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Simulation model analysis of the most promising geological sequestration formation candidates in the Rocky Mountain region, USA, with focus on uncertainty assessment 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2013
作者:  Lee, Si-Yong [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States)];  Zaluski, Wade [Schlumberger Carbon Services, Houston, TX (United States)];  Will, Robert [Schlumberger Carbon Services, Houston, TX (United States)];  Eisinger, Chris [Colorado Geological Sur
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Final scientific report for DOE award title: Improving the Representation of Ice Sedimentation Rates in Global Climate Models 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2013
作者:  Mitchell, David L. [Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV (United States)]
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climate change  climate models  cirrus clouds  
Influence of Sea Ice on Arctic Marine Sulfur Biogeochemistry in the Community Climate System Model 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2013
作者:  Deal, Clara [Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AL (United States)];  Jin, Meibing [Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AL (United States)]
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Annual Report: Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI) (30 September 2012) 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2012
作者:  Miller, David C. [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States)];  Syamlal, Madhava [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States)];  Cottrell, Roger [URS Corporation. (URS), San Francisco, CA (United States);  National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States)];  Kress, Joel D. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)];  Sun, Xin [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)];  Sundaresan, S. [Princeton Univ., NJ (United States)];  Sahinidis, Nikolaos V. [Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA (United States);  National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States)];  Zitney, Stephen E. [NETL];  Bhattacharyya, D. [West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV (United States);  National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States)];  Agarwal, Deb [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Tong, Charles [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)];  Lin, Guang [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)];  Dale, Crystal [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)];  Engel, Dave [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)];  Calafiura, Paolo [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Beattie, Keith [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Shinn, John [SynPatEco. Pleasant Hill, CA (United States)]
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Final Technical Report for "Ice nuclei relation to aerosol properties: Data analysis and model parameterization for IN in mixed-phase clouds" (DOE/SC00002354) 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2012
作者:  Anthony Prenni;  Kreidenweis, Sonia M. [Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO (United States)]
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ice nuclei  mixed-phase clouds  Arctic clouds  aerosol-cloud interactions  aerosol indirect effects  
A Study of Cloud Processing of Organic Aerosols Using Models and CHAPS Data 科技报告
来源:US Department of Energy (DOE). 出版年: 2012
作者:  Ervens, Barbara [Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States)]
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
Atmospheric particulate matter  organic aerosol  clouds  atmospheric chemistry