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Regional contribution to variability and trends of global gross primary productivity 期刊论文
作者:  Chen, Min;  Rafique, Rashid;  Asrar, Ghassem R.;  Bond-Lamberty, Ben;  Ciais, Philippe;  Zhao, Fang;  Reyer, Christopher P. O.;  Ostberg, Sebastian;  Chang, Jinfeng;  Ito, Akihiko;  Yang, Jia;  Zeng, Ning;  Kalnay, Eugenia;  West, Tristram;  Leng, Guoyong;  Francois, Louis;  Munhoven, Guy;  Henrot, Alexandra;  Tian, Hanqin;  Pan, Shufen;  Nishina, Kazuya;  Viovy, Nicolas;  Morfopoulos, Catherine;  Betts, Richard;  Schaphoff, Sibyll;  Steinkamp, Joerg;  Hickler, Thomas
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
gross primary productivity  terrestrial ecosystems  inter-annual variability  seasonal variability  
Challenging terrestrial biosphere models with data from the long-term multifactor Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment experiment 期刊论文
作者:  De Kauwe, Martin G.;  Medlyn, Belinda E.;  Walker, Anthony P.;  Zaehle, Soenke;  Asao, Shinichi;  Guenet, Bertrand;  Harper, Anna B.;  Hickler, Thomas;  Jain, Atul K.;  Luo, Yiqi;  Lu, Xingjie;  Luus, Kristina;  Parton, William J.;  Shu, Shijie;  Wang, Ying-Ping;  Werner, Christian;  Xia, Jianyang;  Pendall, Elise;  Morgan, Jack A.;  Ryan, Edmund M.;  Carrillo, Yolima;  Dijkstra, Feike A.;  Zelikova, Tamara J.;  Norby, Richard J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
allocation  carbon dioxide  FACE  grassland  models  PHACE  phenology  soil moisture  temperature  
Photosynthetic productivity and its efficiencies in ISIMIP2a biome models: benchmarking for impact assessment studies 期刊论文
作者:  Ito, Akihiko;  Nishina, Kazuya;  Reyer, Christopher P. O.;  Francois, Louis;  Henrot, Alexandra-Jane;  Munhoven, Guy;  Jacquemin, Ingrid;  Tian, Hanqin;  Yang, Jia;  Pan, Shufen;  Morfopoulos, Catherine;  Betts, Richard;  Hickler, Thomas;  Steinkamp, Joerg;  Ostberg, Sebastian;  Schaphoff, Sibyll;  Ciais, Philippe;  Chang, Jinfeng;  Rafique, Rashid;  Zeng, Ning;  Zhao, Fang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
carbon cycle  gross primary production  ISIMIP2a  modeling  uncertainty  vegetation  
Emergent climate and CO2 sensitivities of net primary productivity in ecosystem models do not agree with empirical data in temperate forests of eastern North America 期刊论文
作者:  Rollinson, Christine R.;  Liu, Yao;  Raiho, Ann;  Moore, David J. P.;  McLachlan, Jason;  Bishop, Daniel A.;  Dye, Alex;  Matthes, Jaclyn H.;  Hessl, Amy;  Hickler, Thomas;  Pederson, Neil;  Poulter, Benjamin;  Quaife, Tristan;  Schaefer, Kevin;  Steinkamp, Jorg;  Dietze, Michael C.
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climate change  climate sensitivity  ecosystem model  emergent response  model-data comparison  net primary productivity  paleoecology  tree rings  
Benchmarking carbon fluxes of the ISIMIP2a biome models 期刊论文
作者:  Chang, Jinfeng;  Ciais, Philippe;  Wang, Xuhui;  Piao, Shilong;  Asrar, Ghassem;  Betts, Richard;  Chevallier, Frederic;  Dury, Marie;  Francois, Louis;  Frieler, Katja;  Ros, Anselmo Garcia Cantu;  Henrot, Alexandra-Jane;  Hickler, Thomas;  Ito, Akihiko;  Morfopoulos, Catherine;  Munhoven, Guy;  Nishina, Kazuya;  Ostberg, Sebastian;  Pan, Shufen;  Peng, Shushi;  Rafique, Rashid;  Reyer, Christopher;  Roedenbeck, Christian;  Schaphoff, Sibyll;  Steinkamp, Joerg;  Tian, Hanqin;  Viovy, Nicolas;  Yang, Jia;  Zeng, Ning;  Zhao, Fang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
carbon fluxes  model evaluation  ENSO  terrestrial ecosystems  climate change  interannual variability  sensitivity  
Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 355 (6325)
作者:  Barnosky, Anthony D.;  Hadly, Elizabeth A.;  Gonzalez, Patrick;  Head, Jason;  Polly, P. David;  Lawing, A. Michelle;  Eronen, Jussi T.;  Ackerly, David D.;  Alex, Ken;  Biber, Eric;  Blois, Jessica;  Brashares, Justin;  Ceballos, Gerardo;  Davis, Edward;  Dietl, Gregory P.;  Dirzo, Rodolfo;  Doremus, Holly;  Fortelius, Mikael;  Greene, Harry W.;  Hellmann, Jessica;  Hickler, Thomas;  Jackson, Stephen T.;  Kemp, Melissa;  Koch, Paul L.;  Kremen, Claire;  Lindsey, Emily L.;  Looy, Cindy;  Marshall, Charles R.;  Mendenhall, Chase;  Mulch, Andreas;  Mychajliw, Alexis M.;  Nowak, Carsten;  Ramakrishnan, Uma;  Schnitzler, Jan;  Das Shrestha, Kashish;  Solari, Katherine;  Stegner, Lynn;  Stegner, M. Allison;  Stenseth, Nils Chr;  Wake, Marvalee H.;  Zhang, Zhibin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/17
Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
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Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/17
Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/17