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Metabolic heterogeneity confers differences in melanoma metastatic potential 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 115-+
作者:  Tasdogan, Alpaslan;  Faubert, Brandon;  Ramesh, Vijayashree;  Ubellacker, Jessalyn M.;  Shen, Bo;  Solmonson, Ashley;  Murphy, Malea M.;  Gu, Zhimin;  Gu, Wen;  Martin, Misty;  Kasitinon, Stacy Y.;  Vandergriff, Travis;  Mathews, Thomas P.;  Zhao, Zhiyu;  Schadendorf, Dirk;  DeBerardinis, Ralph J.;  Morrison, Sean J.
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Metastasis requires cancer cells to undergo metabolic changes that are poorly understood(1-3). Here we show that metabolic differences among melanoma cells confer differences in metastatic potential as a result of differences in the function of the MCT1 transporter. In vivo isotope tracing analysis in patient-derived xenografts revealed differences in nutrient handling between efficiently and inefficiently metastasizing melanomas, with circulating lactate being a more prominent source of tumour lactate in efficient metastasizers. Efficient metastasizers had higher levels of MCT1, and inhibition of MCT1 reduced lactate uptake. MCT1 inhibition had little effect on the growth of primary subcutaneous tumours, but resulted in depletion of circulating melanoma cells and reduced the metastatic disease burden in patient-derived xenografts and in mouse melanomas. In addition, inhibition of MCT1 suppressed the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and increased levels of reactive oxygen species. Antioxidants blocked the effects of MCT1 inhibition on metastasis. MCT1(high) and MCT1(-/low) cells from the same melanomas had similar capacities to form subcutaneous tumours, but MCT1(high) cells formed more metastases after intravenous injection. Metabolic differences among cancer cells thus confer differences in metastatic potential as metastasizing cells depend on MCT1 to manage oxidative stress.

Preparation of cyclohexene isotopologues and stereoisotopomers from benzene 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7808) : 288-+
作者:  Shimazaki, Yuya;  Schwartz, Ido;  Watanabe, Kenji;  Taniguchi, Takashi;  Kroner, Martin;  Imamoglu, Atac
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The hydrogen isotopes deuterium (D) and tritium (T) have become essential tools in chemistry, biology and medicine(1). Beyond their widespread use in spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and mechanistic and pharmacokinetic studies, there has been considerable interest in incorporating deuterium into drug molecules(1). Deutetrabenazine, a deuterated drug that is promising for the treatment of Huntington'  s disease(2), was recently approved by the United States'  Food and Drug Administration. The deuterium kinetic isotope effect, which compares the rate of a chemical reaction for a compound with that for its deuterated counterpart, can be substantial(1,3,4). The strategic replacement of hydrogen with deuterium can affect both the rate of metabolism and the distribution of metabolites for a compound(5), improving the efficacy and safety of a drug. The pharmacokinetics of a deuterated compound depends on the location(s) of deuterium. Although methods are available for deuterium incorporation at both early and late stages of the synthesis of a drug(6,7), these processes are often unselective and the stereoisotopic purity can be difficult to measure(7,8). Here we describe the preparation of stereoselectively deuterated building blocks for pharmaceutical research. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate a four-step conversion of benzene to cyclohexene with varying degrees of deuterium incorporation, via binding to a tungsten complex. Using different combinations of deuterated and proteated acid and hydride reagents, the deuterated positions on the cyclohexene ring can be controlled precisely. In total, 52 unique stereoisotopomers of cyclohexene are available, in the form of ten different isotopologues. This concept can be extended to prepare discrete stereoisotopomers of functionalized cyclohexenes. Such systematic methods for the preparation of pharmacologically active compounds as discrete stereoisotopomers could improve the pharmacological and toxicological properties of drugs and provide mechanistic information related to their distribution and metabolism in the body.

Cyclohexene isotopologues and stereoisotopomers with varying degrees of deuteration are formed by binding a tungsten complex to benzene, which facilitates the selective incorporation of deuterium into any position on the ring.

Dietary fructose feeds hepatic lipogenesis via microbiota-derived acetate 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 586-+
作者:  Ng, Andrew H.;  Nguyen, Taylor H.;  Gomez-Schiavon, Mariana;  Dods, Galen;  Langan, Robert A.;  Boyken, Scott E.;  Samson, Jennifer A.;  Waldburger, Lucas M.;  Dueber, John E.;  Baker, David;  El-Samad, Hana
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

A genetic mouse model is used to reveal a two-pronged mechanism of fructose-induced de novo lipogenesis in the liver, in which fructose catabolism in hepatocytes provides a signal to promote lipogenesis, whereas fructose metabolism by the gut microbiota provides acetate as a substrate to feed lipogenesis.

Consumption of fructose has risen markedly in recent decades owing to the use of sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup in beverages and processed foods(1), and this has contributed to increasing rates of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(2-4). Fructose intake triggers de novo lipogenesis in the liver(4-6), in which carbon precursors of acetyl-CoA are converted into fatty acids. The ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) enzyme cleaves cytosolic citrate to generate acetyl-CoA, and is upregulated after consumption of carbohydrates(7). Clinical trials are currently pursuing the inhibition of ACLY as a treatment for metabolic diseases(8). However, the route from dietary fructose to hepatic acetyl-CoA and lipids remains unknown. Here, using in vivo isotope tracing, we show that liver-specific deletion of Acly in mice is unable to suppress fructose-induced lipogenesis. Dietary fructose is converted to acetate by the gut microbiota(9), and this supplies lipogenic acetyl-CoA independently of ACLY(10). Depletion of the microbiota or silencing of hepatic ACSS2, which generates acetyl-CoA from acetate, potently suppresses the conversion of bolus fructose into hepatic acetyl-CoA and fatty acids. When fructose is consumed more gradually to facilitate its absorption in the small intestine, both citrate cleavage in hepatocytes and microorganism-derived acetate contribute to lipogenesis. By contrast, the lipogenic transcriptional program is activated in response to fructose in a manner that is independent of acetyl-CoA metabolism. These data reveal a two-pronged mechanism that regulates hepatic lipogenesis, in which fructolysis within hepatocytes provides a signal to promote the expression of lipogenic genes, and the generation of microbial acetate feeds lipogenic pools of acetyl-CoA.

Laser spectroscopic characterization of the nuclear-clock isomer Th-229m 期刊论文
NATURE, 2018, 556 (7701) : 321-+
作者:  Thielking, Johannes;  Okhapkin, Maxim V.;  Glowacki, Przemyslaw;  Meier, David M.;  von der Wense, Lars;  Seiferle, Benedict;  Duellmann, Christoph E.;  Thirolf, Peter G.;  Peik, Ekkehard
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Evidence for extremely rapid magma ocean crystallization and crust formation on Mars 期刊论文
NATURE, 2018, 558 (7711) : 586-+
作者:  Bouvier, Laura C.;  Costa, Maria M.;  Connelly, James N.;  Jensen, Ninna K.;  Wielandt, Daniel;  Storey, Michael;  Nemchin, Alexander A.;  Whitehouse, Martin J.;  Snape, Joshua F.;  Bellucci, Jeremy J.;  Moynier, Frederic;  Agranier, Arnaud;  Gueguen, Bleuenn;  Schonbachler, Maria;  Bizzarro, Martin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Isotopic constraint on the twentieth-century increase in tropospheric ozone 期刊论文
NATURE, 2019, 570 (7760) : 224-+
作者:  Yeung, Laurence Y.;  Murray, Lee. T.;  Martinerie, Patricia;  Witrant, Emmanuel;  Hu, Huanting;  Banerjee, Asmita;  Orsi, Anais;  Chappellaz, Jerome
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Antarctic and global climate history viewed from ice cores 期刊论文
NATURE, 2018, 558 (7709) : 200-208
作者:  Brook, Edward J.;  Buizert, Christo
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Two chemically similar stellar overdensities on opposite sides of the plane of the Galactic disk 期刊论文
NATURE, 2018, 555 (7696) : 334-+
作者:  Bergemann, Maria;  Sesar, Branimir;  Cohen, Judith G.;  Serenelli, Aldo M.;  Sheffield, Allyson;  Li, Ting S.;  Casagrande, Luca;  Johnston, Kathryn V.;  Laporte, Chervin F. P.;  Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;  Schonrich, Ralph;  Gould, Andrew
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Primordial helium entrained by the hottest mantle plumes 期刊论文
NATURE, 2017, 542 (7641) : 340-+
作者:  Jackson, M. G.;  Konter, J. G.;  Becker, T. W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09