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Intense Electric Fields and Electron-Scale Substructure Within Magnetotail Flux Ropes as Revealed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018, 45 (17) : 8783-8792
作者:  Stawarz, J. E.;  Eastwood, J. P.;  Genestreti, K. J.;  Nakamura, R.;  Ergun, R. E.;  Burgess, D.;  Burch, J. L.;  Fuselier, S. A.;  Gershman, D. J.;  Giles, B. L.;  Le Contel, O.;  Lindqvist, P. -A.;  Russell, C. T.;  Torbert, R. B.
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c Magnetic Reconnection, Turbulence, and Particle Acceleration: Observations in the Earth's Magnetotail 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018, 45 (8) : 3338-3347
作者:  Ergun, R. E.;  Goodrich, K. A.;  Wilder, F. D.;  Ahmadi, N.;  Holmes, J. C.;  Eriksson, S.;  Stawarz, J. E.;  Nakamura, R.;  Genestreti, K. J.;  Hesse, M.;  Burch, J. L.;  Torbert, R. B.;  Phan, T. D.;  Schwartz, S. J.;  Eastwood, J. P.;  Strangeway, R. J.;  Le Contel, O.;  Russell, C. T.;  Argall, M. R.;  Lindqvist, P. -A.;  Chen, L. J.;  Cassak, P. A.;  Giles, B. L.;  Dorelli, J. C.;  Gershman, D.;  Leonard, T. W.;  Lavraud, B.;  Retino, A.;  Matthaeus, W.;  Vaivads, A.
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Magnetospheric Multiscale analysis of intense field-aligned Poynting flux near the Earth's plasma sheet boundary 期刊论文
作者:  Stawarz, J. E.;  Eastwood, J. P.;  Varsani, A.;  Ergun, R. E.;  Shay, M. A.;  Nakamura, R.;  Phan, T. D.;  Burch, J. L.;  Gershman, D. J.;  Giles, B. L.;  Goodrich, K. A.;  Khotyaintsev, Y. V.;  Lindqvist, P. -A.;  Russell, C. T.;  Strangeway, R. J.;  Torbert, R. B.
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Drift waves, intense parallel electric fields, and turbulence associated with asymmetric magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause 期刊论文
作者:  Ergun, R. E.;  Chen, L. -J.;  Wilder, F. D.;  Ahmadi, N.;  Eriksson, S.;  Usanova, M. E.;  Goodrich, K. A.;  Holmes, J. C.;  Sturner, A. P.;  Malaspina, D. M.;  Newman, D. L.;  Torbert, R. B.;  Argall, M. R.;  Lindqvist, P. -A.;  Burch, J. L.;  Webster, J. M.;  Drake, J. F.;  Price, L.;  Cassak, P. A.;  Swisdak, M.;  Shay, M. A.;  Graham, D. B.;  Strangeway, R. J.;  Russell, C. T.;  Giles, B. L.;  Dorelli, J. C.;  Gershman, D.;  Avanov, L.;  Hesse, M.;  Lavraud, B.;  Le Contel, O.;  Retino, A.;  Phan, T. D.;  Goldman, M. V.;  Stawarz, J. E.;  Schwartz, S. J.;  Eastwood, J. P.;  Hwang, K. -J.;  Nakamura, R.;  Wang, S.
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asymmetric magnetic reconnection  drift waves  parallel electric fields  turbulence