US Government Support for IAI Core Budget 2018-2023
Marcos Regis da Silva (Principal Investigator)
主持机构Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research
项目类别Continuing grant
英文摘要The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) is an international treaty organization, of which the US is a partner. It was created to coordinate and promote scientific research related to global change in the Americas and to build scientific capacity in the region in addition to fostering collaboration and coordination of science on global change across national boundaries. The IAI supports extensive long-term collaborative research networks that increase use of inter- and transdisciplinary research on global change as it impacts the Americas. The Institute also develops training materials for constituents to foster the integration of research across disciplinary and international boundaries. As part of its office functions, the IAI helps support scientist/community/policy maker interactions and the co-design and development of interdisciplinary scientific research projects to help better understand complex problems plaguing nations in the Americas that involve physico-chemical-human-ecosystem related challenges resulting from global change, the solutions of which involve addressing the needs of diverse stakeholders such that the results can be used in the development of effective science-based policies that serve local communities and/or national and regional and/or cross-border interests. In this regard and in response to its governing body of nations from across the Americans that define IAI's agenda for each funding period, the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research will continue to support its collaborative research network programs and will also analyze and make public best practices for establishing inter- and transdisciplinary, intersectional teams that can tackle problem-focused research. Broader impacts of the work include the fostering of international collaboration between and among scientists, research groups, and countries across the Americas; creating educational and training materials for effective creation of transdisciplinary scientific research projects that address pressing issues related to global change; encouraging the adoption of open data and data sharing practices; and enabling the production of scientific research results useful to local communities as well as policy- and decision-makers. Other impacts include an aggressive educational program for students and others that includes workshops on science diplomacy and the science-to-policy process.

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research is an office that has an evolving science agenda that is determined, on a regular basis, by its governing body, which is comprised of 19 countries across the Americas. Its science agenda is complementary to the research priorities of the US Global Change Research Program. The award covers IAI Directorate staff salaries and travel costs for administering the office and for interacting with partner states and its research coordination networks. It also covers consultant services; computing, web, and internet services; communications; and part of the IAI publication budget. IAI activities are also supported by membership fees from each of the countries making up its governing board. The main goals of the organization are to: (1) promote regional cooperation for interdisciplinary research on aspects of global change affecting the Americas; (2) enable regional scale research which cannot be pursued by any individual country or institution; (3) build science capacity and improve the scientific and technical capabilities and research infrastructure of the States in the region; and (4) foster standardization, collection, analysis, and exchange of scientific data between research groups and countries. Over the next five years, IAI will also work to build partnerships with other global change organizations with interests in global change science and policy. As part of its mission, between 2014 and 2018, IAI helped coordinate 17 multi-country inter- and transdisciplinary global change research collaborations involving over 100 investigators in 90 institutions in 15 partner countries. Its mission is to assist the scientific community in the region to developing a collaborative way of providing solid scientific understandings of global change issues in support of sustainable development in the region.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
GB/T 7714
Marcos Regis da Silva .US Government Support for IAI Core Budget 2018-2023.2019.
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