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Waste prevention in Europe — the status in 2014 科技报告
来源:European Environment Agency (EEA). 出版年: 2015
作者:  [null]
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
waste prevention  resource efficiency  waste policies  national strategies  
NEC Directive status report 2014 科技报告
来源:European Environment Agency (EEA). 出版年: 2015
作者:  [null]
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
climate change mitigation  nec directive  national emission ceilings  
Rapid assessment of the mammalian community in the Badhyz Ecosystem, Turkmenistan, October 2014 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Kaczensky, Petra;  Linnell, John Durrus
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
Badhyz Nature Reserve  Turkmenistan  Kulan  Urial  gazelle  asiatic wild ass  gaselle  asiatisk villesel  
NILU's Environmental Management Report 2014. 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Braathen, Ole-Anders;  Marsteen, Leif;  Andresen, Eva Beate;  Fjeldstad, Heidi
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Contaminants in coastal waters of Norway 2014 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Green, Norman Whitaker;  Schøyen, Merete;  Øxnevad, Sigurd;  Ruus, Anders;  Allan, Ian;  Hjermann, Dag Øystein;  Høgåsen, Tore;  Beylich, Bjørnar;  Håvardstun, Jarle;  Lund, Espen;  Tveiten, Lise Ann;  Bæk, Kine
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Issues of concern on the NPT Review Conference Agenda 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Zahran, M. Mounir
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Diplomati / Diplomacy  Midtøsten og Nord Afrika / The Middle East and North Africa  Sikkerhetspolitikk / Security policies  
Economic valuation of ecosystem services for policy. A pilot study on green infrastructure in Oslo 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Barton, David Nicholas;  Stange, Erik;  Blumentrath, Stefan;  Vågnes Traaholt, Nora
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
NINA Rapport  Oslo  urban ecosystem services  green infrastructure  economic valuation  policy  decision-support  urbane økosystemtjenester  blågrønn infrastruktur  økonomisk verdsetting  politikk  beslutningsstøtte  
Wireless Instrumentation for Safety Critical Systems. Technology, Standards, Solutions and Future Trends 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Petersen, Stig;  Aakvaag, Niels
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The status and trends of seabirds breeding in Norway and Svalbard 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Fauchald, Per;  Anker-Nilssen, Tycho;  Barrett, Robert;  Bustnes, Jan Ove;  Bårdsen, Bård-Jørgen;  Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe;  Descamps, Sebastien;  Engen, Sigrid;  Erikstad, Kjell E;  Hanssen, Sveinn Are;  Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon;  Moe, Børge;  Reiertsen, Tone;  Strøm, Hallvard;  Systad, Geir Helge
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
NINA Rapport  Svalbard  seabirds  population dynamics  breeding population size  monitoring  census  sjøfugl  populasjonsdynamikk  hekkebestander  overvåking  kartlegging  
New European Diasporas and Migration Governance : Poles in Norway 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Godzimirski, Jakub M.;  Stormowska, Marta;  Dudzińska, Kinga
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05