PREEVENTS Track 2: Collaborative Research: Flash droughts: process, prediction, and the central role of vegetation in their evolution
Benjamin Zaitchik (Principal Investigator)
主持机构Johns Hopkins University
项目类别Continuing grant
英文摘要Drought is often thought of as a creeping disaster; one that emerges slowly over time. In contrast, "flash droughts" intensify dramatically in just a few weeks. A number of these events have struck the United States in recent years, leading to significant and unexpected damage to agriculture and the economy. Flash droughts are poorly represented in current forecast systems, hindering drought preparedness. This project is motivated by the need to advance understanding of flash droughts in order to improve our ability to predict them. To do this, we will focus on the critical role that plants play in the development of a flash drought. New satellite technologies and field measurement methods make it possible to detect water stress in plants weeks before that stress can be seen by eye. When plant stress increases rapidly there is a high risk of flash drought. Using this understanding, we will produce flash drought definitions and detection systems that cover the entire contiguous United States. We will then categorize flash droughts according to the ways in which weather and vegetation interact to cause the drought. These interactions can be very different for different regions or land uses, so identifying categories is an important step for improving prediction. Using these categories, we will apply recently developed statistical methods to combine plant stress observations with weather forecasts to predict flash drought risk from two weeks to three months in advance. Predictions at these time scales can inform planting decisions and relief efforts. Finally, highly damaging flash droughts will be selected for detailed study using advanced weather models, in order to understand how land management and climate contribute to particularly severe events.

This project will advance flash drought understanding and forecasting by targeting three known characteristics: (1) observations of vegetation and soil moisture can provide early indications of flash drought risk at significant lead times; (2) evaporative demand is a leading driver of flash drought onset, and it is amenable to skillful subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasts; (3) vegetation plays a central role in flash drought development via soil moisture and turbulent heat fluxes. To leverage these features for prediction, we propose a new framework for defining flash droughts based on the understanding that a rapid increase in vegetation stress is the core defining flash drought characteristic. This framework makes use of advanced satellite and ground observations. We will classify historic flash drought events across the Contiguous United States on the basis of meteorological, hydrological, and ecological factors, allowing us to distinguish different types of event that have distinct processes and predictability characteristics. This classification will support probabilistic statistical and machine learning forecast models that combine information from recently developed observation datasets and global S2S forecasting systems. Analysis of drought classes and predictability will, in turn, be used to select cases for detailed dynamically-based simulation studies that isolate the role of vegetation and its contribution to predictability. Finally, the simulation infrastructure established during the project will be used to examine climate and land cover sensitivities of flash droughts, contributing to projections of future flash drought risk and assessment of land management options. Taken together, these activities will bring new tools to flash drought prediction, contribute to dynamically-based simulation of drought, and place both understanding and prediction of these extreme events into the broader context of climate trends and the terrestrial carbon balance.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
GB/T 7714
Benjamin Zaitchik .PREEVENTS Track 2: Collaborative Research: Flash droughts: process, prediction, and the central role of vegetation in their evolution.2019.
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