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Attributing differences in the fate of lateral boundary ozone in AQMEII3 models to physical process representations 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (23) : 17157-17175
作者:  Liu, Peng;  Hogrefe, Christian;  Im, Ulas;  Christensen, Jesper H.;  Bieser, Johannes;  Nopmongcol, Uarporn;  Yarwood, Greg;  Mathur, Rohit;  Roselle, Shawn;  Spero, Tanya
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Mesoscale fine structure of a tropopause fold over mountains 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (21) : 15643-15667
作者:  Woiwode, Wolfgang;  Doernbrack, Andreas;  Bramberger, Martina;  Friedl-Vallon, Felix;  Haenel, Florian;  Hoepfner, Michael;  Johansson, Soeren;  Kretschmer, Erik;  Krisch, Isabell;  Latzko, Thomas;  Oelhaf, Hermann;  Orphal, Johannes;  Preusse, Peter;  Sinnhuber, Bjoern-Martin;  Ungermann, Joern
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Reanalysis intercomparisons of stratospheric polar processing diagnostics 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (18) : 13547-13579
作者:  Lawrence, Zachary D.;  Manney, Gloria L.;  Wargan, Krzysztof
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The representation of solar cycle signals in stratospheric ozone - Part 2: Analysis of global models 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (15) : 11323-11343
作者:  Maycock, Amanda C.;  Matthes, Katja;  Tegtmeier, Susann;  Schmidt, Hauke;  Thieblemont, Remi;  Hood, Lon;  Akiyoshi, Hideharu;  Bekki, Slimane;  Deushi, Makoto;  Joeckel, Patrick;  Kirner, Oliver;  Kunze, Markus;  Marchand, Marion;  Marsh, Daniel R.;  Michou, Martine;  Plummer, David;  Revell, Laura E.;  Rozanov, Eugene;  Stenke, Andrea;  Yamashita, Yousuke;  Yoshida, Kohei
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Evaluating high-resolution forecasts of atmospheric CO and CO2 from a global prediction system during KORUS-AQ field campaign 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (15) : 11007-11030
作者:  Tang, Wenfu;  Arellano, Avelino F.;  DiGangi, Joshua P.;  Choi, Yonghoon;  Diskin, Glenn S.;  Agusti-Panareda, Anna;  Parrington, Mark;  Massart, Sebastien;  Gaubert, Benjamin;  Lee, Youngjae;  Kim, Danbi;  Jung, Jinsang;  Hong, Jinkyu;  Hong, Je-Woo;  Kanaya, Yugo;  Lee, Mindo;  Stauffer, Ryan M.;  Thompson, Anne M.;  Flynn, James H.;  Woo, Jung-Hun
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A climatological view of the vertical stratification of RH, O-3 and CO within the PBL and at the interface with free troposphere as seen by IAGOS aircraft and ozonesondes at northern mid-latitudes over 1994-2016 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (13) : 9561-9581
作者:  Petetin, Herve;  Sauvage, Bastien;  Smit, Herman G. J.;  Gheusi, Francois;  Lohou, Fabienne;  Blot, Romain;  Clark, Hannah;  Athier, Gilles;  Boulanger, Damien;  Cousin, Jean-Marc;  Nedelec, Philippe;  Neis, Patrick;  Rohs, Susanne;  Thouret, Valerie
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Bifurcation of potential vorticity gradients across the Southern Hemisphere stratospheric polar vortex 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (11) : 8065-8077
作者:  Conway, Jonathan;  Bodeker, Greg;  Cameron, Chris
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Effects of black carbon and boundary layer interaction on surface ozone in Nanjing, China 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (10) : 7081-7094
作者:  Gao, Jinhui;  Zhu, Bin;  Xiao, Hui;  Kang, Hanqing;  Pan, Chen;  Wang, Dongdong;  Wang, Honglei
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Nitrous acid formation in a snow-free wintertime polluted rural area 期刊论文
作者:  Tsai, Catalina;  Spolaor, Max;  Colosimo, Santo Fedele;  Pikelnaya, Olga;  Cheung, Ross;  Williams, Eric;  Gilman, Jessica B.;  Lerner, Brian M.;  Zamora, Robert J.;  Warneke, Carsten;  Roberts, James M.;  Ahmadov, Ravan;  de Gouw, Joost;  Bates, Timothy;  Quinn, Patricia K.;  Stutz, Jochen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09