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Potential for large-scale CO2 removal via enhanced rock weathering with croplands 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7815) : 242-+
作者:  David J. Beerling;  Euripides P. Kantzas;  Mark R. Lomas;  Peter Wade;  Rafael M. Eufrasio;  Phil Renforth;  Binoy Sarkar;  M. Grace Andrews;  Rachael H. James;  Christopher R. Pearce;  Jean-Francois Mercure;  Hector Pollitt;  Philip B. Holden;  Neil R. Edwards;  Madhu Khanna;  Lenny Koh;  Shaun Quegan;  Nick F. Pidgeon;  Ivan A. Janssens;  James Hansen;  Steven A. Banwart
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/14

Enhanced silicate rock weathering (ERW), deployable with croplands, has potential use for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (CDR), which is now necessary to mitigate anthropogenic climate change(1). ERW also has possible co-benefits for improved food and soil security, and reduced ocean acidification(2-4). Here we use an integrated performance modelling approach to make an initial techno-economic assessment for 2050, quantifying how CDR potential and costs vary among nations in relation to business-as-usual energy policies and policies consistent with limiting future warming to 2 degrees Celsius(5). China, India, the USA and Brazil have great potential to help achieve average global CDR goals of 0.5 to 2gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year with extraction costs of approximately US$80-180 per tonne of CO2. These goals and costs are robust, regardless of future energy policies. Deployment within existing croplands offers opportunities to align agriculture and climate policy. However, success will depend upon overcoming political and social inertia to develop regulatory and incentive frameworks. We discuss the challenges and opportunities of ERW deployment, including the potential for excess industrial silicate materials (basalt mine overburden, concrete, and iron and steel slag) to obviate the need for new mining, as well as uncertainties in soil weathering rates and land-ocean transfer of weathered products.

Global distribution of sediment-hosted metals controlled by craton edge stability 期刊论文
NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2020, 13 (7) : 504-+
作者:  Hoggard, Mark J.;  Czarnota, Karol;  Richards, Fred D.;  Huston, David L.;  Jaques, A. Lynton;  Ghelichkhan, Sia
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/06
Patterns and trends of Northern Hemisphere snow mass from 1980 to 2018 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7808) : 294-+
作者:  Ibrahim, Nizar;  Maganuco, Simone;  Dal Sasso, Cristiano;  Fabbri, Matteo;  Auditore, Marco;  Bindellini, Gabriele;  Martill, David M.;  Zouhri, Samir;  Mattarelli, Diego A.;  Unwin, David M.;  Wiemann, Jasmina;  Bonadonna, Davide;  Amane, Ayoub;  Jakubczak, Juliana;  Joger, Ulrich;  Lauder, George V.;  Pierce, Stephanie E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/25

Warming surface temperatures have driven a substantial reduction in the extent and duration of Northern Hemisphere snow cover(1-3). These changes in snow cover affect Earth'  s climate system via the surface energy budget, and influence freshwater resources across a large proportion of the Northern Hemisphere(4-6). In contrast to snow extent, reliable quantitative knowledge on seasonal snow mass and its trend is lacking(7-9). Here we use the new GlobSnow 3.0 dataset to show that the 1980-2018 annual maximum snow mass in the Northern Hemisphere was, on average, 3,062 +/- 35 billion tonnes (gigatonnes). Our quantification is for March (the month that most closely corresponds to peak snow mass), covers non-alpine regions above 40 degrees N and, crucially, includes a bias correction based on in-field snow observations. We compare our GlobSnow 3.0 estimates with three independent estimates of snow mass, each with and without the bias correction. Across the four datasets, the bias correction decreased the range from 2,433-3,380 gigatonnes (mean 2,867) to 2,846-3,062 gigatonnes (mean 2,938)-a reduction in uncertainty from 33% to 7.4%. On the basis of our bias-corrected GlobSnow 3.0 estimates, we find different continental trends over the 39-year satellite record. For example, snow mass decreased by 46 gigatonnes per decade across North America but had a negligible trend across Eurasia  both continents exhibit high regional variability. Our results enable a better estimation of the role of seasonal snow mass in Earth'  s energy, water and carbon budgets.

Applying a bias correction to a state-of-the-art dataset covering non-alpine regions of the Northern Hemisphere and to three other datasets yields a more constrained quantification of snow mass in March from 1980 to 2018.

The proteome landscape of the kingdoms of life 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Arzi, Anat;  Rozenkrantz, Liron;  Gorodisky, Lior;  Rozenkrantz, Danit;  Holtzman, Yael;  Ravia, Aharon;  Bekinschtein, Tristan A.;  Galperin, Tatyana;  Krimchansky, Ben-Zion;  Cohen, Gal;  Oksamitni, Anna;  Aidinoff, Elena;  Sacher, Yaron;  Sobel, Noam
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Proteins carry out the vast majority of functions in all biological domains, but for technological reasons their large-scale investigation has lagged behind the study of genomes. Since the first essentially complete eukaryotic proteome was reported(1), advances in mass-spectrometry-based proteomics(2)have enabled increasingly comprehensive identification and quantification of the human proteome(3-6). However, there have been few comparisons across species(7,8), in stark contrast with genomics initiatives(9). Here we use an advanced proteomics workflow-in which the peptide separation step is performed by a microstructured and extremely reproducible chromatographic system-for the in-depth study of 100 taxonomically diverse organisms. With two million peptide and 340,000 stringent protein identifications obtained in a standardized manner, we double the number of proteins with solid experimental evidence known to the scientific community. The data also provide a large-scale case study for sequence-based machine learning, as we demonstrate by experimentally confirming the predicted properties of peptides fromBacteroides uniformis. Our results offer a comparative view of the functional organization of organisms across the entire evolutionary range. A remarkably high fraction of the total proteome mass in all kingdoms is dedicated to protein homeostasis and folding, highlighting the biological challenge of maintaining protein structure in all branches of life. Likewise, a universally high fraction is involved in supplying energy resources, although these pathways range from photosynthesis through iron sulfur metabolism to carbohydrate metabolism. Generally, however, proteins and proteomes are remarkably diverse between organisms, and they can readily be explored and functionally compared at

Detection of metastable electronic states by Penning trap mass spectrometry 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7806) : 42-+
作者:  Rauch, Jennifer N.;  Luna, Gabriel;  Guzman, Elmer;  Audouard, Morgane;  Challis, Collin;  Sibih, Youssef E.;  Leshuk, Carolina;  Hernandez, Israel;  Wegmann, Susanne;  Hyman, Bradley T.;  Gradinaru, Viviana;  Kampmann, Martin;  Kosik, Kenneth S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

State-of-the-art optical clocks(1) achieve precisions of 10(-18) or better using ensembles of atoms in optical lattices(2,3) or individual ions in radio-frequency traps(4,5). Promising candidates for use in atomic clocks are highly charged ions(6) (HCIs) and nuclear transitions(7), which are largely insensitive to external perturbations and reach wavelengths beyond the optical range(8) that are accessible to frequency combs(9). However, insufficiently accurate atomic structure calculations hinder the identification of suitable transitions in HCIs. Here we report the observation of a long-lived metastable electronic state in an HCI by measuring the mass difference between the ground and excited states in rhenium, providing a non-destructive, direct determination of an electronic excitation energy. The result is in agreement with advanced calculations. We use the high-precision Penning trap mass spectrometer PENTATRAP to measure the cyclotron frequency ratio of the ground state to the metastable state of the ion with a precision of 10(-11)-an improvement by a factor of ten compared with previous measurements(10,11). With a lifetime of about 130 days, the potential soft-X-ray frequency reference at 4.96 x 10(16) hertz (corresponding to a transition energy of 202 electronvolts) has a linewidth of only 5 x 10(-8) hertz and one of the highest electronic quality factors (10(24)) measured experimentally so far. The low uncertainty of our method will enable searches for further soft-X-ray clock transitions(8,12) in HCIs, which are required for precision studies of fundamental physics(6).

Penning trap mass spectrometry is used to measure the electronic transition energy from a long-lived metastable state to the ground state in highly charged rhenium ions with a precision of 10(-11).

Electrical manipulation of a topological antiferromagnetic state 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7805) : 608-+
作者:  Chabon, Jacob J.;  Hamilton, Emily G.;  Kurtz, David M.;  Esfahani, Mohammad S.;  Moding, Everett J.;  Stehr, Henning;  Schroers-Martin, Joseph;  Nabet, Barzin Y.;  Chen, Binbin;  Chaudhuri, Aadel A.;  Liu, Chih Long;  Hui, Angela B.;  Jin, Michael C.;  Azad, Tej D.;  Almanza, Diego;  Jeon, Young-Jun;  Nesselbush, Monica C.;  Keh, Lyron Co Ting;  Bonilla, Rene F.;  Yoo, Christopher H.;  Ko, Ryan B.;  Chen, Emily L.;  Merriott, David J.;  Massion, Pierre P.;  Mansfield, Aaron S.;  Jen, Jin;  Ren, Hong Z.;  Lin, Steven H.;  Costantino, Christina L.;  Burr, Risa;  Tibshirani, Robert;  Gambhir, Sanjiv S.;  Berry, Gerald J.;  Jensen, Kristin C.;  West, Robert B.;  Neal, Joel W.;  Wakelee, Heather A.;  Loo, Billy W., Jr.;  Kunder, Christian A.;  Leung, Ann N.;  Lui, Natalie S.;  Berry, Mark F.;  Shrager, Joseph B.;  Nair, Viswam S.;  Haber, Daniel A.;  Sequist, Lecia V.;  Alizadeh, Ash A.;  Diehn, Maximilian
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Room-temperature electrical switching of a topological antiferromagnetic state in polycrystalline Mn3Sn thin films is demonstrated using the same protocol as that used for conventional ferromagnetic metals.

Electrical manipulation of phenomena generated by nontrivial band topology is essential for the development of next-generation technology using topological protection. A Weyl semimetal is a three-dimensional gapless system that hosts Weyl fermions as low-energy quasiparticles(1-4). It has various exotic properties, such as a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and chiral anomaly, which are robust owing to the topologically protected Weyl nodes(1-16). To manipulate such phenomena, a magnetic version of Weyl semimetals would be useful for controlling the locations of Weyl nodes in the Brillouin zone. Moreover, electrical manipulation of antiferromagnetic Weyl metals would facilitate the use of antiferromagnetic spintronics to realize high-density devices with ultrafast operation(17,18). However, electrical control of a Weyl metal has not yet been reported. Here we demonstrate the electrical switching of a topological antiferromagnetic state and its detection by the AHE at room temperature in a polycrystalline thin film(19) of the antiferromagnetic Weyl metal Mn3Sn9,10,12,20, which exhibits zero-field AHE. Using bilayer devices composed of Mn3Sn and nonmagnetic metals, we find that an electrical current density of about 10(10) to 10(11) amperes per square metre induces magnetic switching in the nonmagnetic metals, with a large change in Hall voltage. In addition, the current polarity along the bias field and the sign of the spin Hall angle of the nonmagnetic metals-positive for Pt (ref. (21)), close to 0 for Cu and negative for W (ref. (22))-determines the sign of the Hall voltage. Notably, the electrical switching in the antiferromagnet is achieved with the same protocol as that used for ferromagnetic metals(23,24). Our results may lead to further scientific and technological advances in topological magnetism and antiferromagnetic spintronics.

Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow 期刊论文
NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2020, 13 (4) : 307-+
作者:  Beinlich, A.;  John, T.;  Vrijmoed, J. C.;  Tominaga, M.;  Magna, T.;  Podladchikov, Y. Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13
Recycling and metabolic flexibility dictate life in the lower oceanic crust 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 250-+
作者:  Zhou, Peng;  Yang, Xing-Lou;  Wang, Xian-Guang;  Hu, Ben;  Zhang, Lei;  Zhang, Wei;  Si, Hao-Rui;  Zhu, Yan;  Li, Bei;  Huang, Chao-Lin;  Chen, Hui-Dong;  Chen, Jing;  Luo, Yun;  Guo, Hua;  Jiang, Ren-Di;  Liu, Mei-Qin;  Chen, Ying;  Shen, Xu-Rui;  Wang, Xi;  Zheng, Xiao-Shuang;  Zhao, Kai;  Chen, Quan-Jiao;  Deng, Fei;  Liu, Lin-Lin;  Yan, Bing;  Zhan, Fa-Xian;  Wang, Yan-Yi;  Xiao, Geng-Fu;  Shi, Zheng-Li
收藏  |  浏览/下载:37/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

The lithified lower oceanic crust is one of Earth'  s last biological frontiers as it is difficult to access. It is challenging for microbiota that live in marine subsurface sediments or igneous basement to obtain sufficient carbon resources and energy to support growth(1-3) or to meet basal power requirements(4) during periods of resource scarcity. Here we show how limited and unpredictable sources of carbon and energy dictate survival strategies used by low-biomass microbial communities that live 10-750 m below the seafloor at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean, where Earth'  s lower crust is exposed at the seafloor. Assays of enzyme activities, lipid biomarkers, marker genes and microscopy indicate heterogeneously distributed and viable biomass with ultralow cell densities (fewer than 2,000 cells per cm(3)). Expression of genes involved in unexpected heterotrophic processes includes those with a role in the degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, use of polyhydroxyalkanoates as carbon-storage molecules and recycling of amino acids to produce compounds that can participate in redox reactions and energy production. Our study provides insights into how microorganisms in the plutonic crust are able to survive within fractures or porous substrates by coupling sources of energy to organic and inorganic carbon resources that are probably delivered through the circulation of subseafloor fluids or seawater.

Observation of topologically enabled unidirectional guided resonances 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7804) : 467-+
作者:  Wang, Renjing;  Wang, Shengliu;  Dhar, Ankita;  Peralta, Christopher;  Pavletich, Nikola P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Unidirectional radiation is important for various optoelectronic applications, such as lasers, grating couplers and optical antennas. However, almost all existing unidirectional emitters rely on the use of materials or structures that forbid outgoing waves-that is, mirrors, which are often bulky, lossy and difficult to fabricate. Here we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a class of resonances in photonic crystal slabs that radiate only towards one side of the slab, with no mirror placed on the other side. These resonances, which we name '  unidirectional guided resonances'  , are found to be topological in nature: they emerge when a pair of half-integer topological charges(1-3) in the polarization field bounce into each other in momentum space. We experimentally demonstrate unidirectional guided resonances in the telecommunication regime by achieving single-side radiative quality factors as high as 1.6 x 10(5). We further demonstrate their topological nature through far-field polarimetry measurements. Our work represents a characteristic example of applying topological principles(4,5) to control optical fields and could lead to energy-efficient grating couplers and antennas for light detection and ranging.

Unidirectional radiation is achieved in a photonic crystal slab without the use of mirrors by merging a pair of topological defects carrying half-integer charges.

Nucleosome-bound SOX2 and SOX11 structures elucidate pioneer factor function 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7805) : 669-+
作者:  Kanarek, Naama;  Petrova, Boryana;  Sabatini, David M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Cryo-electron microscopy structures of the DNA-binding domains of the pioneer transcription factor SOX2 and its close homologue SOX11 elucidate the role of these factors in initiating chromatin opening and nucleosome remodelling.

'  Pioneer'  transcription factors are required for stem-cell pluripotency, cell differentiation and cell reprogramming(1,2). Pioneer factors can bind nucleosomal DNA to enable gene expression from regions of the genome with closed chromatin. SOX2 is a prominent pioneer factor that is essential for pluripotency and self-renewal of embryonic stem cells(3). Here we report cryo-electron microscopy structures of the DNA-binding domains of SOX2 and its close homologue SOX11 bound to nucleosomes. The structures show that SOX factors can bind and locally distort DNA at superhelical location 2. The factors also facilitate detachment of terminal nucleosomal DNA from the histone octamer, which increases DNA accessibility. SOX-factor binding to the nucleosome can also lead to a repositioning of the N-terminal tail of histone H4 that includes residue lysine 16. We speculate that this repositioning is incompatible with higher-order nucleosome stacking, which involves contacts of the H4 tail with a neighbouring nucleosome. Our results indicate that pioneer transcription factors can use binding energy to initiate chromatin opening, and thereby facilitate nucleosome remodelling and subsequent transcription.