang;  Li Zhang;  Lu Zhang;  P. F. Zhang;  P. P. Zhang;  R. Zhang;  S. R. Zhang;  S. S. Zhang;  X. Zhang;  X. P. Zhang;  Y. F. Zhang;  Y. L. Zhang;  Yi Zhang;  Yong Zhang;  B. Zhao;  J. Zhao;  L. Zhao;  L. Z. Zhao;  S. P. Zhao;  F. Zheng;  Y. Zheng;  B. Zhou;  H. Zhou;  J. N. Zhou;  P. Zhou;  R. Zhou;  X. X. Zhou;  C. G. Zhu;  F. R. Zhu;  H. Zhu;  K. J. Zhu;  X. Zuo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/27
Quantum walks on a programmable two-dimensional 62-qubit superconducting processor 期刊论文
Science, 2021
作者:  Ming Gong;  Shiyu Wang;  Chen Zha;  Ming-Cheng Chen;  He-Liang Huang;  Yulin Wu;  Qingling Zhu;  Youwei Zhao;  Shaowei Li;  Shaojun Guo;  Haoran Qian;  Yangsen Ye;  Fusheng Chen;  Chong Ying;  Jiale Yu;  Daojin Fan;  Dachao Wu;  Hong Su;  Hui Deng;  Hao Rong;  Kaili Zhang;  Sirui Cao;  Jin Lin;  Yu Xu;  Lihua Sun;  Cheng Guo;  Na Li;  Futian Liang;  V. M. Bastidas;  Kae Nemoto;  W. J. Munro;  Yong-Heng Huo;  Chao-Yang Lu;  Cheng-Zhi Peng;  Xiaobo Zhu;  Jian-Wei Pan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2021/06/07
Comparative host-coronavirus protein interaction networks reveal pan-viral disease mechanisms 期刊论文
Science, 2020
作者:  David E. Gordon;  Joseph Hiatt;  Mehdi Bouhaddou;  Veronica V. Rezelj;  Svenja Ulferts;  Hannes Braberg;  Alexander S. Jureka;  Kirsten Obernier;  Jeffrey Z. Guo;  Jyoti Batra;  Robyn M. Kaake;  Andrew R. Weckstein;  Tristan W. Owens;  Meghna Gupta;  Sergei Pourmal;  Erron W. Titus;  Merve Cakir;  Margaret Soucheray;  Michael McGregor;  Zeynep Cakir;  Gwendolyn Jang;  Matthew J. O’Meara;  Tia A. Tummino;  Ziyang Zhang;  Helene Foussard;  Ajda Rojc;  Yuan Zhou;  Dmitry Kuchenov;  Ruth Hüttenhain;  Jiewei Xu;  Manon Eckhardt;  Danielle L. Swaney;  Jacqueline M. Fabius;  Manisha Ummadi;  Beril Tutuncuoglu;  Ujjwal Rathore;  Maya Modak;  Paige Haas;  Kelsey M. Haas;  Zun Zar Chi Naing;  Ernst H. Pulido;  Ying Shi;  Inigo Barrio-Hernandez;  Danish Memon;  Eirini Petsalaki;  Alistair Dunham;  Miguel Correa Marrero;  David Burke;  Cassandra Koh;  Thomas Vallet;  Jesus A. Silvas;  Caleigh M. Azumaya;  Christian Billesbølle;  Axel F. Brilot;  Melody G. Campbell;  Amy Diallo;  Miles Sasha Dickinson;  Devan Diwanji;  Nadia Herrera;  Nick Hoppe;  Huong T. Kratochvil;  Yanxin Liu;  Gregory E. Merz;  Michelle Moritz;  Henry C. Nguyen;  Carlos Nowotny;  Cristina Puchades;  Alexandrea N. Rizo;  Ursula Schulze-Gahmen;  Amber M. Smith;  Ming Sun;  Iris D. Young;  Jianhua Zhao;  Daniel Asarnow;  Justin Biel;  Alisa Bowen;  Julian R. Braxton;  Jen Chen;  Cynthia M. Chio;  Un Seng Chio;  Ishan Deshpande;  Loan Doan;  Bryan Faust;  Sebastian Flores;  Mingliang Jin;  Kate Kim;  Victor L. Lam;  Fei Li;  Junrui Li;  Yen-Li Li;  Yang Li;  Xi Liu;  Megan Lo;  Kyle E. Lopez;  Arthur A. Melo;  Frank R. Moss;  Phuong Nguyen;  Joana Paulino;  Komal Ishwar Pawar;  Jessica K. Peters;  Thomas H. Pospiech;  Maliheh Safari;  Smriti Sangwan;  Kaitlin Schaefer;  Paul V. Thomas;  Aye C. Thwin;  Raphael Trenker;  Eric Tse;  Tsz Kin Martin Tsui;  Feng Wang;  Natalie Whitis;  Zanlin Yu;  Kaihua Zhang;  Yang Zhang;  Fengbo Zhou;  Daniel Saltzberg;  QCRG Structural Biology Consortium12†;  Anthony J. Hodder;  Amber S. Shun-Shion;  Daniel M. Williams;  Kris M. White;  Romel Rosales;  Thomas Kehrer;  Lisa Miorin;  Elena Moreno;  Arvind H. Patel;  Suzannah Rihn;  Mir M. Khalid;  Albert Vallejo-Gracia;  Parinaz Fozouni;  Camille R. Simoneau;  Theodore L. Roth;  David Wu;  Mohd Anisul Karim;  Maya Ghoussaini;  Ian Dunham;  Francesco Berardi;  Sebastian Weigang;  Maxime Chazal;  Jisoo Park;  James Logue;  Marisa McGrath;  Stuart Weston;  Robert Haupt;  C. James Hastie;  Matthew Elliott;  Fiona Brown;  Kerry A. Burness;  Elaine Reid;  Mark Dorward;  Clare Johnson;  Stuart G. Wilkinson;  Anna Geyer;  Daniel M. Giesel;  Carla Baillie;  Samantha Raggett;  Hannah Leech;  Rachel Toth;  Nicola Goodman;  Kathleen C. Keough;  Abigail L. Lind;  Zoonomia Consortium‡;  Reyna J. Klesh;  Kafi R. Hemphill;  Jared Carlson-Stevermer;  Jennifer Oki;  Kevin Holden;  Travis Maures;  Katherine S. Pollard;  Andrej Sali;  David A. Agard;  Yifan Cheng;  James S. Fraser;  Adam Frost;  Natalia Jura;  Tanja Kortemme;  Aashish Manglik;  Daniel R. Southworth;  Robert M. Stroud;  Dario R. Alessi;  Paul Davies;  Matthew B. Frieman;  Trey Ideker;  Carmen Abate;  Nolwenn Jouvenet;  Georg Kochs;  Brian Shoichet;  Melanie Ott;  Massimo Palmarini;  Kevan M. Shokat;  Adolfo García-Sastre;  Jeremy A. Rassen;  Robert Grosse;  Oren S. Rosenberg;  Kliment A. Verba;  Christopher F. Basler;  Marco Vignuzzi;  Andrew A. Peden;  Pedro Beltrao;  Nevan J. Krogan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/07
Fast sulfate formation from oxidation of SO2 by NO2 and HONO observed in Beijing haze 期刊论文
作者:  Wang, Junfeng;  Li, Jingyi;  Ye, Jianhuai;  Zhao, Jian;  Wu, Yangzhou;  Hu, Jianlin;  Liu, Dantong;  Nie, Dongyang;  Shen, Fuzhen;  Huang, Xiangpeng;  Huang, Dan Dan;  Ji, Dongsheng;  Sun, Xu;  Xu, Weiqi;  Guo, Jianping;  Song, Shaojie;  Qin, Yiming;  Liu, Pengfei;  Turner, Jay R.;  Lee, Hyun Chul;  Hwang, Sungwoo;  Liao, Hong;  Martin, Scot T.;  Zhang, Qi;  Chen, Mindong;  Sun, Yele;  Ge, Xinlei;  Jacob, Daniel J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/06/09
A developmental landscape of 3D-cultured human pre-gastrulation embryos 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7791) : 537-+
作者:  Xiang, Lifeng;  Yin, Yu;  Zheng, Yun;  Ma, Yanping;  Li, Yonggang;  Zhao, Zhigang;  Guo, Junqiang;  Ai, Zongyong;  Niu, Yuyu;  Duan, Kui;  He, Jingjing;  Ren, Shuchao;  Wu, Dan;  Bai, Yun;  Shang, Zhouchun;  Dai, Xi;  Ji, Weizhi;  Li, Tianqing
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Our understanding of how human embryos develop before gastrulation, including spatial self-organization and cell type ontogeny, remains limited by available two-dimensional technological platforms(1,2) that do not recapitulate the in vivo conditions(3-5). Here we report a three-dimensional (3D) blastocyst-culture system that enables human blastocyst development up to the primitive streak anlage stage. These 3D embryos mimic developmental landmarks and 3D architectures in vivo, including the embryonic disc, amnion, basement membrane, primary and primate unique secondary yolk sac, formation of anterior-posterior polarity and primitive streak anlage. Using single-cell transcriptome profiling, we delineate ontology and regulatory networks that underlie the segregation of epiblast, primitive endoderm and trophoblast. Compared with epiblasts, the amniotic epithelium shows unique and characteristic phenotypes. After implantation, specific pathways and transcription factors trigger the differentiation of cytotrophoblasts, extravillous cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts. Epiblasts undergo a transition to pluripotency upon implantation, and the transcriptome of these cells is maintained until the generation of the primitive streak anlage. These developmental processes are driven by different pluripotency factors. Together, findings from our 3D-culture approach help to determine the molecular and morphogenetic developmental landscape that occurs during human embryogenesis.

A 3D culture system to model human embryonic development, together with single-cell transcriptome profiling, provides insights into the molecular developmental landscape during human post-implantation embryogenesis.

Horizontal gene transfer of Fhb7 from fungus underlies Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat 期刊论文
Science, 2020
作者:  Hongwei Wang;  Silong Sun;  Wenyang Ge;  Lanfei Zhao;  Bingqian Hou;  Kai Wang;  Zhongfan Lyu;  Liyang Chen;  Shoushen Xu;  Jun Guo;  Min Li;  Peisen Su;  Xuefeng Li;  Guiping Wang;  Cunyao Bo;  Xiaojian Fang;  Wenwen Zhuang;  Xinxin Cheng;  Jianwen Wu;  Luhao Dong;  Wuying Chen;  Wen Li;  Guilian Xiao;  Jinxiao Zhao;  Yongchao Hao;  Ying Xu;  Yu Gao;  Wenjing Liu;  Yanhe Liu;  Huayan Yin;  Jiazhu Li;  Xiang Li;  Yan Zhao;  Xiaoqian Wang;  Fei Ni;  Xin Ma;  Anfei Li;  Steven S. Xu;  Guihua Bai;  Eviatar Nevo;  Caixia Gao;  Herbert Ohm;  Lingrang Kong
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/25
The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 79-+
作者:  Zhang, Liangsheng;  Chen, Fei;  Zhang, Xingtan;  Li, Zhen;  Zhao, Yiyong;  Lohaus, Rolf;  Chang, Xiaojun;  Dong, Wei;  Ho, Simon Y. W.;  Liu, Xing;  Song, Aixia;  Chen, Junhao;  Guo, Wenlei;  Wang, Zhengjia;  Zhuang, Yingyu;  Wang, Haifeng;  Chen, Xuequn;  Hu, Juan;  Liu, Yanhui;  Qin, Yuan;  Wang, Kai;  Dong, Shanshan;  Liu, Yang;  Zhang, Shouzhou;  Yu, Xianxian;  Wu, Qian;  Wang, Liangsheng;  Yan, Xueqing;  Jiao, Yuannian;  Kong, Hongzhi;  Zhou, Xiaofan;  Yu, Cuiwei;  Chen, Yuchu;  Li, Fan;  Wang, Jihua;  Chen, Wei;  Chen, Xinlu;  Jia, Qidong;  Zhang, Chi;  Jiang, Yifan;  Zhang, Wanbo;  Liu, Guanhua;  Fu, Jianyu;  Chen, Feng;  Ma, Hong;  Van de Peer, Yves;  Tang, Haibao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Water lilies belong to the angiosperm order Nymphaeales. Amborellales, Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales together form the so-called ANA-grade of angiosperms, which are extant representatives of lineages that diverged the earliest from the lineage leading to the extant mesangiosperms(1-3). Here we report the 409-megabase genome sequence of the blue-petal water lily (Nymphaea colorata). Our phylogenomic analyses support Amborellales and Nymphaeales as successive sister lineages to all other extant angiosperms. The N. colorata genome and 19 other water lily transcriptomes reveal a Nymphaealean whole-genome duplication event, which is shared by Nymphaeaceae and possibly Cabombaceae. Among the genes retained from this whole-genome duplication are homologues of genes that regulate flowering transition and flower development. The broad expression of homologues of floral ABCE genes in N. colorata might support a similarly broadly active ancestral ABCE model of floral organ determination in early angiosperms. Water lilies have evolved attractive floral scents and colours, which are features shared with mesangiosperms, and we identified their putative biosynthetic genes in N. colorata. The chemical compounds and biosynthetic genes behind floral scents suggest that they have evolved in parallel to those in mesangiosperms. Because of its unique phylogenetic position, the N. colorata genome sheds light on the early evolution of angiosperms.

A map of object space in primate inferotemporal cortex 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7814) : 103-+
作者:  Wu, Huihui;  Li, Bosheng;  Iwakawa, Hiro-oki;  Pan, Yajie;  Tang, Xianli;  Ling-hu, Qianyan;  Liu, Yuelin;  Sheng, Shixin;  Feng, Li;  Zhang, Hong;  Zhang, Xinyan;  Tang, Zhonghua;  Xia, Xinli;  Zhai, Jixian;  Guo, Hongwei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:47/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Primate inferotemporal cortex contains a coarse map of object space consisting of four networks, identified using functional imaging, electrophysiology and deep networks.

The inferotemporal (IT) cortex is responsible for object recognition, but it is unclear how the representation of visual objects is organized in this part of the brain. Areas that are selective for categories such as faces, bodies, and scenes have been found(1-5), but large parts of IT cortex lack any known specialization, raising the question of what general principle governs IT organization. Here we used functional MRI, microstimulation, electrophysiology, and deep networks to investigate the organization of macaque IT cortex. We built a low-dimensional object space to describe general objects using a feedforward deep neural network trained on object classification(6). Responses of IT cells to a large set of objects revealed that single IT cells project incoming objects onto specific axes of this space. Anatomically, cells were clustered into four networks according to the first two components of their preferred axes, forming a map of object space. This map was repeated across three hierarchical stages of increasing view invariance, and cells that comprised these maps collectively harboured sufficient coding capacity to approximately reconstruct objects. These results provide a unified picture of IT organization in which category-selective regions are part of a coarse map of object space whose dimensions can be extracted from a deep network.

The wide-binary origin of (2014) MU69-like Kuiper belt contact binaries (vol 31, pg 878, 2020) 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : E2-E2
作者:  Wu, Huihui;  Li, Bosheng;  Iwakawa, Hiro-oki;  Pan, Yajie;  Tang, Xianli;  Ling-hu, Qianyan;  Liu, Yuelin;  Sheng, Shixin;  Feng, Li;  Zhang, Hong;  Zhang, Xinyan;  Tang, Zhonghua;  Xia, Xinli;  Zhai, Jixian;  Guo, Hongwei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03
Mutational signature in colorectal cancer caused by genotoxic pks(+)E. coli 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7802) : 269-+
作者:  Lin, Xi;  Li, Mingyue;  Wang, Niandong;  Wu, Yiran;  Luo, Zhipu;  Guo, Shimeng;  Han, Gye-Won;  Li, Shaobai;  Yue, Yang;  Wei, Xiaohu;  Xie, Xin;  Chen, Yong;  Zhao, Suwen;  Wu, Jian;  Lei, Ming;  Xu, Fei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Various species of the intestinal microbiota have been associated with the development of colorectal cancer(1,2), but it has not been demonstrated that bacteria have a direct role in the occurrence of oncogenic mutations. Escherichia coli can carry the pathogenicity island pks, which encodes a set of enzymes that synthesize colibactin(3). This compound is believed to alkylate DNA on adenine residues(4,5) and induces double-strand breaks in cultured cells(3). Here we expose human intestinal organoids to genotoxic pks(+)E. coli by repeated luminal injection over five months. Whole-genome sequencing of clonal organoids before and after this exposure revealed a distinct mutational signature that was absent from organoids injected with isogenic pks-mutant bacteria. The same mutational signature was detected in a subset of 5,876 human cancer genomes from two independent cohorts, predominantly in colorectal cancer. Our study describes a distinct mutational signature in colorectal cancer and implies that the underlying mutational process results directly from past exposure to bacteria carrying the colibactin-producing pks pathogenicity island.

Organoids derived from human intestinal cells that are co-cultured with bacteria carrying the genotoxic pks(+) island develop a distinct mutational signature associated with colorectal cancer.