CORDEX2019 regopen2

Abstract submission and registrations are now open for the ICRC-CORDEX 2019 conference taking place in October in Beijing, China: see the instructions and registration to the abstract submission system on the logistics website. For all general information (related to the programme, venue, presentation guidelines and practical information), please see the dedicated general information website. The deadline for abstract submissions is April 30, 2019.

The WCRP CORDEX International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC-CORDEX) series brings together the international regional climate research community. It focuses on high resolution climate information; applications to vulnerability, impacts and adaptation; as well as the full spectrum of potential end users of regional climate information. After successful ICRC conferences in 2013 (Brussels, Belgium) and 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden), the international downscaling community is now invited to Beijing, China, to foster science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships.