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Applications open for the EGU General Assembly Mentoring Programme
领域气候变化 ; 资源环境

EGU offers a mentoring programme for novice conference attendees, students, and early career scientists at its annual General Assembly. The programme aims to facilitate new connections that may lead to long-term professional relationships within the Earth, planetary and space science communities. We anticipate the programme to be a rewarding experience for both mentees and mentors, so do consider signing up below.

Mentees will be matched with a senior scientist (mentor) to help them navigate the conference, network with conference attendees, and exchange feedback and ideas on professional activities and career development. The EGU will match mentors and mentees prior to the conference, and is also organising meeting opportunities (at the Sunday ice-breaker and on Monday morning) for those taking part in the mentoring programme.

Mentors and mentees should be able to do the following:

  • Contact your mentee/mentor at least one week before the General Assembly
  • Discuss objectives for the mentoring, for example: sharing science, getting the most out of the General Assembly, networking, or career opportunities
  • Meet your mentee/mentor in person at the beginning of the conference to get acquainted and make plans to achieve the desired objectives
  • Meet in person at the planning meeting on Monday morning (10:30) and if possible at the Sunday ice-breaker (19:00)
  • Meet regularly during the week and again at the end of the week to answer any remaining questions on additional steps the mentee might take to further meet their objectives and/or to reflect on the usefulness of the mentoring experience
  • Introduce your mentee/mentor to 3-5 colleagues

Mentors and mentees are encouraged to meet in the ECS lounge during the General Assembly. For more information, please contact

Registration for the EGU General Assembly Mentoring Programme is currently open.

Please use the registration form to participate in the mentoring programme this year (submission deadline 31 January 2019).

Disclaimer: The EGU will work to match mentors and mentees with similar research interests. However, please note that it may not always be possible to match you with a mentor/mentee. Furthermore, if you are matched, we cannot guarantee your mentor/mentee is someone working in, or studying, your specific scientific area. While the EGU is responsible for the matching process, it is up to each matched mentor-mentee pair to define their own meetings and programme for the conference, based on the suggestions above.

Mentees and mentors are required to attend the following two events:

  • Mentoring Programme Meeting Point at the EGU ice-breaker

    Sunday, 7 April 2019

    A chance for mentors and mentees to meet in person, and discuss the mentoring programme goals. The meeting point will be next to the early career scientists corner at the ice-breaker.

  • Mentoring Programme Planning Meeting


    Planning meeting for mentees and mentors participating in EGU's mentoring programme. We will provide general information and tips for the programme. This will be a very good opportunity for all mentoring groups to meet and get started! Please note that room -2.31 is at the brown basement level.

What could be more rewarding than sharing experience with a keen young researcher? The mentoring programme teamed me up with a young East-Asian Vienna first-timer - closely matching scientific interest meant that we had loads to talk about, not just how to navigate the EGU AGM. We have since met at a specialist conference and I am sure that the mentoring scheme has produced friends for life.

Andreas Lang (University of Salzburg, Austria), mentor

Mentoring an EGU novice student was the highlight of my 2017 General Assembly week. To see our elaborate and overwhelmingly large meeting through the eyes of a rookie makes you actively aware of many aspects that you have always taken for granted. To see the excitement in the eyes of a rookie when you take them deep into our organization and show them paths they had not expected to be open to them makes you appreciate all the General Assembly has to offer.

Niels Hovius (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany), mentor

Mentoring is an indispensable requirement for growth. Through the mentoring programme I was introduced to Dr Niels Hovius who was a generous mentor during EGU'17. His guidance during the conference enabled my interactions with prominent scientists and to navigate the conference to my maximum potential. I am grateful for this programme and hope it be fruitful for students in this coming year.

Rheane da Silva (National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India), mentee
来源平台European Geosciences Union
GB/T 7714
admin. Applications open for the EGU General Assembly Mentoring Programme. 2018.
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