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Support transgender scientists post–COVID-19
Shaun Turney; Murillo M. Carvalho; Maya E. Sousa; Caroline Birrer; Tábata E. F. Cordeiro; Luisa M. Diele-Viegas; Juliana Hipólito; Lilian P. Sales; Rejane Santos-Silva; Lucy Souza
英文摘要The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is magnifying existing oppression ([ 1 ][1]–[ 3 ][2]), sparking discussions among scientists about the post-pandemic community we want to build. Transgender scientists should be a part of these conversations to ensure that their needs are recognized as we strive to make science more diverse and inclusive. Transgender people face barriers to becoming scientific leaders at every career stage ([ 4 ][3]). From primary school onward, students are taught science from a cis-normative perspective ([ 5 ][4], [ 6 ][5]), where sex and gender are synonymous and binary. Alongside bullying and lack of family support, this structural denial of “non-standard” genders leads to elevated school dropout rates ([ 7 ][6]). In university and professional settings, transgender people face more harassment and mental health issues than their cisgender colleagues ([ 4 ][3]). Hate crimes and discriminatory laws often target transgender people ([ 8 ][7]), and they are routinely denied health care ([ 5 ][4], [ 9 ][8], [ 10 ][9]), complicating their efforts to maintain mental and physical health, which are important for success. Gaps in health care are likely worsened in medical systems overloaded by the pandemic. Transgender people are often put at a disadvantage by bias in academic and professional hiring decisions ([ 11 ][10]). Less likely to have established careers ([ 11 ][10]), they are vulnerable to the funding cuts and unemployment arising from the pandemic. Despite these inequalities, affirmative policies rarely include transgender as a minority identity. The disruptions caused by COVID-19 have likely burdened transgender scientists with an outsized share of the poverty, disease, and exclusion from science. This moment is a timely opportunity to build a broader path to welcome all gender identities. All scientists should respect chosen names and pronouns, speak out against anti-transgender policies and laws, and challenge perspectives in scientific culture that erase transgender experiences. Institutions should develop transgender-inclusive practices ([ 12 ][11]), such as creating inclusive name change policies, allocating funds to support transgender scientists' careers, and broadening access to inclusive health care. Determining the most effective approaches to reducing barriers for transgender scientists will require more studies highlighting their experiences. Besides the inherent moral value of making academia more equitable, scientific endeavors will benefit tremendously from the intellectual potential of a greater diversity of people. 1. [↵][12]1. B. Maas et al ., Nat. Ecol. Evol. 10.1038/s41559-020-1233-3 (2020). 2. 1. F. Staniscuaski et al ., Science 368, 724 (2020). [OpenUrl][13][FREE Full Text][14] 3. [↵][15]1. N. Subbaraman , Nature 581, 366 (2020). [OpenUrl][16] 4. [↵][17]1. E. Gibney , Nature 571, 16 (2019). [OpenUrl][18] 5. [↵][19]1. S. Messeder, 2. M. G. Castro, 3. L. Moutinho 1. V. Vergueiro , in Enlaçando sexualidades: Uma Tessitura Interdisciplinar No Reino das Sexualidades e das Relações de Gênero, S. Messeder, M. G. Castro, L. Moutinho, Eds. (EDUFBA, 2016), pp. 249–270 [in Portuguese]. 6. [↵][20]1. J. O'Quinn, 2. J. Fields , Sex. Res. Soc. Pol. 17, 175 (2020). [OpenUrl][21] 7. [↵][22]1. R. O. Preu, 2. C. F. Brito , Periódicus 10, 95 (2018) [in Portuguese]. [OpenUrl][23] 8. [↵][24]1. J. Perry, 2. P. Franey , “Policing hate crime against LGBTI persons: Training for a professional police response” (Council of Europe, 2017). 9. [↵][25]1. J. G. De Jesus , Periódicus 1, 195 (2016) [in Portuguese]. [OpenUrl][26] 10. [↵][27]1. G. R. Bauer et al ., J. Assoc. Nurses AIDS Care 20, 348 (2009). [OpenUrl][28][CrossRef][29][PubMed][30][Web of Science][31] 11. [↵][32]1. S. E. James et al. “The report of the 2015 U.S. transgender survey” (National Center for Transgender Equality, Washington, DC, 2016). 12. [↵][33]Human Rights Campaign Foundation, “Transgender inclusion in the workplace: A toolkit for employers” (2016). M.E.S., L.P.S., and R.S.-S. receive funding from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001. 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领域气候变化 ; 资源环境
GB/T 7714
Shaun Turney,Murillo M. Carvalho,Maya E. Sousa,等. Support transgender scientists post–COVID-19[J]. Science,2020.
APA Shaun Turney.,Murillo M. Carvalho.,Maya E. Sousa.,Caroline Birrer.,Tábata E. F. Cordeiro.,...&Lucy Souza.(2020).Support transgender scientists post–COVID-19.Science.
MLA Shaun Turney,et al."Support transgender scientists post–COVID-19".Science (2020).
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