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Asking the right questions in explaining tropical diversity: response to Cannon and Lerdau 期刊论文
Trends in Ecology & Evolution\, 2022
作者:  Patrick George Cannon:David P. Edwards:Robert P. Freckleton
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Jack-of-all-trades paradigm meets long-term data: Generalist herbivores are more widespread and locally less abundant 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2022
作者:  Chanchanok Sudta;  Danielle M. Salcido;  Matthew L. Forister;  Thomas ;  R. Walla;  Santiago Villamarí;  n-Cortez;  Lee A. Dyer
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/16
Nutrients and herbivores impact grassland stability across spatial scales through different pathways 期刊论文
Global Change Biology, 2022
作者:  Qingqing Chen;  Shaopeng Wang;  Eric W. Seabloom;  Andrew S. MacDougall;  Elizabeth T. Borer;  Jonathan D. Bakker;  Ian Donohue;  Johannes M. H. Knops;  John W. Morgan;  Oliver Carroll;  Mick Crawley;  Miguel N. Bugalho;  Sally A. Power;  Anu Eskelinen;  Risto Virtanen;  Anita C. Risch;  Martin Schü;  tz;  Carly Stevens;  Maria C. Caldeira;  Sumanta Bagchi;  Juan Alberti;  Yann Hautier
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Microbial mediators of plant community response to long-term N and P fertilization: Evidence of a role of plant responsiveness to mycorrhizal fungi 期刊论文
Global Change Biology, 2022
作者:  Guangzhou Wang;  Liz Koziol;  Bryan L. Foster;  James D. Bever
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Representing plant diversity in land models: An evolutionary approach to make “Functional Types” more functional 期刊论文
Global Change Biology, 2022
作者:  Leander D. L. Anderegg;  Daniel M. Griffith;  Jeannine Cavender-Bares;  William J. Riley;  Joseph A. Berry;  Todd E. Dawson;  Christopher J. Still
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/16
Plant community impact on productivity: Trait diversity or key(stone) species effects? 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2022
作者:  Philipp Brun;  Cyrille Violle;  David Mouillot;  Nicolas Mouquet;  Brian J. Enquist;  Franç;  ois Munoz;  Tamara Mü;  nkemü;  ller;  Annette Ostling;  Niklaus E. Zimmermann;  Wilfried Thuiller
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Functional traits explain the consistent resistance of biodiversity to plant invasion under nitrogen enrichment 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021
作者:  Shao-peng Li;  Pu Jia;  Shu-ya Fan;  Yingtong Wu;  Xiang Liu;  Yani Meng;  Yue Li;  Wen-sheng Shu;  Jin-tian Li;  Lin Jiang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/29
A mosaic of induced and non-induced branches promotes variation in leaf traits, predation and insect herbivore assemblages in canopy trees 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021
作者:  Martin Volf;  Tereza Volfová;  Carlo L. Seifert;  Antonia Ludwig;  Rolf A. Engelmann;  Leonardo Ré;  Jorge;  Ronny Richter;  Andreas Schedl;  Alexander Weinhold;  Christian Wirth;  Nicole M. van Dam
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Directional turnover towards larger-ranged plants over time and across habitats 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021
作者:  Ingmar R. Staude;  Henrique M. Pereira;  Gergana N. Daskalova;  Markus Bernhardt-Rö;  mermann;  Martin Diekmann;  Harald Pauli;  Hans Van Calster;  Mark Vellend;  Anne D. Bjorkman;  ;  rg Brunet;  Pieter De Frenne;  Radim Hé;  dl;  Ute Jandt;  Jonathan Lenoir;  Isla H. Myers-Smith;  Kris Verheyen;  Sonja Wipf;  Monika Wulf;  Christopher Andrews;  Peter Baranč;  ok;  Elena Barni;  José;  -Luis Benito-Alonso;  Jonathan Bennie;  Imre Berki;  Volker Blü;  ml;  Marké;  ta Chudomelová;  Guillaume Decocq;  Jan Dick;  Thomas Dirnbö;  ck;  Tomasz Durak;  Ove Eriksson;  Brigitta Erschbamer;  Bente Jessen Graae;  Thilo Heinken;  Fride Hø;  istad Schei;  Bogdan Jaroszewicz;  Martin Kopecký;  Thomas Kudernatsch;  Martin Macek;  Marek Malicki;  Františ;  ek Má;  liš;  Ottar Michelsen;  Tobias Naaf;  Thomas A. Nagel;  Adrian C. Newton;  Lena Nicklas;  Ludovica Oddi;  Adrienne Ortmann-Ajkai;  Andrej Palaj;  Alessandro Petraglia;  Petr Petř;  í;  k;  Remigiusz Pielech;  Francesco Porro;  Mihai Puş;  caş;  Kamila Reczyń;  ska;  Christian Rixen;  Wolfgang Schmidt;  Tibor Standová;  r;  Klaus Steinbauer;  Krzysztof Ś;  wierkosz;  Balá;  zs Teleki;  Jean-Paul Theurillat;  Pavel Dan Turtureanu;  Tudor-Mihai Ursu;  Thomas Vanneste;  Philippine Vergeer;  Ondř;  ej Vild;  Luis Villar;  Pascal Vittoz;  Manuela Winkler;  Lander Baeten
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Global patterns of potential future plant diversity hidden in soil seed banks 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021
作者:  Yang, Xuejun;  Baskin, Carol C.;  Baskin, Jerry M.;  Pakeman, Robin J.;  Huang, Zhenying;  Gao, Ruiru;  Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2021/12/15