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Tracer-Aided Modeling in the Low-Relief, Wet-Dry Tropics Suggests Water Ages and DOC Export Are Driven by Seasonal Wetlands and Deep Groundwater 期刊论文
作者:  Birkel, Christian;  Duvert, Clement;  Correa, Alicia;  Munksgaard, Niels C.;  Maher, Damien T.;  Hutley, Lindsay B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
wet-dry tropics  tracer-aided models  water age  DOC  savanna woodland  wetland  
Fog Interception Maintains a Major Waterfall Landscape in Southwest China Revealed by Isotopic Signatures 期刊论文
作者:  Zhan, Lucheng;  Chen, Jiansheng;  Zhang, Chenming;  Wang, Tao;  Xin, Pei;  Li, Ling
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
Identification of Source-Water Oxygen Isotopes in Trees Toolkit (ISO-Tool) for Deciphering Historical Water Use by Forest Trees 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019, 55 (12) : 10954-10975
作者:  Sargeant, Christopher, I;  Singer, Michael Bliss;  Vallet-Coulomb, Christine
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/16
Insights Into Preferential Flow Snowpack Runoff Using Random Forest 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019, 55 (12) : 10727-10746
作者:  Avanzi, Francesco;  Johnson, Ryan Curtis;  Oroza, Carlos A.;  Hirashima, Hiroyuki;  Maurer, Tessa;  Yamaguchi, Satoru
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/16
preferential flow  snow  Random Forest  lysimeters  SNOWPACK  
Temporally Variable Stream Width and Surface Area Distributions in a Headwater Catchment 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019, 55 (8) : 7166-7181
作者:  Barefoot, Eric;  Pavelsky, Tamlin M.;  Allen, George H.;  Zimmer, Margaret A.;  McGlynn, Brian L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
The Climatic Water Balance and Topography Control Spatial Patterns of Atmospheric Demand, Soil Moisture, and Shallow Subsurface Flow 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019, 55 (3) : 2370-2389
作者:  Hoylman, Zachary H.;  Jencso, Kelsey G.;  Hu, Jia;  Holden, Zachary A.;  Martin, Justin T.;  Gardner, W. Payton
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
topography  hydrometeorology  climatic water balance  soil moisture  hydrologic connectivity  shallow subsurface flow  
Dependence of Aspen Stands on a Subsurface Water Subsidy: Implications for Climate Change Impacts 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019, 55 (3) : 1833-1848
作者:  Love, D. M.;  Venturas, M. D.;  Sperry, J. S.;  Brooks, P. D.;  Pettit, J. L.;  Wang, Y.;  Anderegg, W. R. L.;  Tai, X.;  Mackay, D. S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
plant hydraulics  transpiration  tree mortality  climate change  subsurface water subsidy  xylem  
Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019, 55 (2) : 1737-1772
作者:  Fan, Y.;  Clark, M.;  Lawrence, D. M.;  Swenson, S.;  Band, L. E.;  Brantley, S. L.;  Brooks, P. D.;  Dietrich, W. E.;  Flores, A.;  Grant, G.;  Kirchner, J. W.;  Mackay, D. S.;  McDonnell, J. J.;  Milly, P. C. D.;  Sullivan, P. L.;  Tague, C.;  Ajami, H.;  Chaney, N.;  Hartmann, A.;  Hazenberg, P.;  McNamara, J.;  Pelletier, J.;  Perket, J.;  Rouholahnejad-Freund, E.;  Wagener, T.;  Zeng, X.;  Beighley, E.;  Buzan, J.;  Huang, M.;  Livneh, B.;  Mohanty, B. P.;  Nijssen, B.;  Safeeq, M.;  Shen, C.;  van Verseveld, W.;  Volk, J.;  Yamazaki, D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
Earth System Model  hillslope hydrology  Critical Zone  vegetation distribution  global water  energy  carbon cycles  surface water-groundwater interaction  
Nonstationary Hydrologic Behavior in Forested Watersheds Is Mediated by Climate-Induced Changes in Growing Season Length and Subsequent Vegetation Growth 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2018, 54 (8) : 5359-5375
作者:  Hwang, Taehee;  Martin, Katherine L.;  Vose, James M.;  Wear, David;  Miles, Brian;  Kim, Yuri;  Band, Lawrence E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
growing season length  hydrologic non-stationarity  vegetation phenology  GIMMS NDVI3g  RHESSys  
Spatial Patterns of Water Age: Using Young Water Fractions to Improve the Characterization of Transit Times in Contrasting Catchments 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2018, 54 (7) : 4767-4784
作者:  Lutz, S. R.;  Krieg, R.;  Mueller, C.;  Zink, M.;  Knoeller, K.;  Samaniego, L.;  Merz, R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Transit time distribution  young water fraction  spatial patterns  isotope modeling