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A pause in Southern Hemisphere circulation trends due to the Montreal Protocol 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 544-548
作者:  Imai, Yu;  Meyer, Kirsten J.;  Iinishi, Akira;  Favre-Godal, Quentin;  Green, Robert;  Manuse, Sylvie;  Caboni, Mariaelena;  Mori, Miho;  Niles, Samantha;  Ghiglieri, Meghan;  Honrao, Chandrashekhar;  Ma, Xiaoyu;  Guo, Jason J.;  Makriyannis, Alexandros;  Linares-Otoya, Luis;  Boehringer, Nils;  Wuisan, Zerlina G.;  Kaur, Hundeep;  Wu, Runrun;  Mateus, Andre
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Observations show robust near-surface trends in Southern Hemisphere tropospheric circulation towards the end of the twentieth century, including a poleward shift in the mid-latitude jet(1,2), a positive trend in the Southern Annular Mode(1,3-6) and an expansion of the Hadley cell(7,8). It has been established that these trends were driven by ozone depletion in the Antarctic stratosphere due to emissions of ozone-depleting substances(9-11). Here we show that these widely reported circulation trends paused, or slightly reversed, around the year 2000. Using a pattern-based detection and attribution analysis of atmospheric zonal wind, we show that the pause in circulation trends is forced by human activities, and has not occurred owing only to internal or natural variability of the climate system. Furthermore, we demonstrate that stratospheric ozone recovery, resulting from the Montreal Protocol, is the key driver of the pause. Because pre-2000 circulation trends have affected precipitation(12-14), and potentially ocean circulation and salinity(15-17), we anticipate that a pause in these trends will have wider impacts on the Earth system. Signatures of the effects of the Montreal Protocol and the associated stratospheric ozone recovery might therefore manifest, or have already manifested, in other aspects of the Earth system.

Palaeoclimate evidence of vulnerable permafrost during times of low sea ice 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 221-+
作者:  Vaks, A.;  Mason, A. J.;  Breitenbach, S. F. M.;  Kononov, A. M.;  Osinzev, A. V.;  Rosensaft, M.;  Borshevsky, A.;  Gutareva, O. S.;  Henderson, G. M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

Climate change in the Arctic is occurring rapidly, and projections suggest the complete loss of summer sea ice by the middle of this century(1). The sensitivity of permanently frozen ground (permafrost) in the Northern Hemisphere to warming is less clear, and its long-term trends are harder to monitor than those of sea ice. Here we use palaeoclimate data to show that Siberian permafrost is robust to warming when Arctic sea ice is present, but vulnerable when it is absent. Uranium-lead chronology of carbonate deposits (speleothems) in a Siberian cave located at the southern edge of continuous permafrost reveals periods in which the overlying ground was not permanently frozen. The speleothem record starts 1.5 million years ago (Ma), a time when greater equator-to-pole heat transport led to a warmer Northern Hemisphere(2). The growth of the speleothems indicates that permafrost at the cave site was absent at that time, becoming more frequent from about 1.35 Ma, as the Northern Hemisphere cooled, and permanent after about 0.4 Ma. This history mirrors that of year-round sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, which was largely absent before about 0.4 Ma (ref.(3)), but continuously present since that date. The robustness of permafrost when sea ice is present, as well as the increased permafrost vulnerability when sea ice is absent, can be explained by changes in both heat and moisture transport. Reduced sea ice may contribute to warming of Arctic air(4-6), which can lead to warming far inland(7). Open Arctic waters also increase the source of moisture and increase autumn snowfall over Siberia, insulating the ground from low winter temperatures(8-10). These processes explain the relationship between an ice-free Arctic and permafrost thawing before 0.4 Ma. If these processes continue during modern climate change, future loss of summer Arctic sea ice will accelerate the thawing of Siberian permafrost.