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BOEM Seeks Information And Industry Interest In Offshore Wind Energy Development Within The New York Bight Region
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Sub title
Agency Provides Opportunity for Public Comment
Release Date
Washington, DC

Contacts:  Stephen Boutwell
703 -787-1531

In support of the Administration’s priorities to advance domestic energy production, generate revenue, and increase job opportunities nationwide, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is publishing a Call for Information and Nominations (Call) to obtain nominations from companies interested in commercial wind energy leases within the proposed area in the New York Bight. This region represents an area of shallow waters between Long Island (to the north and east) and the New Jersey coast (to the south and west).

In addition to nominations, BOEM seeks public input on the potential for wind energy development in the Call Area. This includes site conditions, resources, and multiple uses in close proximity to, or within, the Call Areas that would be relevant to BOEM’s review of any nominations submitted, as well as BOEM’s subsequent decision whether to offer all or part of the Call Areas for commercial wind leasing.

“This administration is committed to the economic prosperity and energy security of all Americans,” said Interior Counselor for Energy Policy, Vincent DeVito. “We must use all types of resources at our disposal to ensure an energy-secure future – one that promotes jobs and is affordable, competitive and safe. This includes offshore wind as part of a diversified energy portfolio.”  

“We understand that development on the Outer Continental Shelf requires us to consider how these developments can affect people who make their living on the ocean.” said BOEM Acting Director Walter Cruickshank. “BOEM will continue to work closely with our stakeholders, including state government agencies and ocean users, to look at the potential impacts of offshore wind from a regional and cumulative perspective. For example, commercial and recreational fishing are important cultural and economic activities that must be considered. We encourage everyone to participate and provide feedback to help us identify future wind energy areas with the least impact to other ocean uses.”

Today’s announcement builds on BOEM’s recent efforts to expand offshore renewable energy through the leasing of wind energy areas. BOEM has awarded 13 commercial wind energy leases off the Atlantic coast and expects to hold an additional competitive auction for wind energy areas offshore Massachusetts later this year.

The proposed locations – or “Call Areas” -- under consideration in today’s announcement are located in the New York Bight region and are delineated as Fairways North, Fairways South, Hudson North, and Hudson South.

The four Call Areas include 222 whole OCS blocks and 172 partial blocks and comprise approximately 2,047 square nautical miles (nmi) (702,192 hectares). A map of the Call Areas can be obtained via BOEM’s website at:

BOEM will publish the Call in the Federal Register on April 11, which will include a 45-day public comment period. BOEM will accept nominations and comments until May 29, 2018, via the following ways:

Nominations should be postmarked no later than the date above and submitted in written form to the following address. In addition to a paper copy of the nomination, include an electronic copy of the nomination on a data storage device. BOEM will list the parties that submitted nominations and the location of the proposed lease areas (i.e., OCS blocks nominated) on the BOEM website after the 45-day comment period has closed. 

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Office of Renewable Energy Programs
45600 Woodland Road (VAM-OREP)
Sterling, Virginia 20166

Comments and other submissions of information may be submitted by either of the following two methods:

  1. Federal eRulemaking Portal:  In the entry titled “Enter Keyword or ID,” enter BOEM– 2018-0004, and then click “search.”  Follow the instructions to submit public comments and view supporting and related materials available for this notice. 

  2. U.S.  Postal Service or other delivery service.  Send your comments and information to the following address:

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Office of Renewable Energy Programs
45600 Woodland Road (VAM-OREP)
Sterling, Virginia 20166

All responses will be reported on

For more information about BOEM’s wind energy planning efforts offshore the New York Bight, go to BOEM’s website at: .

– BOEM –

来源平台Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
GB/T 7714
admin. BOEM Seeks Information And Industry Interest In Offshore Wind Energy Development Within The New York Bight Region. 2018.
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