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Solve the biodiversity crisis with funding 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6459) : 1256-1256
作者:  Malcom, Jacob;  Schwartz, Mark W.;  Evansen, Megan;  Ripple, William J.;  Polasky, Stephen;  Gerber, Leah R.;  Lovejoy, Thomas E.;  Talbot, Lee M.;  Miller, Jennifer R. B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth's early transformation through land use 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6456) : 897-+
作者:  Stephens, Lucas;  Fuller, Dorian;  Boivin, Nicole;  Rick, Torben;  Gauthier, Nicolas;  Kay, Andrea;  Marwick, Ben;  Armstrong, Chelsey Geralda Denise;  Barton, C. Michael;  Denham, Tim;  Douglass, Kristina;  Driver, Jonathan;  Janz, Lisa;  Roberts, Patrick;  Rogers, J. Daniel;  Thakar, Heather;  Altaweel, Mark;  Johnson, Amber L.;  Sampietro Vattuone, Maria Marta;  Aldenderfer, Mark;  Archila, Sonia;  Artioli, Gilberto;  Bale, Martin T.;  Beach, Timothy;  Borrell, Ferran;  Braje, Todd;  Buckland, Philip I.;  Jimenez Cano, Nayeli Guadalupe;  Capriles, Jose M.;  Diez Castillo, Agustin;  Cilingiroglu, Ciler;  Cleary, Michelle Negus;  Conolly, James;  Coutros, Peter R.;  Covey, R. Alan;  Cremaschi, Mauro;  Crowther, Alison;  Der, Lindsay;  di Lernia, Savino;  Doershuk, John F.;  Doolittle, William E.;  Edwards, Kevin J.;  Erlandson, Jon M.;  Evans, Damian;  Fairbairn, Andrew;  Faulkner, Patrick;  Feinman, Gary;  Fernandes, Ricardo;  Fitzpatrick, Scott M.;  Fyfe, Ralph;  Garcea, Elena;  Goldstein, Steve;  Goodman, Reed Charles;  Guedes, Jade Dalpoim;  Herrmann, Jason;  Hiscock, Peter;  Hommel, Peter;  Horsburgh, K. Ann;  Hritz, Carrie;  Ives, John W.;  Junno, Aripekka;  Kahn, Jennifer G.;  Kaufman, Brett;  Kearns, Catherine;  Kidder, Tristram R.;  Lanoe, Francois;  Lawrence, Dan;  Lee, Gyoung-Ah;  Levin, Maureece J.;  Lindskoug, Henrik B.;  Antonio Lopez-Saez, Jose;  Macrae, Scott;  Marchant, Rob;  Marston, John M.;  McClure, Sarah;  Mccoy, Mark D.;  Miller, Alicia Ventresca;  Morrison, Michael;  Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite;  Mueller, Johannes;  Nayak, Ayushi;  Noerwidi, Sofwan;  Peres, Tanya M.;  Peterson, Christian E.;  Proctor, Lucas;  Randall, Asa R.;  Renette, Steve;  Schug, Gwen Robbins;  Ryzewski, Krysta;  Saini, Rakesh;  Scheinsohn, Vivian;  Schmidt, Peter;  Sebillaud, Pauline;  Seitsonen, Oula;  Simpson, Ian A.;  Soltysiak, Arkadiusz;  Speakman, Robert J.;  Spengler, Robert N.;  Steffen, Martina L.;  Storozum, Michael J.;  Strickland, Keir M.;  Thompson, Jessica;  Thurston, T. L.;  Ulm, Sean;  Ustunkaya, M. Cemre;  Welker, Martin H.;  West, Catherine;  Williams, Patrick Ryan;  Wright, David K.;  Wright, Nathan;  Zahir, Muhammad;  Zerboni, Andrea;  Beaudoin, Ella;  Garcia, Santiago Munevar;  Powell, Jeremy;  Thornton, Alexa;  Kaplan, Jed O.;  Gaillard, Marie-Jose;  Goldewijk, Kees Klein;  Ellis, Erle
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Initial results from the New Horizons exploration of 2014 MU69, a small Kuiper Belt object 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6441) : 649-+
作者:  Stern, S. A.;  Weaver, H. A.;  Spencer, J. R.;  Olkin, C. B.;  Gladstone, G. R.;  Grundy, W. M.;  Moore, J. M.;  Cruikshank, D. P.;  Elliott, H. A.;  McKinnon, W. B.;  Parker, J. Wm.;  Verbiscer, A. J.;  Young, L. A.;  Aguilar, D. A.;  Albers, J. M.;  Andert, T.;  Andrews, J. P.;  Bagenal, F.;  Banks, M. E.;  Bauer, B. A.;  Bauman, J. A.;  Bechtold, K. E.;  Beddingfield, C. B.;  Behrooz, N.;  Beisser, K. B.;  Benecchi, S. D.;  Bernardoni, E.;  Beyer, R. A.;  Bhaskaran, S.;  Bierson, C. J.;  Binzel, R. P.;  Birath, E. M.;  Bird, M. K.;  Boone, D. R.;  Bowman, A. F.;  Bray, V. J.;  Britt, D. T.;  Brown, L. E.;  Buckley, M. R.;  Buie, M. W.;  Buratti, B. J.;  Burke, L. M.;  Bushman, S. S.;  Careich, B.;  Chaikin, A. L.;  Chavez, C. L.;  Cheng, A. F.;  Colwell, E. J.;  Conard, S. J.;  Conner, M. P.;  Conrad, C. A.;  Cook, J. C.;  Cooper, S. B.;  Custodio, O. S.;  Ore, C. M. Dalle;  Deboy, C. C.;  Dharmavaram, P.;  Dhingra, R. D.;  Dunn, G. F.;  Earle, A. M.;  Egan, A. F.;  Eisig, J.;  El-Maarry, M. R.;  Engelbrecht, C.;  Enke, B. L.;  Ercol, C. J.;  Fattig, E. D.;  Ferrell, C. L.;  Finley, T. J.;  Firer, J.;  Fischetti, J.;  Folkner, W. M.;  Fosbury, M. N.;  Fountain, G. H.;  Freeze, J. M.;  Gabasova, L.;  Glaze, L. S.;  Green, J. L.;  Griffith, G. A.;  Guo, Y.;  Hahn, M.;  Hals, D. W.;  Hamilton, D. P.;  Hamilton, S. A.;  Hanley, J. J.;  Harch, A.;  Harmon, K. A.;  Hart, H. M.;  Hayes, J.;  Hersman, C. B.;  Hill, M. E.;  Hill, T. A.;  Hofgartner, J. D.;  Holdridge, M. E.;  Horanyi, M.;  Hosadurga, A.;  Howard, A. D.;  Howett, C. J. A.;  Jaskulek, S. E.;  Jennings, D. E.;  Jensen, J. R.;  Jones, M. R.;  Kang, H. K.;  Katz, D. J.;  Kaufmann, D. E.;  Kavelaars, J. J.;  Keane, J. T.;  Keleher, G. P.;  Kinczyk, M.;  Kochte, M. C.;  Kolmnann, P.;  Krimigis, S. M.;  Kruizinga, G. L.;  Kusnierkiewicz, D. Y.;  Lahr, M. S.;  Lauer, T. R.;  Lawrence, G. B.;  Lee, J. E.;  Lessac-Chenen, E. J.;  Linscott, I. R.;  Lisse, C. M.;  Lunsford, A. W.;  Mages, D. M.;  Mallder, V. A.;  Martin, N. P.;  May, B. H.;  McComas, D. J.;  MeNutt, R. L., Jr.;  Mehoke, D. S.;  Mehoke, T. S.;  Nelson, D. S.;  Nguyen, H. D.;  Nunez, J. I.;  Ocampo, A. C.;  Owen, W. M.;  Oxton, G. K.;  Parker, A. H.;  Patzold, M.;  Pelgrift, J. Y.;  Pelletier, F. J.;  Pineau, J. P.;  Piquette, M. R.;  Porter, S. B.;  Protopapa, S.;  Quirico, E.;  Redfern, J. A.;  Regiec, A. L.;  Reitsema, H. J.;  Reuter, D. C.;  Richardson, D. C.;  Riedel, J. E.;  Ritterbush, M. A.;  Robbins, S. J.;  Rodgers, D. J.;  Rogers, G. D.;  Rose, D. M.;  Rosendal, P. E.;  Runyon, K. D.;  Ryschkewitsch, M. G.;  Saina, M. M.;  Salinas, M. J.;  Schenk, P. M.;  Scherrer, J. R.;  Schlei, W. R.;  Schmitt, B.;  Schultz, D. J.;  Schurr, D. C.;  Scipioni, F.;  Sepan, R. L.;  Shelton, R. G.;  Showalter, M. R.;  Simon, M.;  Singer, K. N.;  Stahlheber, E. W.;  Stanbridge, D. R.;  Stansberry, J. A.;  Steffi, A. J.;  Strobel, D. F.;  Stothoff, M. M.;  Stryk, T.;  Stuart, J. M.;  Summers, M. E.;  Tapley, M. B.;  Taylor, A.;  Taylor, H. W.;  Tedford, R. M.;  Throop, H. B.;  Turner, L. S.;  Umurhan, O. M.;  Van Eck, J.;  Velez, D.;  Versteeg, M. H.;  Vincent, M. A.;  Webbert, R. W.;  Weidner, S. E.;  Ii, G. E. Weigle;  Wendel, J. R.;  White, O. L.;  Whittenburg, K. E.;  Williams, B. G.;  Williams, K. E.;  Williams, S. P.;  Wimters, H. L.;  Zangari, A. M.;  Zurbuchen, T. H.
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The NASA Twins Study: A multidimensional analysis of a year-long human spaceflight 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6436) : 144-+
作者:  Garrett-Bakelman, Francine E.;  Darshi, Manjula;  Green, Stefan J.;  Gur, Ruben C.;  Lin, Ling;  Macias, Brandon R.;  McKenna, Miles J.;  Meydan, Cem;  Mishra, Tejaswini;  Nasrini, Jad;  Piening, Brian D.;  Rizzardi, Lindsay F.;  Sharma, Kumar;  Siamwala, Jamila H.;  Taylor, Lynn;  Vitaterna, Martha Hotz;  Afkarian, Maryam;  Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim;  Ahadi, Sara;  Ambati, Aditya;  Arya, Maneesh;  Bezdan, Daniela;  Callahan, Colin M.;  Chen, Songjie;  Choi, Augustine M. K.;  Chlipala, George E.;  Contrepois, Kevin;  Covington, Marisa;  Crucian, Brian E.;  De Vivo, Immaculata;  Dinges, David F.;  Ebert, Douglas J.;  Feinberg, Jason I.;  Gandara, Jorge A.;  George, Kerry A.;  Goutsias, John;  Grills, George S.;  Hargens, Alan R.;  Heer, Martina;  Hillary, Ryan P.;  Hoofnagle, Andrew N.;  Hook, Vivian Y. H.;  Jenkinson, Garrett;  Jiang, Peng;  Keshavarzian, Ali;  Laurie, Steven S.;  Lee-McMullen, Brittany;  Lumpkins, Sarah B.;  MacKay, Matthew;  Maienschein-Cline, Mark G.;  Melnick, Ari M.;  Moore, Tyler M.;  Nakahira, Kiichi;  Patel, Hemal H.;  Pietrzyk, Robert;  Rao, Varsha;  Saito, Rintaro;  Salins, Denis N.;  Schilling, Jan M.;  Sears, Dorothy D.;  Sheridan, Caroline K.;  Stenger, Michael B.;  Tryggvadottir, Rakel;  Urban, Alexander E.;  Vaisar, Tomas;  Van Espen, Benjamin;  Zhang, Jing;  Ziegler, Michael G.;  Zwart, Sara R.;  Charles, John B.;  Kundrot, Craig E.;  Scott, Graham B. I.;  Bailey, Susan M.;  Basner, Mathias;  Feinberg, Andrew P.;  Lee, Stuart M. C.;  Mason, Christopher E.;  Mignot, Emmanuel;  Rana, Brinda K.;  Smith, Scott M.;  Snyder, Michael P.;  Turek, Fred W.
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Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6434) : 1459-+
作者:  Scheele, Ben C.;  Pasmans, Frank;  Skerratt, Lee F.;  Berger, Lee;  Martel, An;  Beukema, Wouter;  Acevedo, Aldemar A.;  Burrowes, Patricia A.;  Carvalho, Tamilie;  Catenazzi, Alessandro;  De la Riva, Ignacio;  Fisher, Matthew C.;  Flechas, Sandra V.;  Foster, Claire N.;  Frias-Alvarez, Patricia;  Garner, Trenton W. J.;  Gratwicke, Brian;  Guayasamin, Juan M.;  Hirschfeld, Mareike;  Kolby, Jonathan E.;  Kosch, Tiffany A.;  La Marca, Enrique;  Lindenmayer, David B.;  Lips, Karen R.;  Longo, Ana V.;  Maneyro, Raul;  McDonald, Cait A.;  Mendelson, Joseph, III;  Palacios-Rodriguez, Pablo;  Parra-Olea, Gabriela;  Richards-Zawacki, Corinne L.;  Roedel, Mark-Oliver;  Rovito, Sean M.;  Soto-Azat, Claudio;  Toledo, Luis Felipe;  Voyles, Jamie;  Weldon, Che;  Whitfield, Steven M.;  Wilkinson, Mark;  Zamudio, Kelly R.;  Canessa, Stefano
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The 2018 rift eruption and summit collapse of Kilauea Volcano 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6425) : 367-+
作者:  Neal, C. A.;  Brantley, S. R.;  Antolik, L.;  Babb, J. L.;  Burgess, M.;  Calles, K.;  Cappos, M.;  Chang, J. C.;  Conway, S.;  Desmither, L.;  Dotray, P.;  Elias, T.;  Fukunaga, P.;  Fuke, S.;  Johanson, I. A.;  Kamibayashi, K.;  kauahikaua, J.;  Lee, R. L.;  Pekalib, S.;  Miklius, A.;  Million, W.;  Moniz, C. J.;  Nadeau, P. A.;  Okubo, P.;  Parcheta, C.;  Patrick, M. R.;  Shiro, B.;  Swanson, D. A.;  Tollett, W.;  Trusdell, F.;  Younger, E. F.;  Zoeller, M. H.;  Montgomery-Brown, E. K.;  Anderson, K. R.;  Poland, M. P.;  Ball, J. L.;  Bard, J.;  Coombs, M.;  Dietterich, H. R.;  Kern, C.;  Thelen, W. A.;  Cervelli, P. F.;  Orr, T.;  Houghton, B. F.;  Ganseddi, C.;  Hazlett, R.;  Lundgren, P.;  Diefenbach, A. K.;  Lerner, A. H.;  Waite, G.;  Kelly, P.;  Clors, L.;  Werner, C.;  Mulliken, K.;  Fisher, G.;  Damby, D.
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The value of small mangrove patches 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6424) : 239-239
作者:  Curnick, David J.;  Pettorelli, Nathalie;  Amir, A. Aldrie;  Balke, Thorsten;  Barbier, Edward B.;  Crooks, Stephen;  Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid;  Duncan, Clare;  Endsor, Charlie;  Friess, Daniel A.;  Quarto, Alfredo;  Zinmer, Martin;  Lee, Shing Yip
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Pathogen blockade of TAK1 triggers caspase-8-dependent cleavage of gasdermin D and cell death 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 362 (6418) : 1064-+
作者:  Orning, Pontus;  Weng, Dan;  Starheim, Kristian;  Ratner, Dmitry;  Best, Zachary;  Lee, Bettina;  Brooks, Alexandria;  Xia, Shiyu;  Wu, Hao;  Kelliher, Michelle A.;  Berger, Scott B.;  Gough, Peter J.;  Bertin, John;  Proulx, Megan M.;  Goguen, Jon D.;  Kayagaki, Nobuhiko;  Fitzgerald, Katherine A.;  Lien, Egil
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Isostructural metal-insulator transition in VO2 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 362 (6418) : 1037-+
作者:  Lee, D.;  Chung, B.;  Shi, Y.;  Kim, G. -Y.;  Campbell, N.;  Xue, F.;  Song, K.;  Choi, S. -Y.;  Podkaminer, J. P.;  Kim, T. H.;  Ryan, P. J.;  Kim, J. -W.;  Paudel, T. R.;  Kang, J. -H.;  Spinuzzi, J. W.;  Tenne, D. A.;  Tsymbal, E. Y.;  Rzchowski, M. S.;  Chen, L. Q.;  Lee, J.;  Eom, C. B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Rapid change of superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling through critical doping in Bi-2212 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2018, 362 (6410) : 62-+
作者:  He, Y.;  Hashimoto, M.;  Song, D.;  Chen, S. -D.;  He, J.;  Vishik, I. M.;  Moritz, B.;  Lee, D. -H.;  Nagaosa, N.;  Zaanen, J.;  Devereaux, T. P.;  Yoshida, Y.;  Eisaki, H.;  Lu, D. H.;  Shen, Z. -X.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27