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Sustained rescue of prefrontal circuit dysfunction by antidepressant-induced spine formation 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6436) : 147-+
作者:  Moda-Sava, R. N.;  Murdock, M. H.;  Parekh, P. K.;  Fetcho, R. N.;  Huang, B. S.;  Huynh, T. N.;  Witztum, J.;  Shaver, D. C.;  Rosenthal, D. L.;  Alway, E. J.;  Lopez, K.;  Meng, Y.;  Nellissen, L.;  Grosenick, L.;  Milner, T. A.;  Deisseroth, K.;  Bito, H.;  Kasai, H.;  Liston, C.
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Evidence for hormonal control of heart regenerative capacity during endothermy acquisition 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6436) : 184-+
作者:  Hirose, Kentaro;  Payumo, Alexander Y.;  Cutie, Stephen;  Hoang, Alison;  Zhang, Hao;  Guyot, Romain;  Lunn, Dominic;  Bigley, Rachel B.;  Yu, Hongyao;  Wang, Jiajia;  Smith, Megan;  Gillett, Ellen;  Muroy, Sandra E.;  Schmid, Tobias;  Wilson, Emily;  Field, Kenneth A.;  Reeder, DeeAnn M.;  Maden, Malcom;  Yartsev, Michael M.;  Wolfgang, Michael J.;  Grutzner, Frank;  Scanlan, Thomas S.;  Szweda, Luke I.;  Buffenstein, Rochelle;  Hu, Guang;  Flamant, Frederic;  Olgin, Jeffrey E.;  Huang, Guo N.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Phase transitions in a programmable quantum spin glass simulator 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 361 (6398) : 162-165
作者:  Harris, R.;  Sato, Y.;  Berkley, A. J.;  Reis, M.;  Altomare, F.;  Amin, M. H.;  Boothby, K.;  Bunyk, P.;  Deng, C.;  Enderud, C.;  Huang, S.;  Hoskinson, E.;  Johnson, M. W.;  Ladizinsky, E.;  Ladizinsky, N.;  Lanting, T.;  Li, R.;  Medina, T.;  Molavi, R.;  Neufeld, R.;  Oh, T.;  Pavlov, I.;  Perminov, I.;  Poulin-Lamarre, G.;  Rich, C.;  Smirnov, A.;  Swenson, L.;  Tsai, N.;  Volkmann, M.;  Whittaker, J.;  Yao, J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Atmospheric blocking as a traffic jam in the jet stream 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 361 (6397) : 42-47
作者:  Nakamura, Noboru;  Huang, Clare S. Y.
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A blueprint for demonstrating quantum supremacy with superconducting qubits 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 360 (6385) : 195-198
作者:  Neill, C.;  Roushan, P.;  Kechedzhi, K.;  Boixo, S.;  Isakov, S. V.;  Smelyanskiy, V.;  Megrant, A.;  Chiaro, B.;  Dunsworth, A.;  Arya, K.;  Barends, R.;  Burkett, B.;  Chen, Y.;  Chen, Z.;  Fowler, A.;  Foxen, B.;  Giustina, M.;  Graff, R.;  Jeffrey, E.;  Huang, T.;  Kelly, J.;  Klimov, P.;  Lucero, E.;  Mutus, J.;  Neeley, M.;  Quintana, C.;  Sank, D.;  Vainsencher, A.;  Wenner, J.;  White, T. C.;  Neven, H.;  Martinis, J. M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Arabidopsis pollen tube integrity and sperm release are regulated by RALF-mediated signaling 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 358 (6370) : 1596-1599
作者:  Ge, Zengxiang;  Bergonci, Tabata;  Zhao, Yuling;  Zou, Yanjiao;  Du, Shuo;  Liu, Ming-Che;  Luo, Xingju;  Ruan, Hao;  Garcia-Valencia, Liliana E.;  Zhong, Sheng;  Hou, Saiying;  Huang, Qingpei;  Lai, Luhua;  Moura, Daniel S.;  Gu, Hongya;  Dong, Juan;  Wu, Hen-Ming;  Dresselhaus, Thomas;  Xiao, Junyu;  Cheung, Alice Y.;  Qu, Li-Jia
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
A prominent glycyl radical enzyme in human gut microbiomes metabolizes trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2017, 355 (6325)
作者:  Levin, B. J.;  Huang, Y. Y.;  Peck, S. C.;  Wei, Y.;  Campo, A. Martinez-del;  Marks, J. A.;  Franzosa, E. A.;  Huttenhower, C.;  Balskus, E. P.
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