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Structural transitions in influenza haemagglutinin at membrane fusion pH 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7814) : 150-+
作者:  Wei, Kevin;  Korsunsky, Ilya;  Marshall, Jennifer L.;  Gao, Anqi;  Watts, Gerald F. M.;  Major, Triin;  Croft, Adam P.;  Watts, Jordan;  Blazar, Philip E.;  Lange, Jeffrey K.;  Thornhill, Thomas S.;  Filer, Andrew;  Raza, Karim;  Donlin, Laura T.;  Siebel, Christian W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Cryo-electron microscopy studies of the influenza haemagglutinin glycoprotein at the low pH of host endosomes reveals structural intermediates, offering a dynamic view of how the protein mediates membrane fusion.

Infection by enveloped viruses involves fusion of their lipid envelopes with cellular membranes to release the viral genome into cells. For HIV, Ebola, influenza and numerous other viruses, envelope glycoproteins bind the infecting virion to cell-surface receptors and mediate membrane fusion. In the case of influenza, the receptor-binding glycoprotein is the haemagglutinin (HA), and following receptor-mediated uptake of the bound virus by endocytosis(1), it is the HA that mediates fusion of the virus envelope with the membrane of the endosome(2). Each subunit of the trimeric HA consists of two disulfide-linked polypeptides, HA1 and HA2. The larger, virus-membrane-distal, HA1 mediates receptor binding  the smaller, membrane-proximal, HA2 anchors HA in the envelope and contains the fusion peptide, a region that is directly involved in membrane interaction(3). The low pH of endosomes activates fusion by facilitating irreversible conformational changes in the glycoprotein. The structures of the initial HA at neutral pH and the final HA at fusion pH have been investigated by electron microscopy(4,5) and X-ray crystallography(6-8). Here, to further study the process of fusion, we incubate HA for different times at pH 5.0 and directly image structural changes using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. We describe three distinct, previously undescribed forms of HA, most notably a 150 angstrom-long triple-helical coil of HA2, which may bridge between the viral and endosomal membranes. Comparison of these structures reveals concerted conformational rearrangements through which the HA mediates membrane fusion.

Ruthenium isotope vestige of Earth's pre-late-veneer mantle preserved in Archaean rocks 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 240-+
作者:  Abadie, Valerie;  Kim, Sangman M.;  Lejeune, Thomas;  Palanski, Brad A.;  Ernest, Jordan D.;  Tastet, Olivier;  Voisine, Jordan;  Discepolo, Valentina;  Marietta, Eric, V;  Hawash, Mohamed B. F.;  Ciszewski, Cezary;  Bouziat, Romain;  Panigrahi, Kaushik;  Horwath, Irina;  Zurenski, Matthew A.;  Lawrence, Ian;  Dumaine, Anne;  Yotova, Vania;  Grenier, Jean-Christophe;  Murray, Joseph A.;  Khosla, Chaitan;  Barreiro, Luis B.;  Jabri, Bana
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The accretion of volatile-rich material from the outer Solar System represents a crucial prerequisite for Earth to develop oceans and become a habitable planet(1-4). However, the timing of this accretion remains controversial(5-8). It has been proposed that volatile elements were added to Earth by the late accretion of a late veneer consisting of carbonaceous-chondrite-like material after core formation had ceased(6,9,10). This view could not be reconciled with the ruthenium (Ru) isotope composition of carbonaceous chondrites(5,11), which is distinct from that of the modern mantle(12), or of any known meteorite group(5). As a possible solution, Earth'  s pre-late-veneer mantle could already have contained a fraction of Ru that was not fully extracted by core formation(13). The presence of such pre-late-veneer Ru can only be established if its isotope composition is distinct from that of the modern mantle. Here we report the first high-precision, mass-independent Ru isotope compositions for Eoarchaean ultramafic rocks from southwest Greenland, which display a relative Ru-100 excess of 22 parts per million compared with the modern mantle value. This Ru-100 excess indicates that the source of the Eoarchaean rocks already contained a substantial fraction of Ru before the accretion of the late veneer. By 3.7 billion years ago, the mantle beneath southwest Greenland had not yet fully equilibrated with late accreted material. Otherwise, no Ru isotopic difference relative to the modern mantle would be observed. If constraints from other highly siderophile elements besides Ru are also considered(14), the composition of the modern mantle can only be reconciled if the late veneer contained substantial amounts of carbonaceous-chondrite-like materials with their characteristic Ru-100 deficits. These data therefore relax previous constraints on the late veneer and are consistent with volatile-rich material from the outer Solar System being delivered to Earth during late accretion.

Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region 期刊论文
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2019, 9 (11) : 852-+
作者:  Natali, Susan M.;  Watts, Jennifer D.;  Rogers, Brendan M.;  Potter, Stefano;  Ludwig, Sarah M.;  Selbmann, Anne-Katrin;  Sullivan, Patrick F.;  Abbott, Benjamin W.;  Arndt, Kyle A.;  Birch, Leah;  Bjorkman, Mats P.;  Bloom, A. Anthony;  Celis, Gerardo;  Christensen, Torben R.;  Christiansen, Casper T.;  Commane, Roisin;  Cooper, Elisabeth J.;  Crill, Patrick;  Czimczik, Claudia;  Davydov, Sergey;  Du, Jinyang;  Egan, Jocelyn E.;  Elberling, Bo;  Euskirchen, Eugenie S.;  Friborg, Thomas;  Genet, Helene;  Goeckede, Mathias;  Goodrich, Jordan P.;  Grogan, Paul;  Helbig, Manuel;  Jafarov, Elchin E.;  Jastrow, Julie D.;  Kalhori, Aram A. M.;  Kim, Yongwon;  Kimball, John S.;  Kutzbach, Lars;  Lara, Mark J.;  Larsen, Klaus S.;  Lee, Bang-Yong;  Liu, Zhihua;  Loranty, Michael M.;  Lund, Magnus;  Lupascu, Massimo;  Madani, Nima;  Malhotra, Avni;  Matamala, Roser;  McFarland, Jack;  McGuire, A. David;  Michelsen, Anders;  Minions, Christina;  Oechel, Walter C.;  Olefeldt, David;  Parmentier, Frans-Jan W.;  Pirk, Norbert;  Poulter, Ben;  Quinton, William;  Rezanezhad, Fereidoun;  Risk, David;  Sachs, Torsten;  Schaefer, Kevin;  Schmidt, Niels M.;  Schuur, Edward A. G.;  Semenchuk, Philipp R.;  Shaver, Gaius;  Sonnentag, Oliver;  Starr, Gregory;  Treat, Claire C.;  Waldrop, Mark P.;  Wang, Yihui;  Welker, Jeffrey;  Wille, Christian;  Xu, Xiaofeng;  Zhang, Zhen;  Zhuang, Qianlai;  Zona, Donatella
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Homogenized halides and alkali cation segregation in alloyed organic-inorganic perovskites 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 363 (6427) : 627-+
作者:  Correa-Baena, Juan-Pablo;  Luo, Yanqi;  Brenner, Thomas M.;  Snaider, Jordan;  Sun, Shijing;  Li, Xueying;  Jensen, Mallory A.;  Hartono, Noor Titan Putri;  Nienhaus, Lea;  Wieghold, Sarah;  Poindexter, Jeremy R.;  Wang, Shen;  Meng, Ying Shirley;  Wang, Ti;  Lai, Barry;  Holt, Martin V.;  Cai, Zhonghou;  Bawendi, Moungi G.;  Huang, Libai;  Buonassisi, Tonio;  Fenning, David P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Geothermal Heat Flux Reveals the Iceland Hotspot Track Underneath Greenland 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018, 45 (16) : 8214-8222
作者:  Martos, Yasmina M.;  Jordan, Tom A.;  Catalan, Manuel;  Jordan, Thomas M.;  Bamber, Jonathan L.;  Vaughan, David G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution 期刊论文
NATURE, 2017, 545 (7655) : 446-+
作者:  Abbosh, Christopher;  Birkbak, Nicolai J.;  Wilson, Gareth A.;  Jamal-Hanjani, Mariam;  Constantin, Tudor;  Salari, Raheleh;  Le Quesne, John;  Moore, David A.;  Veeriah, Selvaraju;  Rosenthal, Rachel;  Marafioti, Teresa;  Kirkizlar, Eser;  Watkins, Thomas B. K.;  McGranahan, Nicholas;  Ward, Sophia;  Martinson, Luke;  Riley, Joan;  Fraioli, Francesco;  Al Bakir, Maise;  Gronroos, Eva;  Zambrana, Francisco;  Endozo, Raymondo;  Bi, Wenya Linda;  Fennessy, Fiona M.;  Sponer, Nicole;  Johnson, Diana;  Laycock, Joanne;  Shafi, Seema;  Czyzewska-Khan, Justyna;  Rowan, Andrew;  Chambers, Tim;  Matthews, Nik;  Turajlic, Samra;  Hiley, Crispin;  Lee, Siow Ming;  Forster, Martin D.;  Ahmad, Tanya;  Falzon, Mary;  Borg, Elaine;  Lawrence, David;  Hayward, Martin;  Kolvekar, Shyam;  Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos;  Janes, Sam M.;  Thakrar, Ricky;  Ahmed, Asia;  Blackhall, Fiona;  Summers, Yvonne;  Hafez, Dina;  Naik, Ashwini;  Ganguly, Apratim;  Kareht, Stephanie;  Shah, Rajesh;  Joseph, Leena;  Quinn, Anne Marie;  Crosbie, Phil A.;  Naidu, Babu;  Middleton, Gary;  Langman, Gerald;  Trotter, Simon;  Nicolson, Marianne;  Remmen, Hardy;  Kerr, Keith;  Chetty, Mahendran;  Gomersall, Lesley;  Fennell, Dean A.;  Nakas, Apostolos;  Rathinam, Sridhar;  Anand, Girija;  Khan, Sajid;  Russell, Peter;  Ezhil, Veni;  Ismail, Babikir;  Irvin-Sellers, Melanie;  Prakash, Vineet;  Lester, Jason F.;  Kornaszewska, Malgorzata;  Attanoos, Richard;  Adams, Haydn;  Davies, Helen;  Oukrif, Dahmane;  Akarca, Ayse U.;  Hartley, John A.;  Lowe, Helen L.;  Lock, Sara;  Iles, Natasha;  Bell, Harriet;  Ngai, Yenting;  Elgar, Greg;  Szallasi, Zoltan;  Schwarz, Roland F.;  Herrero, Javier;  Stewart, Aengus;  Quezada, Sergio A.;  Peggs, Karl S.;  Van Loo, Peter;  Dive, Caroline;  Lin, C. Jimmy;  Rabinowitz, Matthew;  Aerts, Hugo J. W. L.;  Hackshaw, Allan;  Shaw, Jacqui A.;  Zimmermann, Bernhard G.;  Swanton, Charles;  Jamal-Hanjani, Mariam;  Abbosh, Christopher;  Veeriah, Selvaraju;  Shafi, Seema;  Czyzewska-Khan, Justyna;  Johnson, Diana;  Laycock, Joanne;  Bosshard-Carter, Leticia;  Goh, Gerald;  Rosenthal, Rachel;  Gorman, Pat;  Murugaesu, Nirupa;  Hynds, Robert E.;  Wilson, Gareth A.;  Birkbak, Nicolai J.;  Watkins, Thomas B. K.;  McGranahan, Nicholas;  Horswell, Stuart;  Al Bakir, Maise;  Gronroos, Eva;  Mitter, Richard;  Escudero, Mickael;  Stewart, Aengus;  Van Loo, Peter;  Rowan, Andrew;  Xu, Hang;  Turajlic, Samra;  Hiley, Crispin;  Goldman, Jacki;  Stone, Richard Kevin;  Denner, Tamara;  Matthews, Nik;  Elgar, Greg;  Ward, Sophia;  Biggs, Jennifer;  Costa, Marta;  Begum, Sharmin;  Phillimore, Ben;  Chambers, Tim;  Nye, Emma;  Graca, Sofia;  Joshi, Kroopa;  Furness, Andrew;  Ben Aissa, Assma;  Wong, Yien Ning Sophia;  Georgiou, Andy;  Quezada, Sergio A.;  Peggs, Karl S.;  Hartley, John A.;  Lowe, Helen L.;  Herrero, Javier;  Lawrence, David;  Hayward, Martin;  Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos;  Kolvekar, Shyam;  Falzon, Mary;  Borg, Elaine;  Marafioti, Teresa;  Simeon, Celia;  Hector, Gemma;  Smith, Amy;  Aranda, Marie;  Novelli, Marco;  Oukrif, Dahmane;  Akarca, Ayse U.;  Janes, Sam M.;  Thakrar, Ricky;  Forster, Martin D.;  Ahmad, Tanya;  Lee, Siow Ming;  Papadatos-Pastos, Dionysis;  Carnell, Dawn;  Mendes, Ruheena;  George, Jeremy;  Navani, Neal;  Ahmed, Asia;  Taylor, Magali;  Choudhary, Junaid;  Summers, Yvonne;  Califano, Raffaele;  Taylor, Paul;  Shah, Rajesh;  Krysiak, Piotr;  Rammohan, Kendadai;  Fontaine, Eustace;  Booton, Richard;  Evison, Matthew;  Crosbie, Phil A.;  Moss, Stuart;  Idries, Faiza;  Joseph, Leena;  Bishop, Paul;  Chaturvedi, Anshuman;  Quinn, Anne Marie;  Doran, Helen;  Leek, Angela;  Harrison, Phil;  Moore, Katrina;  Waddington, Rachael;  Novasio, Juliette;  Blackhall, Fiona;  Rogan, Jane;  Smith, Elaine;  Dive, Caroline;  Tugwood, Jonathan;  Brady, Ged;  Rothwell, Dominic G.;  Chemi, Francesca;  Pierce, Jackie;  Gulati, Sakshi;  Naidu, Babu;  Langman, Gerald;  Trotter, Simon;  Bellamy, Mary;  Bancroft, Hollie;  Kerr, Amy;  Kadiri, Salma;  Webb, Joanne;  Middleton, Gary;  Djearaman, Madava;  Fennell, Dean A.;  Shaw, Jacqui A.;  Le Quesne, John;  Moore, David A.;  Thomas, Anne;  Walter, Harriet;  Riley, Joan;  Martinson, Luke;  Nakas, Apostolos;  Rathinam, Sridhar;  Monteiro, William;  Marshall, Hilary;  Nelson, Louise;  Bennett, Jonathan;  Primrose, Lindsay;  Anand, Girija;  Khan, Sajid;  Amadi, Anita;  Nicolson, Marianne;  Kerr, Keith;  Palmer, Shirley;  Remmen, Hardy;  Miller, Joy;  Buchan, Keith;  Chetty, Mahendran;  Gomersall, Lesley;  Lester, Jason F.;  Edwards, Alison;  Morgan, Fiona;  Adams, Haydn;  Davies, Helen;  Kornaszewska, Malgorzata;  Attanoos, Richard;  Lock, Sara;  Verjee, Azmina;  MacKenzie, Mairead;  Wilcox, Maggie;  Bell, Harriet;  Iles, Natasha;  Hackshaw, Allan;  Ngai, Yenting;  Smith, Sean;  Gower, Nicole;  Ottensmeier, Christian;  Chee, Serena;  Johnson, Benjamin;  Alzetani, Aiman;  Shaw, Emily;  Lim, Eric;  De Sousa, Paulo;  Barbosa, Monica Tavares;  Bowman, Alex;  Jordan, Simon;  Rice, Alexandra;  Raubenheimer, Hilgardt;  Proli, Chiara;  Cufari, Maria Elena;  Ronquillo, John Carlo;  Kwayie, Angela;  Bhayani, Harshil;  Hamilton, Morag;  Bakar, Yusura;  Mensah, Natalie;  Ambrose, Lyn;  Devaraj, Anand;  Buderi, Silviu;  Finch, Jonathan;  Azcarate, Leire;  Chavan, Hema;  Green, Sophie;  Mashinga, Hillaria;  Nicholson, Andrew G.;  Lau, Kelvin;  Sheaff, Michael;  Schmid, Peter;  Conibear, John;  Ezhil, Veni;  Ismail, Babikir;  Irvin-Sellers, Melanie;  Prakash, Vineet;  Russell, Peter;  Light, Teresa;  Horey, Tracey;  Danson, Sarah;  Bury, Jonathan;  Edwards, John;  Hill, Jennifer;  Matthews, Sue;  Kitsanta, Yota;  Suvarna, Kim;  Fisher, Patricia;  Keerio, Allah Dino;  Shackcloth, Michael;  Gosney, John;  Postmus, Pieter;  Feeney, Sarah;  Asante-Siaw, Julius;  Constantin, Tudor;  Salari, Raheleh;  Sponer, Nicole;  Naik, Ashwini;  Zimmermann, Bernhard G.;  Rabinowitz, Matthew;  Aerts, Hugo J. W. L.;  Dentro, Stefan;  Dessimoz, Christophe
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