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A modern scleractinian coral with a two-component calcite–aragonite skeleton 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2020
作者:  Jarosław Stolarski;  Ismael Coronado;  Jack G. Murphy;  Marcelo V. Kitahara;  Katarzyna Janiszewska;  Maciej Mazur;  Anne M. Gothmann;  Anne-Sophie Bouvier;  Johanna Marin-Carbonne;  Michelle L. Taylor;  Andrea M. Quattrini;  Catherine S. McFadden;  John A. Higgins;  Laura F. Robinson;  Anders Meibom
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/22
Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks 期刊论文
Nature, 2020
作者:  M. Aaron MacNeil;  Demian D. Chapman;  Michelle Heupel;  Colin A. Simpfendorfer;  Michael Heithaus;  Mark Meekan;  Euan Harvey;  Jordan Goetze;  Jeremy Kiszka;  Mark E. Bond;  Leanne M. Currey-Randall;  Conrad W. Speed;  C. Samantha Sherman;  Matthew J. Rees;  Vinay Udyawer;  Kathryn I. Flowers;  Gina Clementi;  Jasmine Valentin-Albanese;  Taylor Gorham;  M. Shiham Adam;  Khadeeja Ali;  Fabiá;  n Pina-Amargó;  s;  Jorge A. Angulo-Valdé;  s;  Jacob Asher;  Laura Garcí;  a Barcia;  Océ;  ane Beaufort;  Cecilie Benjamin;  Anthony T. F. Bernard;  Michael L. Berumen;  Stacy Bierwagen;  Erika Bonnema;  Rosalind M. K. Bown;  Darcey Bradley;  Edd Brooks;  J. Jed Brown;  Dayne Buddo;  Patrick Burke;  Camila Cá;  ceres;  Diego Cardeñ;  osa;  Jeffrey C. Carrier;  Jennifer E. Caselle;  Venkatesh Charloo;  Thomas Claverie;  Eric Clua;  Jesse E. M. Cochran;  Neil Cook;  Jessica Cramp;  Brooke D’;  Alberto;  Martin de Graaf;  Mareike Dornhege;  Andy Estep;  Lanya Fanovich;  Naomi F. Farabough;  Daniel Fernando;  Anna L. Flam;  Camilla Floros;  Virginia Fourqurean;  Ricardo Garla;  Kirk Gastrich;  Lachlan George;  Rory Graham;  Tristan Guttridge;  Royale S. Hardenstine;  Stephen Heck;  Aaron C. Henderson;  Heidi Hertler;  Robert Hueter;  Mohini Johnson;  Stacy Jupiter;  Devanshi Kasana;  Steven T. Kessel;  Benedict Kiilu;  Taratu Kirata;  Baraka Kuguru;  Fabian Kyne;  Tim Langlois;  Elodie J. I. Lé;  ;  e;  Steve Lindfield;  Andrea Luna-Acosta;  Jade Maggs;  B. Mabel Manjaji-Matsumoto;  Andrea Marshall;  Philip Matich;  Erin McCombs;  Dianne McLean;  Llewelyn Meggs;  Stephen Moore;  Sushmita Mukherji;  Ryan Murray;  Muslimin Kaimuddin;  Stephen J. Newman;  Josep Nogué;  s;  Clay Obota;  Owen O’;  Shea;  Kennedy Osuka;  Yannis P. Papastamatiou;  Nishan Perera;  Bradley Peterson;  Alessandro Ponzo;  Andhika Prasetyo;  L. M. Sjamsul Quamar;  Jessica Quinlan;  Alexei Ruiz-Abierno;  Enric Sala;  Melita Samoilys;  Michelle Schä;  rer-Umpierre;  Audrey Schlaff;  Nikola Simpson;  Adam N. H. Smith;  Lauren Sparks;  Akshay Tanna;  Rubé;  n Torres;  Michael J. Travers;  Maurits van Zinnicq Bergmann;  Laurent Vigliola;  Juney Ward;  Alexandra M. Watts;  Colin Wen;  Elizabeth Whitman;  Aaron J. Wirsing;  Aljoscha Wothke;  Esteban Zarza-Gonzâ;  lez;  Joshua E. Cinner
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Enhanced mixing across the gyre boundary at the Gulf Stream front 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2020
作者:  Jacob O. Wenegrat;  Leif N. Thomas;  Miles A. Sundermeyer;  John R. Taylor;  Eric A. D’Asaro;  Jody M. Klymak;  R. Kipp Shearman;  Craig M. Lee
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/14
Asynchronous carbon sink saturation in African and Amazonian tropical forests 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7797) : 80-+
作者:  Wannes Hubau;  Simon L. Lewis;  Oliver L. Phillips;  Kofi Affum-Baffoe;  Hans Beeckman;  Aida Cuní;  -Sanchez;  Armandu K. Daniels;  Corneille E. N. Ewango;  Sophie Fauset;  Jacques M. Mukinzi;  Douglas Sheil;  Bonaventure Sonké;  Martin J. P. Sullivan;  Terry C. H. Sunderland;  Hermann Taedoumg;  Sean C. Thomas;  Lee J. T. White;  Katharine A. Abernethy;  Stephen Adu-Bredu;  Christian A. Amani;  Timothy R. Baker;  Lindsay F. Banin;  Fidè;  le Baya;  Serge K. Begne;  Amy C. Bennett;  Fabrice Benedet;  Robert Bitariho;  Yannick E. Bocko;  Pascal Boeckx;  Patrick Boundja;  Roel J. W. Brienen;  Terry Brncic;  Eric Chezeaux;  George B. Chuyong;  Connie J. Clark;  Murray Collins;  James A. Comiskey;  David A. Coomes;  Greta C. Dargie;  Thales de Haulleville;  Marie Noel Djuikouo Kamdem;  Jean-Louis Doucet;  Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert;  Ted R. Feldpausch;  Alusine Fofanah;  Ernest G. Foli;  Martin Gilpin;  Emanuel Gloor;  Christelle Gonmadje;  Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury;  Jefferson S. Hall;  Alan C. Hamilton;  David J. Harris;  Terese B. Hart;  Mireille B. N. Hockemba;  Annette Hladik;  Suspense A. Ifo;  Kathryn J. Jeffery;  Tommaso Jucker;  Emmanuel Kasongo Yakusu;  Elizabeth Kearsley;  David Kenfack;  Alexander Koch;  Miguel E. Leal;  Aurora Levesley;  Jeremy A. Lindsell;  Janvier Lisingo;  Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez;  Jon C. Lovett;  Jean-Remy Makana;  Yadvinder Malhi;  Andrew R. Marshall;  Jim Martin;  Emanuel H. Martin;  Faustin M. Mbayu;  Vincent P. Medjibe;  Vianet Mihindou;  Edward T. A. Mitchard;  Sam Moore;  Pantaleo K. T. Munishi;  Natacha Nssi Bengone;  Lucas Ojo;  Fidè;  le Evouna Ondo;  Kelvin S.-H. Peh;  Georgia C. Pickavance;  Axel Dalberg Poulsen;  John R. Poulsen;  Lan Qie;  Jan Reitsma;  Francesco Rovero;  Michael D. Swaine;  Joey Talbot;  James Taplin;  David M. Taylor;  Duncan W. Thomas;  Benjamin Toirambe;  John Tshibamba Mukendi;  Darlington Tuagben;  Peter M. Umunay;  Geertje M. F. van der Heijden;  Hans Verbeeck;  Jason Vleminckx;  Simon Willcock;  Hannsjö;  rg Wö;  ll;  John T. Woods;  Lise Zemagho
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Structurally intact tropical forests sequestered about half of the global terrestrial carbon uptake over the 1990s and early 2000s, removing about 15 per cent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions(1-3). Climate-driven vegetation models typically predict that this tropical forest '  carbon sink'  will continue for decades(4,5). Here we assess trends in the carbon sink using 244 structurally intact African tropical forests spanning 11 countries, compare them with 321 published plots from Amazonia and investigate the underlying drivers of the trends. The carbon sink in live aboveground biomass in intact African tropical forests has been stable for the three decades to 2015, at 0.66 tonnes of carbon per hectare per year (95 per cent confidence interval 0.53-0.79), in contrast to the long-term decline in Amazonian forests(6). Therefore the carbon sink responses of Earth'  s two largest expanses of tropical forest have diverged. The difference is largely driven by carbon losses from tree mortality, with no detectable multi-decadal trend in Africa and a long-term increase in Amazonia. Both continents show increasing tree growth, consistent with the expected net effect of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and air temperature(7-9). Despite the past stability of the African carbon sink, our most intensively monitored plots suggest a post-2010 increase in carbon losses, delayed compared to Amazonia, indicating asynchronous carbon sink saturation on the two continents. A statistical model including carbon dioxide, temperature, drought and forest dynamics accounts for the observed trends and indicates a long-term future decline in the African sink, whereas the Amazonian sink continues to weaken rapidly. Overall, the uptake of carbon into Earth'  s intact tropical forests peaked in the 1990s. Given that the global terrestrial carbon sink is increasing in size, independent observations indicating greater recent carbon uptake into the Northern Hemisphere landmass(10) reinforce our conclusion that the intact tropical forest carbon sink has already peaked. This saturation and ongoing decline of the tropical forest carbon sink has consequences for policies intended to stabilize Earth'  s climate.

Dietary fructose feeds hepatic lipogenesis via microbiota-derived acetate 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 586-+
作者:  Ng, Andrew H.;  Nguyen, Taylor H.;  Gomez-Schiavon, Mariana;  Dods, Galen;  Langan, Robert A.;  Boyken, Scott E.;  Samson, Jennifer A.;  Waldburger, Lucas M.;  Dueber, John E.;  Baker, David;  El-Samad, Hana
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

A genetic mouse model is used to reveal a two-pronged mechanism of fructose-induced de novo lipogenesis in the liver, in which fructose catabolism in hepatocytes provides a signal to promote lipogenesis, whereas fructose metabolism by the gut microbiota provides acetate as a substrate to feed lipogenesis.

Consumption of fructose has risen markedly in recent decades owing to the use of sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup in beverages and processed foods(1), and this has contributed to increasing rates of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(2-4). Fructose intake triggers de novo lipogenesis in the liver(4-6), in which carbon precursors of acetyl-CoA are converted into fatty acids. The ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) enzyme cleaves cytosolic citrate to generate acetyl-CoA, and is upregulated after consumption of carbohydrates(7). Clinical trials are currently pursuing the inhibition of ACLY as a treatment for metabolic diseases(8). However, the route from dietary fructose to hepatic acetyl-CoA and lipids remains unknown. Here, using in vivo isotope tracing, we show that liver-specific deletion of Acly in mice is unable to suppress fructose-induced lipogenesis. Dietary fructose is converted to acetate by the gut microbiota(9), and this supplies lipogenic acetyl-CoA independently of ACLY(10). Depletion of the microbiota or silencing of hepatic ACSS2, which generates acetyl-CoA from acetate, potently suppresses the conversion of bolus fructose into hepatic acetyl-CoA and fatty acids. When fructose is consumed more gradually to facilitate its absorption in the small intestine, both citrate cleavage in hepatocytes and microorganism-derived acetate contribute to lipogenesis. By contrast, the lipogenic transcriptional program is activated in response to fructose in a manner that is independent of acetyl-CoA metabolism. These data reveal a two-pronged mechanism that regulates hepatic lipogenesis, in which fructolysis within hepatocytes provides a signal to promote the expression of lipogenic genes, and the generation of microbial acetate feeds lipogenic pools of acetyl-CoA.

Elpistostege and the origin of the vertebrate hand 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 549-+
作者:  Ng, Andrew H.;  Nguyen, Taylor H.;  Gomez-Schiavon, Mariana;  Dods, Galen;  Langan, Robert A.;  Boyken, Scott E.;  Samson, Jennifer A.;  Waldburger, Lucas M.;  Dueber, John E.;  Baker, David;  El-Samad, Hana
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The pectoral fin of an Elpistostege watsoni specimen from the Upper Devonian period of Canada combines digits and fin rays, blurring the line between the appendages of fish and land vertebrates.

The evolution of fishes to tetrapods (four-limbed vertebrates) was one of the most important transformations in vertebrate evolution. Hypotheses of tetrapod origins rely heavily on the anatomy of a few tetrapod-like fish fossils from the Middle and Late Devonian period (393-359 million years ago)(1). These taxa-known as elpistostegalians-include Panderichthys(2), Elpistostege(3,4) and Tiktaalik(1,5), none of which has yet revealed the complete skeletal anatomy of the pectoral fin. Here we report a 1.57-metre-long articulated specimen of Elpistostege watsoni from the Upper Devonian period of Canada, which represents-to our knowledge-the most complete elpistostegalian yet found. High-energy computed tomography reveals that the skeleton of the pectoral fin has four proximodistal rows of radials (two of which include branched carpals) as well as two distal rows that are organized as digits and putative digits. Despite this skeletal pattern (which represents the most tetrapod-like arrangement of bones found in a pectoral fin to date), the fin retains lepidotrichia (fin rays) distal to the radials. We suggest that the vertebrate hand arose primarily from a skeletal pattern buried within the fairly typical aquatic pectoral fin of elpistostegalians. Elpistostege is potentially the sister taxon of all other tetrapods, and its appendages further blur the line between fish and land vertebrates.

Hydrogen peroxide sensor HPCA1 is an LRR receptor kinase in Arabidopsis 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7796) : 577-+
作者:  Bogomilov, M.;  Tsenov, R.;  Vankova-Kirilova, G.;  Song, Y. P.;  Tang, J. Y.;  Li, Z. H.;  Bertoni, R.;  Bonesini, M.;  Chignoli, F.;  Mazza, R.;  Palladino, V;  de Bari, A.;  Orestano, D.;  Tortora, L.;  Kuno, Y.;  Sakamoto, H.;  Sato, A.;  Ishimoto, S.;  Chung, M.;  Sung, C. K.;  Filthaut, F.;  Jokovic, D.;  Maletic, D.;  Savic, M.;  Jovancevic, N.;  Nikolov, J.;  Vretenar, M.;  Ramberger, S.;  Asfandiyarov, R.;  Blondel, A.;  Drielsma, F.;  Karadzhov, Y.;  Boyd, S.;  Greis, J. R.;  Lord, T.;  Pidcott, C.;  Taylor, I;  Charnley, G.;  Collomb, N.;  Dumbell, K.;  Gallagher, A.;  Grant, A.;  Griffiths, S.;  Hartnett, T.;  Martlew, B.;  Moss, A.;  Muir, A.;  Mullacrane, I;  Oates, A.;  Owens, P.;  Stokes, G.;  Warburton, P.;  White, C.;  Adams, D.;  Bayliss, V;  Boehm, J.;  Bradshaw, T. W.;  Brown, C.;  Courthold, M.;  Govans, J.;  Hills, M.;  Lagrange, J-B;  Macwaters, C.;  Nichols, A.;  Preece, R.;  Ricciardi, S.;  Rogers, C.;  Stanley, T.;  Tarrant, J.;  Tucker, M.;  Watson, S.;  Wilson, A.;  Bayes, R.;  Nugent, J. C.;  Soler, F. J. P.;  Chatzitheodoridis, G. T.;  Dick, A. J.;  Ronald, K.;  Whyte, C. G.;  Young, A. R.;  Gamet, R.;  Cooke, P.;  Blackmore, V. J.;  Colling, D.;  Dobbs, A.;  Dornan, P.;  Franchini, P.;  Hunt, C.;  Jurj, P. B.;  Kurup, A.;  Long, K.;  Martyniak, J.;  Middleton, S.;  Pasternak, J.;  Uchida, M. A.;  Cobb, J. H.;  Booth, C. N.;  Hodgson, P.;  Langlands, J.;  Overton, E.;  Pec, V;  Smith, P. J.;  Wilbur, S.;  Ellis, M.;  Gardener, R. B. S.;  Kyberd, P.;  Nebrensky, J. J.;  DeMello, A.;  Gourlay, S.;  Lambert, A.;  Li, D.;  Luo, T.;  Prestemon, S.;  Virostek, S.;  Palmer, M.;  Witte, H.;  Adey, D.;  Bross, A. D.;  Bowring, D.;  Liu, A.;  Neuffer, D.;  Popovic, M.;  Rubinov, P.;  Freemire, B.;  Hanlet, P.;  Kaplan, D. M.;  Mohayai, T. A.;  Rajaram, D.;  Snopok, P.;  Torun, Y.;  Cremaldi, L. M.;  Sanders, D. A.;  Summers, D. J.;  Coney, L. R.;  Hanson, G. G.;  Heidt, C.
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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a major reactive oxygen species in unicellular and multicellular organisms, and is produced extracellularly in response to external stresses and internal cues(1-4). H2O2 enters cells through aquaporin membrane proteins and covalently modifies cytoplasmic proteins to regulate signalling and cellular processes. However, whether sensors for H2O2 also exist on the cell surface remains unknown. In plant cells, H2O2 triggers an influx of Ca2+ ions, which is thought to be involved in H2O2 sensing and signalling. Here, by using forward genetic screens based on Ca2+ imaging, we isolated hydrogen-peroxide-induced Ca(2+)increases (hpca) mutants in Arabidopsis, and identified HPCA1 as a leucine-rich-repeat receptor kinase belonging to a previously uncharacterized subfamily that features two extra pairs of cysteine residues in the extracellular domain. HPCA1 is localized to the plasma membrane and is activated by H2O2 via covalent modification of extracellular cysteine residues, which leads to autophosphorylation of HPCA1. HPCA1 mediates H2O2-induced activation of Ca2+ channels in guard cells and is required for stomatal closure. Our findings help to identify how the perception of extracellular H2O2 is integrated with responses to various external stresses and internal cues in plants, and have implications for the design of crops with enhanced fitness.

HPCA1, a member of a previously uncharacterized subfamily of leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases, is the hydrogen-peroxide sensor at the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis.

The human imperative of stabilizing global climate change at 1.5 degrees C 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6459) : 1263-+
作者:  Hoegh-Guldberg, O.;  Jacob, D.;  Taylor, M.;  Bolanos, T. Guillen;  Bindi, M.;  Brown, S.;  Camilloni, I. A.;  Diedhiou, A.;  Djalante, R.;  Ebi, K.;  Engelbrecht, F.;  Guiot, J.;  Hijioka, Y.;  Mehrotra, S.;  Hope, C. W.;  Payne, A. J.;  Poertner, H. -O.;  Seneviratne, S. I.;  Thomas, A.;  Warren, R.;  Zhou, G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Childhood cerebellar tumours mirror conserved fetal transcriptional programs 期刊论文
NATURE, 2019, 572 (7767) : 67-+
作者:  Vladoiu, Maria C.;  El-Hamamy, Ibrahim;  Donovan, Laura K.;  Farooq, Hamza;  Holgado, Borja L.;  Sundaravadanam, Yogi;  Ramaswamy, Vijay;  Hendrikse, Liam D.;  Kumar, Sachin;  Mack, Stephen C.;  Lee, John J. Y.;  Fong, Vernon;  Juraschka, Kyle;  Przelicki, David;  Michealraj, Antony;  Skowron, Patryk;  Luu, Betty;  Suzuki, Hiromichi;  Morrissy, A. Sorana;  Cavalli, Florence M. G.;  Garzia, Livia;  Daniels, Craig;  Wu, Xiaochong;  Qazi, Maleeha A.;  Singh, Sheila K.;  Chan, Jennifer A.;  Marra, Marco A.;  Malkin, David;  Dirks, Peter;  Heisler, Lawrence;  Pugh, Trevor;  Ng, Karen;  Notta, Faiyaz;  Thompson, Eric M.;  Kleinman, Claudia L.;  Joyner, Alexandra L.;  Jabado, Nada;  Stein, Lincoln;  Taylor, Michael D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Initial results from the New Horizons exploration of 2014 MU69, a small Kuiper Belt object 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6441) : 649-+
作者:  Stern, S. A.;  Weaver, H. A.;  Spencer, J. R.;  Olkin, C. B.;  Gladstone, G. R.;  Grundy, W. M.;  Moore, J. M.;  Cruikshank, D. P.;  Elliott, H. A.;  McKinnon, W. B.;  Parker, J. Wm.;  Verbiscer, A. J.;  Young, L. A.;  Aguilar, D. A.;  Albers, J. M.;  Andert, T.;  Andrews, J. P.;  Bagenal, F.;  Banks, M. E.;  Bauer, B. A.;  Bauman, J. A.;  Bechtold, K. E.;  Beddingfield, C. B.;  Behrooz, N.;  Beisser, K. B.;  Benecchi, S. D.;  Bernardoni, E.;  Beyer, R. A.;  Bhaskaran, S.;  Bierson, C. J.;  Binzel, R. P.;  Birath, E. M.;  Bird, M. K.;  Boone, D. R.;  Bowman, A. F.;  Bray, V. J.;  Britt, D. T.;  Brown, L. E.;  Buckley, M. R.;  Buie, M. W.;  Buratti, B. J.;  Burke, L. M.;  Bushman, S. S.;  Careich, B.;  Chaikin, A. L.;  Chavez, C. L.;  Cheng, A. F.;  Colwell, E. J.;  Conard, S. J.;  Conner, M. P.;  Conrad, C. A.;  Cook, J. C.;  Cooper, S. B.;  Custodio, O. S.;  Ore, C. M. Dalle;  Deboy, C. C.;  Dharmavaram, P.;  Dhingra, R. D.;  Dunn, G. F.;  Earle, A. M.;  Egan, A. F.;  Eisig, J.;  El-Maarry, M. R.;  Engelbrecht, C.;  Enke, B. L.;  Ercol, C. J.;  Fattig, E. D.;  Ferrell, C. L.;  Finley, T. J.;  Firer, J.;  Fischetti, J.;  Folkner, W. M.;  Fosbury, M. N.;  Fountain, G. H.;  Freeze, J. M.;  Gabasova, L.;  Glaze, L. S.;  Green, J. L.;  Griffith, G. A.;  Guo, Y.;  Hahn, M.;  Hals, D. W.;  Hamilton, D. P.;  Hamilton, S. A.;  Hanley, J. J.;  Harch, A.;  Harmon, K. A.;  Hart, H. M.;  Hayes, J.;  Hersman, C. B.;  Hill, M. E.;  Hill, T. A.;  Hofgartner, J. D.;  Holdridge, M. E.;  Horanyi, M.;  Hosadurga, A.;  Howard, A. D.;  Howett, C. J. A.;  Jaskulek, S. E.;  Jennings, D. E.;  Jensen, J. R.;  Jones, M. R.;  Kang, H. K.;  Katz, D. J.;  Kaufmann, D. E.;  Kavelaars, J. J.;  Keane, J. T.;  Keleher, G. P.;  Kinczyk, M.;  Kochte, M. C.;  Kolmnann, P.;  Krimigis, S. M.;  Kruizinga, G. L.;  Kusnierkiewicz, D. Y.;  Lahr, M. S.;  Lauer, T. R.;  Lawrence, G. B.;  Lee, J. E.;  Lessac-Chenen, E. J.;  Linscott, I. R.;  Lisse, C. M.;  Lunsford, A. W.;  Mages, D. M.;  Mallder, V. A.;  Martin, N. P.;  May, B. H.;  McComas, D. J.;  MeNutt, R. L., Jr.;  Mehoke, D. S.;  Mehoke, T. S.;  Nelson, D. S.;  Nguyen, H. D.;  Nunez, J. I.;  Ocampo, A. C.;  Owen, W. M.;  Oxton, G. K.;  Parker, A. H.;  Patzold, M.;  Pelgrift, J. Y.;  Pelletier, F. J.;  Pineau, J. P.;  Piquette, M. R.;  Porter, S. B.;  Protopapa, S.;  Quirico, E.;  Redfern, J. A.;  Regiec, A. L.;  Reitsema, H. J.;  Reuter, D. C.;  Richardson, D. C.;  Riedel, J. E.;  Ritterbush, M. A.;  Robbins, S. J.;  Rodgers, D. J.;  Rogers, G. D.;  Rose, D. M.;  Rosendal, P. E.;  Runyon, K. D.;  Ryschkewitsch, M. G.;  Saina, M. M.;  Salinas, M. J.;  Schenk, P. M.;  Scherrer, J. R.;  Schlei, W. R.;  Schmitt, B.;  Schultz, D. J.;  Schurr, D. C.;  Scipioni, F.;  Sepan, R. L.;  Shelton, R. G.;  Showalter, M. R.;  Simon, M.;  Singer, K. N.;  Stahlheber, E. W.;  Stanbridge, D. R.;  Stansberry, J. A.;  Steffi, A. J.;  Strobel, D. F.;  Stothoff, M. M.;  Stryk, T.;  Stuart, J. M.;  Summers, M. E.;  Tapley, M. B.;  Taylor, A.;  Taylor, H. W.;  Tedford, R. M.;  Throop, H. B.;  Turner, L. S.;  Umurhan, O. M.;  Van Eck, J.;  Velez, D.;  Versteeg, M. H.;  Vincent, M. A.;  Webbert, R. W.;  Weidner, S. E.;  Ii, G. E. Weigle;  Wendel, J. R.;  White, O. L.;  Whittenburg, K. E.;  Williams, B. G.;  Williams, K. E.;  Williams, S. P.;  Wimters, H. L.;  Zangari, A. M.;  Zurbuchen, T. H.
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