Trace element cycling in upwelling filaments in the California Current System
Katherine Barbeau (Principal Investigator)
主持机构University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography
项目类别Standard Grant
英文摘要Trace element micronutrients such as manganese, iron, nickel, cobalt, copper and zinc play important roles in biological processes in the ocean. In surface waters where phytoplankton grow and support the base of the marine food web, trace elements are often present at vanishingly small concentrations. This presents great challenges to marine life, and trace elements can be limiting factors for phytoplankton productivity. Biological processes in marine systems like phytoplankton growth, grazing, dissolved organic matter production, and sedimentation can in turn have important impacts on how trace elements cycle through the ocean. These inter-relationships are complex and not very well understood, but they have important ramifications for ecosystem productivity and global nutrient cycling. The research proposed here seeks to study the relationships between trace element distributions and chemistry and biological processes in a dynamic and ecologically significant environment - upwelling filaments in the coastal California Current System. Field studies will take advantage of the ongoing California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research (CCE-LTER) site, which already has funded cruises planned for 2019 and 2021. This project will support the education and training of graduate students, and the participation of both the PI and graduate students in education and outreach activities carried out through the CCE-LTER project, including mentoring undergraduates in research projects and contributing to public education and outreach through the Birch Aquarium at Scripps.

The availability of trace element micronutrients is increasingly recognized as an important influence on the productivity and structure of marine phytoplankton communities. Trace elements themselves are strongly influenced by biological processes in terms of their residence time, chemical speciation, and cycling in marine systems. Field process studies which fully characterize the biological and physical dynamics of upper ocean systems with simultaneous determination of multiple trace elements in situ have the potential to greatly inform our understanding of the coupled interactions between trace elements and biota, but such studies are comparatively rare due to their interdisciplinary complexity and expense. This proposal seeks support to perform such a study by leveraging the ongoing California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research program (CCE-LTER). Two upcoming funded LTER process cruises in 2019 and 2021 will characterize the biogeochemical and ecological evolution of upwelling filaments as they move offshore via a combination of survey mapping, detailed sampling and Lagrangian process measurements. This project funds the acquisition and setup of a seaFAST pico preconcentration system and ICP-MS analytical time which will enable the study of multiple trace elements in the context of these cruises. This type of mesoscale feature has rarely been characterized from the standpoint of trace element biogeochemistry, and we anticipate that our findings will be of broad interest to the oceanographic community. A number of hypotheses regarding the sources, sinks and cycling of trace elements in an upwelling filament will be examined in the proposed work. This project will also take advantage of ongoing research collaborations within CCE-LTER to couple multi-elemental trace element data sets with molecular-level information on community structure and function and dissolved organic matter composition. This will facilitate exploration of the response of biological communities to multi-factorial co-limitation, the role of organic molecules in mediating trace metal cycles, and the coupling of trace metal cycles with the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and silica.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
GB/T 7714
Katherine Barbeau .Trace element cycling in upwelling filaments in the California Current System.2019.
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