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Illuminating gravitational waves: A concordant picture of photons from a neutron star merger 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 358 (6370) : 1559-+
作者:  Kasliwal, M. M.;  Nakar, E.;  Singer, L. P.;  Kaplan, D. L.;  Cook, D. O.;  Van Sistine, A.;  Lau, R. M.;  Fremling, C.;  Gottlieb, O.;  Jencson, J. E.;  Adams, S. M.;  Feindt, U.;  Hotokezaka, K.;  Ghosh, S.;  Perley, D. A.;  Yu, P-C.;  Piran, T.;  Allison, J. R.;  Anupama, G. C.;  Balasubramanian, A.;  WBannister, K.;  Bally, J.;  Barnes, J.;  Barway, S.;  Bellm, E.;  Bhalerao, V.;  Bhattacharya, D.;  Blagorodnova, N.;  Bloom, J. S.;  Brady, P. R.;  Cannella, C.;  Chatterjee, D.;  Cenko, S. B.;  Cobb, B. E.;  Copperwheat, C.;  Corsi, A.;  De, K.;  Dobie, D.;  Emery, S. W. K.;  Evans, P. A.;  Fox, O. D.;  Frail, D. A.;  Frohmaier, C.;  Goobar, A.;  Hallinan, G.;  Harrison, F.;  Helou, G.;  Hinderer, T.;  Ho, A. Y. Q.;  Horesh, A.;  Ip, W-H.;  Itoh, R.;  Kasen, D.;  Kim, H.;  Kuin, N. P. M.;  Kupfer, T.;  Lynch, C.;  Madsen, K.;  Mazzali, P. A.;  Miller, A. A.;  Mooley, K.;  Murphy, T.;  Ngeow, C-C.;  Nichols, D.;  Nissanke, S.;  Nugent, P.;  Ofek, E. O.;  Qi, H.;  Quimby, R. M.;  Rosswog, S.;  Rusu, F.;  Sadler, E. M.;  Schmidt, P.;  Sollerman, J.;  Steele, I.;  Williamson, A. R.;  Xu, Y.;  Yan, L.;  Yatsu, Y.;  Zhang, C.;  Zhao, W.
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Extended gamma-ray sources around pulsars constrain the origin of the positron flux at Earth 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 358 (6365) : 911-914
作者:  Abeysekara, A. U.;  Albert, A.;  Alfaro, R.;  Alvarez, C.;  Alvarez, J. D.;  Arceo, R.;  Arteaga-Velazquez, J. C.;  Rojas, D. Avila;  Solares, H. A. Ayala;  Barber, A. S.;  Bautista-Elivar, N.;  Becerril, A.;  Belmont-Moreno, E.;  BenZvi, S. Y.;  Berley, D.;  Bernal, A.;  Braun, J.;  Brisbois, C.;  Caballero-Mora, K. S.;  Capistran, T.;  Carraminana, A.;  Casanova, S.;  Castillo, M.;  Cotti, U.;  Cotzomi, J.;  de Leon, S. Coutino;  De Leon, C.;  De la Fuente, E.;  Dingus, B. L.;  DuVernois, M. A.;  Diaz-Velez, J. C.;  Ellsworth, R. W.;  Engel, K.;  Enriquez-Rivera, O.;  Fiorino, D. W.;  Fraija, N.;  Garcia-Gonzalez, J. A.;  Garfias, F.;  Gerhardt, M.;  Munoz, A. Gonzalez;  Gonzalez, M. M.;  Goodman, J. A.;  Hampel-Arias, Z.;  Harding, J. P.;  Hernandez, S.;  Hernandez-Almada, A.;  Hinton, J.;  Hona, B.;  Hui, C. M.;  Huntemeyer, P.;  Iriarte, A.;  Jardin-Blicq, A.;  Joshi, V.;  Kaufmann, S.;  Kieda, D.;  Lara, A.;  Lauer, R. J.;  Lee, W. H.;  Lennarz, D.;  Vargas, H. Leon;  Linnemann, J. T.;  Longinotti, A. L.;  Raya, G. Luis;  Luna-Garcia, R.;  Lopez-Coto, R.;  Malone, K.;  Marinelli, S. S.;  Martinez, O.;  Martinez-Castellanos, I.;  Martinez-Castro, J.;  Martinez-Huerta, H.;  Matthews, J. A.;  Miranda-Romagnoli, P.;  Moreno, E.;  Mostafa, M.;  Nellen, L.;  Newbold, M.;  Nisa, M. U.;  Noriega-Papaqui, R.;  Pelayo, R.;  Pretz, J.;  Perez-Perez, E. G.;  Ren, Z.;  Rho, C. D.;  Riviere, C.;  Rosa-Gonzalez, D.;  Rosenberg, M.;  Ruiz-Velasco, E.;  Salazar, H.;  Greus, F. Salesa;  Sandoval, A.;  Schneider, M.;  Schoorlemmer, H.;  Sinnis, G.;  Smith, A. J.;  Springer, R. W.;  Surajbali, P.;  Taboada, I.;  Tibolla, O.;  Tollefson, K.;  Torres, I.;  Ukwatta, T. N.;  Vianello, G.;  Weisgarber, T.;  Westerhoff, S.;  Wisher, I. G.;  Wood, J.;  Yapici, T.;  Yodh, G.;  Younk, P. W.;  Zepeda, A.;  Zhou, H.;  Guo, F.;  Hahn, J.;  Li, H.;  Zhang, H.
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Femtosecond electron-phonon lock-in by photoemission and x-ray free-electron laser 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 357 (6346) : 71-74
作者:  Gerber, S.;  Yang, S. -L.;  Zhu, D.;  Soifer, H.;  Sobota, J. A.;  Rebec, S.;  Lee, J. J.;  Jia, T.;  Moritz, B.;  Jia, C.;  Gauthier, A.;  Li, Y.;  Leuenberger, D.;  Zhang, Y.;  Chaix, L.;  Li, W.;  Jang, H.;  Lee, J. -S.;  Yi, M.;  Dakovski, G. L.;  Song, S.;  Glownia, J. M.;  Nelson, S.;  Kim, K. W.;  Chuang, Y. -D.;  Hussain, Z.;  Moore, R. G.;  Devereaux, T. P.;  Lee, W. -S.;  Kirchmann, P. S.;  Shen, Z. -X.
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Rescue of exhausted CD8 T cells by PD-1-targeted therapies is CD28-dependent 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 355 (6332) : 1423-1427
作者:  Kamphorst, Alice O.;  Wieland, Andreas;  Nasti, Tahseen;  Yang, Shu;  Zhang, Ruan;  Barber, Daniel L.;  Konieczny, Bogumila T.;  Daugherty, Candace Z.;  Koenig, Lydia;  Yu, Ke;  Sica, Gabriel L.;  Sharpe, Arlene H.;  Freeman, Gordon J.;  Blazar, Bruce R.;  Turka, Laurence A.;  Owonikoko, Taofeek K.;  Pillai, Rathi N.;  Ramalingam, Suresh S.;  Araki, Koichi;  Ahmed, Rafi
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Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 355 (6325)
作者:  Barnosky, Anthony D.;  Hadly, Elizabeth A.;  Gonzalez, Patrick;  Head, Jason;  Polly, P. David;  Lawing, A. Michelle;  Eronen, Jussi T.;  Ackerly, David D.;  Alex, Ken;  Biber, Eric;  Blois, Jessica;  Brashares, Justin;  Ceballos, Gerardo;  Davis, Edward;  Dietl, Gregory P.;  Dirzo, Rodolfo;  Doremus, Holly;  Fortelius, Mikael;  Greene, Harry W.;  Hellmann, Jessica;  Hickler, Thomas;  Jackson, Stephen T.;  Kemp, Melissa;  Koch, Paul L.;  Kremen, Claire;  Lindsey, Emily L.;  Looy, Cindy;  Marshall, Charles R.;  Mendenhall, Chase;  Mulch, Andreas;  Mychajliw, Alexis M.;  Nowak, Carsten;  Ramakrishnan, Uma;  Schnitzler, Jan;  Das Shrestha, Kashish;  Solari, Katherine;  Stegner, Lynn;  Stegner, M. Allison;  Stenseth, Nils Chr;  Wake, Marvalee H.;  Zhang, Zhibin
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Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
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Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
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Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
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Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/17
Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 355 (6325) : ) as they drag bone-laden carnivore scat and raptor pellets into their middens are particularly useful in sampling the vertebrate and plant community with high fidelity to taxonomic composition and relative abundance (46–48)
作者:  Anthony D. Barnosky;  Elizabeth A. Hadly;  Patrick Gonzalez;  Jason Head;  P. David Polly;  A. Michelle Lawing;  Jussi T. Eronen;  David D. Ackerly;  Ken Alex;  Eric Biber;  Jessica Blois;  Justin Brashares;  Gerardo Ceballos;  Edward Davis;  Gregory P. Dietl;  Rodolfo Dirzo;  Holly Doremus;  Mikael Fortelius;  Harry W. Greene;  Jessica Hellmann;  Thomas Hickler;  Stephen T. Jackson;  Melissa Kemp;  Paul L. Koch;  Claire Kremen;  Emily L. Lindsey;  Cindy Looy;  Charles R. Marshall;  Chase Mendenhall;  Andreas Mulch;  Alexis M. Mychajliw;  Carsten Nowak;  Uma Ramakrishnan;  Jan Schnitzler;  Kashish Das Shrestha;  Katherine Solari;  Lynn Stegner;  M. Allison Stegner;  Nils Chr. Stenseth;  Marvalee H. Wake;  Zhibin Zhang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/17