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National Taxonomy Research Grant Program 2019-2020 - Open for Capacity-Building Grant applications

ABRS National Taxonomy Research Grant Program

The 2019–20 Capacity-Building Grant round is NOW CLOSED.

The National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP) focuses on support for training and/or recruitment of taxonomists, especially for research on critical taxonomic groups.

The ABRS offers Honours Scholarships, Masters Scholarships and Research Training Program Scholarship Top-Ups under the Capacity-Building Grants stream of the Program.

Capacity-Building Grants do not have a cash co-funding requirement. That is, applicants do not need to obtain a commitment of cash co-funding for their application to be considered.


Please note that, while an overseas institution may partner with an Australian institution on a grant project, the Host Institution must be an Australian institution and the student/researcher must be based at the Host Institution.

Table 1 below outlines the grants that are available.

Table 1: Capacity-Building Grants 2019–20
Type of grant & amount
(per annum)
ABRS contribution
(per annum)
Honours Scholarship — $10 000 $10 000 1 (or 2 part-time)
Masters Scholarship — $10 000 $10 000 1 (or 2 part-time)
RPT Top-Up — $10 000 $10 000 3
Non-salaried researcher — $5 000 $5 000 1

The ABRS is offering applicants starting a PhD on a Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship in 2019 the opportunity to top up the existing RTP rate by $10 000 per year. The PhD research projects of applicants must be focused on taxonomy or systematics analysis and address the ABRS Research Priorities. At least $5 000 of the Top-Up must be used to supplement research costs, with up to $5 000 of the Top-Up used to supplement living costs. Evidence of an RTP Scholarship and enrolment will need to be provided to the ABRS prior to or upon acceptance of an offer of a grant. RTP Top-Up applicants must have applied for an RTP Scholarship that commences in 2019.

Non-salaried Researcher Grants are also available and are offered on an annual basis to allow the completion of projects by non-salaried researchers. A particular priority for these grants is to capture knowledge from senior, retired professionals and allow mentoring of junior researchers.

Assessment criteria and process

All Capacity-Building Grants applications are assessed according to the evidence provided in the application. The criteria used to select successful applications are:

Table 2: Assessment Criteria, Processes and Weighting
Application completed correctly Yes/No
Academic merit of applicant 30%
Feasibility of proposed research 30%
Suitability of supervisor (applicable to Scholarships and Top-Ups only) and research environment, including physical and intellectual resources available in the institution 20%
Relevance of the project to the Priority Areas for Research Grants* 20%
* Please Note for vascular plant groups in 2019–20 — funding will be prioritised towards taxa listed in the Final Priority Plant Taxa List for projects relating to the Flora of Australia.

Program Rules

The program rules for the 2019–20 Capacity-Building Grants round:

Funding agreements

All grant recipients who receive funding from the ABRS under the 2019–20 round, are subject to the terms and conditions set out in the ABRS Grant Funding Agreement.

The Department of the Environment and Energy has developed standard funding agreements for grants. Applicants who are successful in receiving funding under the ABRS NTRGP are subject to the conditions set out in the following funding agreement templates.

Note: These funding agreements are samples only and may vary slightly from year to year.


ABRS grant recipients are required to report to the ABRS on the progress of their grant. Failure to submit any report by the due date may result in cancellation of the grant and ALL future funding.

Note: All reporting forms are to be submitted either electronically (with a PDF of the signature page) to OR as posted hard copies.

If you are uncertain of your grant type, the reporting requirements or which grant reporting template you should use, please contact the ABRS Business and Grants Manager.

Note: For specific grant reporting due dates, please refer to your grant funding agreement or contact the ABRS Business and Grants Manager.

Reports for Capacity-Building Grants should be sent:

By email to:

By post to:

Business and Grants Manager
Australian Biological Resources Study
Department of the Environment and Energy
GPO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601

来源平台Department of the Environment and Energy
GB/T 7714
admin. National Taxonomy Research Grant Program 2019-2020 - Open for Capacity-Building Grant applications. 2018.
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