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Black carbon physical and optical properties across northern India during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (20) : 13079-13096
作者:  Brooks, James;  Liu, Dantong;  Allan, James D.;  Williams, Paul, I;  Haywood, Jim;  Highwood, Ellie J.;  Kompalli, Sobhan K.;  Babu, S. Suresh;  Satheesh, Sreedharan K.;  Turner, Andrew G.;  Coe, Hugh
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Contributions of Nordic anthropogenic emissions on air pollution and premature mortality over the Nordic region and the Arctic 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (20) : 12975-12992
作者:  Im, Ulas;  Christensen, Jesper H.;  Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth;  Sand, Maria;  Makkonen, Risto;  Geels, Camilla;  Anderson, Camilla;  Kukkonen, Jaakko;  Lopez-Aparicio, Susana;  Brandt, Jorgen
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Shipborne measurements of total OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula and its role in ozone chemistry 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (17) : 11501-11523
作者:  Pfannerstill, Eva Y.;  Wang, Nijing;  Edtbauer, Achim;  Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios;  Crowley, John N.;  Dienhart, Dirk;  Eger, Philipp G.;  Ernle, Lisa;  Fischer, Horst;  Hottmann, Bettina;  Paris, Jean-Daniel;  Stoenner, Christof;  Tadic, Ivan;  Walter, David;  Williams, Jonathan
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Exploiting multi-wavelength aerosol absorption coefficients in a multi-time resolution source apportionment study to retrieve source-dependent absorption parameters 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (17) : 11235-11252
作者:  Forello, Alice Corina;  Bernardoni, Vera;  Calzolai, Giulia;  Lucarelli, Franco;  Massabo, Dario;  Nava, Silvia;  Pileci, Rosaria Erika;  Prati, Paolo;  Valentini, Sara;  Valli, Gianluigi;  Vecchi, Roberta
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The impact of measures to reduce ambient air PM10 concentrations originating from road dust, evaluated for a street canyon in Helsinki 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (17) : 11199-11212
作者:  Stojiljkovic, Ana;  Kauhaniemi, Mari;  Kukkonen, Jaakko;  Kupiainen, Kaarle;  Karppinen, Ari;  Denby, Bruce Rolstad;  Kousa, Anu;  Niemi, Jarkko V.;  Ketzel, Matthias
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Photochemical production of ozone and emissions of NOx and CH4 in the San Joaquin Valley 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (16) : 10697-10716
作者:  Trousdell, Justin F.;  Caputi, Dani;  Smoot, Jeanelle;  Conley, Stephen A.;  Faloona, Ian C.
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High-resolution mapping of vehicle emissions of atmospheric pollutants based on large-scale, real-world traffic datasets 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (13) : 8831-8843
作者:  Yang, Daoyuan;  Zhang, Shaojun;  Niu, Tianlin;  Wang, Yunjie;  Xu, Honglei;  Zhang, K. Max;  Wu, Ye
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Variability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their oxidative derivatives in wintertime Beijing, China 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (13) : 8741-8758
作者:  Elzein, Atallah;  Dunmore, Rachel E.;  Ward, Martyn W.;  Hamilton, Jacqueline F.;  Lewis, Alastair C.
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Impact of air pollution control measures and regional transport on carbonaceous aerosols in fine particulate matter in urban Beijing, China: insights gained from long-term measurement 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (13) : 8569-8590
作者:  Ji, Dongsheng;  Gao, Wenkang;  Maenhaut, Willy;  He, Jun;  Wang, Zhe;  Li, Jiwei;  Du, Wupeng;  Wang, Lili;  Sun, Yang;  Xin, Jinyuan;  Hu, Bo;  Wang, Yuesi
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Contrail cirrus radiative forcing for future air traffic 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 19 (12) : 8163-8174
作者:  Bock, Lisa;  Burkhardt, Ulrike
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26