EAGER: GeoMedia Institute
Doug Prose (Principal Investigator)
项目类别Continuing grant
英文摘要This project seeks to create a new geoscience outreach institute that will generate broadcast documentaries and videos about geoscience research and provide hands-on training in media production to geoscience students and researchers. This project addresses the need to increase public awareness about the importance and significance of geoscience research done by a diverse, dynamic group of researchers, and also addresses the need to attract and retain a more diverse population of young people to the geoscience fields by offering hands-on media training to college students and faculty that will increase their skills in public communication in this increasingly media-oriented world. The PIs for this project are veteran earth science filmmakers Doug Prose and Diane LaMacchia of Earth Images Foundation, who have produced eighteen successful documentaries for broadcast on PBS and internationally, and many shorter geoscience focused videos, set in locations on every continent. They have also mentored a number of geoscience students in media production techniques; some of these students have gone on to utilize these skills in professional positions. In addition to creating a mechanism for developing and producing in a timely fashion both professional broadcast documentaries and student/researcher-produced videos about geoscience research this project will also provide a unique incentive to students from diverse backgrounds to participate in geoscience research projects and field camps/schools, and while in the field receive intensive media training from the PIs. The trainees will not only have the opportunity to contribute content to a broadcast documentary and their own video production, they will learn a valuable skill in communicating science to the public using advanced production techniques, which will increase their competitiveness as they seek new positions, and ultimately broaden the number and diversity of geologists who can skillfully document important and exciting geoscience research activities and thereby increase the quality and quantity of accurate, credible media products about geoscience topics that raise public awareness of the relevance, importance, and need for geoscience research and knowledge. Focusing on diversity of gender, ethnicity, and economic background among the students and researchers participating in this project will have the impact of providing participants of differing perspectives with a skill that will permit them to more effectively and creatively apply and express those diverse perspectives in their own work, ultimately increasing the number and diversity of voices that reach the public with the impact of engaging a broader, more diverse audience with authoritative, relevant geoscience information.

This pilot project addresses the need for earth scientists to communicate more effectively with the public in today's increasingly media-oriented world by developing an efficient mechanism for generating compelling broadcast documentaries and videos about geoscience research and by providing hands-on training in media production to a diverse group of earth science students and researchers. PIs Doug Prose and Diane LaMacchia of Earth Images Foundation are veteran earth science filmmakers who have produced eighteen successful documentaries for PBS broadcast, set in locations on all seven continents, as well as many shorter geoscience videos. As part of their educational mission, on recent film shoots the PIs have begun mentoring geoscience and other students in video production techniques. The goals of this EAGER are to: 1. Create a mechanism for efficiently documenting relevant new and ongoing research activities being carried out by a diverse group of researchers; 2. Produce in a timely fashion both professional broadcast documentaries and student/researcher-produced videos about geoscience research; 3. Provide a unique incentive to students from diverse backgrounds to participate in geoscience research projects and field camps/schools; 4. Offer a unique opportunity to widen students' and researchers' skill sets as geoscientists to include communicating science to the public using video production techniques; 5. Broaden the number and diversity of geoscience who can skillfully document important and exciting geoscience research activities and produce high-quality videos for the public. One broad impact of this project is to increase the quality and quantity of accurate, credible media products about geoscience topics that reach the public at large and raise public awareness of the relevance, importance, and need for geoscience research and knowledge. This project is also designed to get young students interested in acquiring the capability to produce high quality videos for public audiences, so that they ultimately embrace the idea of sharing their unique knowledge of geoscience concepts with the public as a component of their careers as professional geoscientists. Focusing on diversity of gender, ethnicity, and economic background among the students and researchers participating in this project will have the impact of providing participants with differing perspectives with a skill that will permit them to more effectively and creatively apply and express those diverse perspectives in their own work, ultimately increasing the number and diversity of voices that reach the public with the impact of engaging a broader, more diverse audience with authoritative, relevant geoscience information.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
GB/T 7714
Doug Prose .EAGER: GeoMedia Institute.2019.
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