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Insights into the assembly and activation of the microtubule nucleator gamma-TuRC 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7795) : 467-+
作者:  Cyranoski, David
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Microtubules are dynamic polymers of alpha- and beta-tubulin and have crucial roles in cell signalling, cell migration, intracellular transport and chromosome segregation(1). They assemble de novo from alpha beta-tubulin dimers in an essential process termed microtubule nucleation. Complexes that contain the protein gamma-tubulin serve as structural templates for the microtubule nucleation reaction(2). In vertebrates, microtubules are nucleated by the 2.2-megadalton gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC), which comprises gamma-tubulin, five related gamma-tubulin complex proteins (GCP2-GCP6) and additional factors(3). GCP6 is unique among the GCP proteins because it carries an extended insertion domain of unknown function. Our understanding of microtubule formation in cells and tissues is limited by a lack of high-resolution structural information on the gamma-TuRC. Here we present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of gamma-TuRC from Xenopus laevis at 4.8 angstrom global resolution, and identify a 14-spoked arrangement of GCP proteins and gamma-tubulins in a partially flexible open left-handed spiral with a uniform sequence of GCP variants. By forming specific interactions with other GCP proteins, the GCP6-specific insertion domain acts as a scaffold for the assembly of the gamma-TuRC. Unexpectedly, we identify actin as a bona fide structural component of the gamma-TuRC with functional relevance in microtubule nucleation. The spiral geometry of gamma-TuRC is suboptimal for microtubule nucleation and a controlled conformational rearrangement of the gamma-TuRC is required for its activation. Collectively, our cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions provide detailed insights into the molecular organization, assembly and activation mechanism of vertebrate gamma-TuRC, and will serve as a framework for the mechanistic understanding of fundamental biological processes associated with microtubule nucleation, such as meiotic and mitotic spindle formation and centriole biogenesis(4).

The cryo-EM structure of the gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC) from Xenopus laevis provides insights into the molecular organization of the complex, and shows that actin is a structural component that is functionally relevant to microtubule nucleation.

Synthesis and properties of free-standing monolayer amorphous carbon 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 199-+
作者:  Toh, Chee-Tat;  Zhang, Hongji;  Lin, Junhao;  Mayorov, Alexander S.;  Wang, Yun-Peng;  Orofeo, Carlo M.;  Ferry, Darim Badur;  Andersen, Henrik;  Kakenov, Nurbek;  Guo, Zenglong;  Abidi, Irfan Haider;  Sims, Hunter;  Suenaga, Kazu;  Pantelides, Sokrates T.;  Ozyilmaz, Barbaros
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Bulk amorphous materials have been studied extensively and are widely used, yet their atomic arrangement remains an open issue. Although they are generally believed to be Zachariasen continuous random networks(1), recent experimental evidence favours the competing crystallite model in the case of amorphous silicon(2-4). In two-dimensional materials, however, the corresponding questions remain unanswered. Here we report the synthesis, by laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition(5), of centimetre-scale, free-standing, continuous and stable monolayer amorphous carbon, topologically distinct from disordered graphene. Unlike in bulk materials, the structure of monolayer amorphous carbon can be determined by atomic-resolution imaging. Extensive characterization by Raman and X-ray spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy reveals the complete absence of long-range periodicity and a threefold-coordinated structure with a wide distribution of bond lengths, bond angles, and five-, six-, seven- and eight-member rings. The ring distribution is not a Zachariasen continuous random network, but resembles the competing (nano)crystallite model(6). We construct a corresponding model that enables density-functional-theory calculations of the properties of monolayer amorphous carbon, in accordance with observations. Direct measurements confirm that it is insulating, with resistivity values similar to those of boron nitride grown by chemical vapour deposition. Free-standing monolayer amorphous carbon is surprisingly stable and deforms to a high breaking strength, without crack propagation from the point of fracture. The excellent physical properties of this stable, free-standing monolayer amorphous carbon could prove useful for permeation and diffusion barriers in applications such as magnetic recording devices and flexible electronics.

Structural basis of DNA targeting by a transposon-encoded CRISPR-Cas system 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 271-+
作者:  Halpin-Healy, Tyler S.;  Klompe, Sanne E.;  Sternberg, Samuel H.;  Fernandez, Israel S.
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Bacteria use adaptive immune systems encoded by CRISPR and Cas genes to maintain genomic integrity when challenged by pathogens and mobile genetic elements(1-3). Type I CRISPR-Cas systems typically target foreign DNA for degradation via joint action of the ribonucleoprotein complex Cascade and the helicase-nuclease Cas3(4,5), but nuclease-deficient type I systems lacking Cas3 have been repurposed for RNA-guided transposition by bacterial Tn7-like transposons(6,7). How CRISPR- and transposon-associated machineries collaborate during DNA targeting and insertion remains unknown. Here we describe structures of a TniQ-Cascade complex encoded by the Vibrio cholerae Tn6677 transposon using cryo-electron microscopy, revealing the mechanistic basis of this functional coupling. The cryo-electron microscopy maps enabled de novo modelling and refinement of the transposition protein TniQ, which binds to the Cascade complex as a dimer in a head-to-tail configuration, at the interface formed by Cas6 and Cas7 near the 3'  end of the CRISPR RNA (crRNA). The natural Cas8-Cas5 fusion protein binds the 5'  crRNA handle and contacts the TniQ dimer via a flexible insertion domain. A target DNA-bound structure reveals critical interactions necessary for protospacer-adjacent motif recognition and R-loop formation. This work lays the foundation for a structural understanding of how DNA targeting by TniQ-Cascade leads to downstream recruitment of additional transposase proteins, and will guide protein engineering efforts to leverage this system for programmable DNA insertions in genome-engineering applications.

Structure of the human metapneumovirus polymerase phosphoprotein complex 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 275-+
作者:  Pan, Junhua;  Qian, Xinlei;  Lattmann, Simon;  El Sahili, Abbas;  Yeo, Tiong Han;  Jia, Huan;  Cressey, Tessa;  Ludeke, Barbara;  Noton, Sarah;  Kalocsay, Marian;  Fearns, Rachel;  Lescar, Julien
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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) cause severe respiratory diseases in infants and elderly adults(1). No vaccine or effective antiviral therapy currently exists to control RSV or HMPV infections. During viral genome replication and transcription, the tetrameric phosphoprotein P serves as a crucial adaptor between the ribonucleoprotein template and the L protein, which has RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), GDP polyribonucleotidyltransferase and cap-specific methyltransferase activities(2,3). How P interacts with L and mediates the association with the free form of N and with the ribonucleoprotein is not clear for HMPV or other major human pathogens, including the viruses that cause measles, Ebola and rabies. Here we report a cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction that shows the ring-shaped structure of the polymerase and capping domains of HMPV-L bound to a tetramer of P. The connector and methyltransferase domains of L are mobile with respect to the core. The putative priming loop that is important for the initiation of RNA synthesis is fully retracted, which leaves space in the active-site cavity for RNA elongation. P interacts extensively with the N-terminal region of L, burying more than 4,016 angstrom(2) of the molecular surface area in the interface. Two of the four helices that form the coiled-coil tetramerization domain of P, and long C-terminal extensions projecting from these two helices, wrap around the L protein in a manner similar to tentacles. The structural versatility of the four P protomers-which are largely disordered in their free state-demonstrates an example of a '  folding-upon-partner-binding'  mechanism for carrying out P adaptor functions. The structure shows that P has the potential to modulate multiple functions of L and these results should accelerate the design of specific antiviral drugs.

Structure of nevanimibe-bound tetrameric human ACAT1 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7808) : 339-U214
作者:  Ma, Xiyu;  Claus, Lucas A. N.;  Leslie, Michelle E.;  Tao, Kai;  Wu, Zhiping;  Liu, Jun;  Yu, Xiao;  Li, Bo;  Zhou, Jinggeng;  Savatin, Daniel V.;  Peng, Junmin;  Tyler, Brett M.;  Heese, Antje;  Russinova, Eugenia;  He, Ping;  Shan, Libo
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The structure of human ACAT1 in complex with the inhibitor nevanimibe is resolved by cryo-electron microscopy.

Cholesterol is an essential component of mammalian cell membranes, constituting up to 50% of plasma membrane lipids. By contrast, it accounts for only 5% of lipids in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)(1). The ER enzyme sterol O-acyltransferase 1 (also named acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase, ACAT1) transfers a long-chain fatty acid to cholesterol to form cholesteryl esters that coalesce into cytosolic lipid droplets. Under conditions of cholesterol overload, ACAT1 maintains the low cholesterol concentration of the ER and thereby has an essential role in cholesterol homeostasis(2,3). ACAT1 has also been implicated in Alzheimer'  s disease(4), atherosclerosis(5) and cancers(6). Here we report a cryo-electron microscopy structure of human ACAT1 in complex with nevanimibe(7), an inhibitor that is in clinical trials for the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The ACAT1 holoenzyme is a tetramer that consists of two homodimers. Each monomer contains nine transmembrane helices (TMs), six of which (TM4-TM9) form a cavity that accommodates nevanimibe and an endogenous acyl-coenzyme A. This cavity also contains a histidine that has previously been identified as essential for catalytic activity(8). Our structural data and biochemical analyses provide a physical model to explain the process of cholesterol esterification, as well as details of the interaction between nevanimibe and ACAT1, which may help to accelerate the development of ACAT1 inhibitors to treat related diseases.

Structure of the ER membrane complex, a transmembrane-domain insertase 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Riemensberger, Johann;  Lukashchuk, Anton;  Karpov, Maxim;  Weng, Wenle;  Lucas, Erwan;  Liu, Junqiu;  Kippenberg, Tobias J.
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The cryo-electron microscopy structure of the ER membrane complex provides insight into its overall architecture, evolution and function in co-translational protein insertion.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane complex (EMC) cooperates with the Sec61 translocon to co-translationally insert a transmembrane helix (TMH) of many multi-pass integral membrane proteins into the ER membrane, and it is also responsible for inserting the TMH of some tail-anchored proteins(1-3). How EMC accomplishes this feat has been unclear. Here we report the first, to our knowledge, cryo-electron microscopy structure of the eukaryotic EMC. We found that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae EMC contains eight subunits (Emc1-6, Emc7 and Emc10), has a large lumenal region and a smaller cytosolic region, and has a transmembrane region formed by Emc4, Emc5 and Emc6 plus the transmembrane domains of Emc1 and Emc3. We identified a five-TMH fold centred around Emc3 that resembles the prokaryotic YidC insertase and that delineates a largely hydrophilic client protein pocket. The transmembrane domain of Emc4 tilts away from the main transmembrane region of EMC and is partially mobile. Mutational studies demonstrated that the flexibility of Emc4 and the hydrophilicity of the client pocket are required for EMC function. The EMC structure reveals notable evolutionary conservation with the prokaryotic insertases(4,5), suggests that eukaryotic TMH insertion involves a similar mechanism, and provides a framework for detailed understanding of membrane insertion for numerous eukaryotic integral membrane proteins and tail-anchored proteins.

Structure and mechanism of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter holocomplex 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Kalaany, Nada Y.;  Sabatini, David M.
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Mitochondria take up Ca2+ through the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex to regulate energy production, cytosolic Ca2+ signalling and cell death(1,2). In mammals, the uniporter complex (uniplex) contains four core components: the pore-forming MCU protein, the gatekeepers MICU1 and MICU2, and an auxiliary subunit, EMRE, essential for Ca2+ transport(3-8). To prevent detrimental Ca2+ overload, the activity of MCU must be tightly regulated by MICUs, which sense changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations to switch MCU on and off(9,10). Here we report cryo-electron microscopic structures of the human mitochondrial calcium uniporter holocomplex in inhibited and Ca2+-activated states. These structures define the architecture of this multicomponent Ca2+-uptake machinery and reveal the gating mechanism by which MICUs control uniporter activity. Our work provides a framework for understanding regulated Ca2+ uptake in mitochondria, and could suggest ways of modulating uniporter activity to treat diseases related to mitochondrial Ca2+ overload.

Cryo-electron microscopy reveals the structures of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter holocomplex in low- and high-calcium conditions, showing the gating mechanism that underlies uniporter activation in response to intracellular calcium signals.

Molecular basis of beta-arrestin coupling to formoterol-bound beta(1)-adrenoceptor 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Pulliainen, Jouni;  Luojus, Kari;  Derksen, Chris;  Mudryk, Lawrence;  Lemmetyinen, Juha;  Salminen, Miia;  Ikonen, Jaakko;  Takala, Matias;  Cohen, Juval;  Smolander, Tuomo;  Norberg, Johannes
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The beta(1)-adrenoceptor (beta(1)AR) is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that couples(1)to the heterotrimeric G protein G(s). G-protein-mediated signalling is terminated by phosphorylation of the C terminus of the receptor by GPCR kinases (GRKs) and by coupling of beta-arrestin 1 (beta arr1, also known as arrestin 2), which displaces G(s)and induces signalling through the MAP kinase pathway(2). The ability of synthetic agonists to induce signalling preferentially through either G proteins or arrestins-known as biased agonism(3)-is important in drug development, because the therapeutic effect may arise from only one signalling cascade, whereas the other pathway may mediate undesirable side effects(4). To understand the molecular basis for arrestin coupling, here we determined the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the beta(1)AR-beta arr1 complex in lipid nanodiscs bound to the biased agonist formoterol(5), and the crystal structure of formoterol-bound beta(1)AR coupled to the G-protein-mimetic nanobody(6)Nb80. beta arr1 couples to beta(1)AR in a manner distinct to that(7)of G(s)coupling to beta(2)AR-the finger loop of beta arr1 occupies a narrower cleft on the intracellular surface, and is closer to transmembrane helix H7 of the receptor when compared with the C-terminal alpha 5 helix of G(s). The conformation of the finger loop in beta arr1 is different from that adopted by the finger loop of visual arrestin when it couples to rhodopsin(8). beta(1)AR coupled to beta arr1 shows considerable differences in structure compared with beta(1)AR coupled to Nb80, including an inward movement of extracellular loop 3 and the cytoplasmic ends of H5 and H6. We observe weakened interactions between formoterol and two serine residues in H5 at the orthosteric binding site of beta(1)AR, and find that formoterol has a lower affinity for the beta(1)AR-beta arr1 complex than for the beta(1)AR-G(s)complex. The structural differences between these complexes of beta(1)AR provide a foundation for the design of small molecules that could bias signalling in the beta-adrenoceptors.

A cryo-electron microscopy structure of the beta 1-adrenoceptor coupled to beta-arrestin 1 and activated by the biased agonist formoterol, as well as the crystal structure of a related formoterol-bound adrenoreceptor, provide insights into biased signalling in these systems.

Dynamic RNA acetylation revealed by quantitative cross-evolutionary mapping 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7817) : 638-+
作者:  Lin, Yiheng;  Leibrandt, David R.;  Leibfriedz, Dietrich;  Chou, Chin-wen
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A method termed ac(4)C-seq is introduced for the transcriptome-wide mapping of the RNA modificationN(4)-acetylcytidine, revealing widespread temperature-dependent acetylation that facilitates thermoadaptation in hyperthermophilic archaea.

N-4-acetylcytidine (ac(4)C) is an ancient and highly conserved RNA modification that is present on tRNA and rRNA and has recently been investigated in eukaryotic mRNA(1-3). However, the distribution, dynamics and functions of cytidine acetylation have yet to be fully elucidated. Here we report ac(4)C-seq, a chemical genomic method for the transcriptome-wide quantitative mapping of ac(4)C at single-nucleotide resolution. In human and yeast mRNAs, ac(4)C sites are not detected but can be induced-at a conserved sequence motif-via the ectopic overexpression of eukaryotic acetyltransferase complexes. By contrast, cross-evolutionary profiling revealed unprecedented levels of ac(4)C across hundreds of residues in rRNA, tRNA, non-coding RNA and mRNA from hyperthermophilic archaea. (AcC)-C-4 is markedly induced in response to increases in temperature, and acetyltransferase-deficient archaeal strains exhibit temperature-dependent growth defects. Visualization of wild-type and acetyltransferase-deficient archaeal ribosomes by cryo-electron microscopy provided structural insights into the temperature-dependent distribution of ac(4)C and its potential thermoadaptive role. Our studies quantitatively define the ac(4)C landscape, providing a technical and conceptual foundation for elucidating the role of this modification in biology and disease(4-6).

Structures of human pannexin 1 reveal ion pathways and mechanism of gating 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Krause, David W.;  Hoffmann, Simone;  Hu, Yaoming;  Wible, John R.;  Rougier, Guillermo W.;  Kirk, E. Christopher;  Groenke, Joseph R.;  Rogers, Raymond R.;  Rossie, James B.;  Schultz, Julia A.;  Evans, Alistair R.;  von Koenigswald, Wighart;  Rahantarisoa, Lydia J.
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Cryo-electron microscopy structures of the ATP-permeable channel pannexin 1 reveal a gating mechanism involving multiple distinct ion-conducting pathways.

Pannexin 1 (PANX1) is an ATP-permeable channel with critical roles in a variety of physiological functions such as blood pressure regulation(1), apoptotic cell clearance(2) and human oocyte development(3). Here we present several structures of human PANX1 in a heptameric assembly at resolutions of up to 2.8 angstrom, including an apo state, a caspase-7-cleaved state and a carbenoxolone-bound state. We reveal a gating mechanism that involves two ion-conducting pathways. Under normal cellular conditions, the intracellular entry of the wide main pore is physically plugged by the C-terminal tail. Small anions are conducted through narrow tunnels in the intracellular domain. These tunnels connect to the main pore and are gated by a long linker between the N-terminal helix and the first transmembrane helix. During apoptosis, the C-terminal tail is cleaved by caspase, allowing the release of ATP through the main pore. We identified a carbenoxolone-binding site embraced by W74 in the extracellular entrance and a role for carbenoxolone as a channel blocker. We identified a gap-junction-like structure using a glycosylation-deficient mutant, N255A. Our studies provide a solid foundation for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the channel gating and inhibition of PANX1 and related large-pore channels.