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The proteome landscape of the kingdoms of life 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Arzi, Anat;  Rozenkrantz, Liron;  Gorodisky, Lior;  Rozenkrantz, Danit;  Holtzman, Yael;  Ravia, Aharon;  Bekinschtein, Tristan A.;  Galperin, Tatyana;  Krimchansky, Ben-Zion;  Cohen, Gal;  Oksamitni, Anna;  Aidinoff, Elena;  Sacher, Yaron;  Sobel, Noam
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Proteins carry out the vast majority of functions in all biological domains, but for technological reasons their large-scale investigation has lagged behind the study of genomes. Since the first essentially complete eukaryotic proteome was reported(1), advances in mass-spectrometry-based proteomics(2)have enabled increasingly comprehensive identification and quantification of the human proteome(3-6). However, there have been few comparisons across species(7,8), in stark contrast with genomics initiatives(9). Here we use an advanced proteomics workflow-in which the peptide separation step is performed by a microstructured and extremely reproducible chromatographic system-for the in-depth study of 100 taxonomically diverse organisms. With two million peptide and 340,000 stringent protein identifications obtained in a standardized manner, we double the number of proteins with solid experimental evidence known to the scientific community. The data also provide a large-scale case study for sequence-based machine learning, as we demonstrate by experimentally confirming the predicted properties of peptides fromBacteroides uniformis. Our results offer a comparative view of the functional organization of organisms across the entire evolutionary range. A remarkably high fraction of the total proteome mass in all kingdoms is dedicated to protein homeostasis and folding, highlighting the biological challenge of maintaining protein structure in all branches of life. Likewise, a universally high fraction is involved in supplying energy resources, although these pathways range from photosynthesis through iron sulfur metabolism to carbohydrate metabolism. Generally, however, proteins and proteomes are remarkably diverse between organisms, and they can readily be explored and functionally compared at

Ice front blocking of ocean heat transport to an Antarctic ice shelf 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7796) : 568-+
作者:  Alexandrov, Ludmil B.;  Kim, Jaegil;  Haradhvala, Nicholas J.;  Huang, Mi Ni;  Ng, Alvin Wei Tian;  Wu, Yang;  Boot, Arnoud;  Covington, Kyle R.;  Gordenin, Dmitry A.;  Bergstrom, Erik N.;  Islam, S. M. Ashiqul;  Lopez-Bigas, Nuria;  Klimczak, Leszek J.;  McPherson, John R.;  Morganella, Sandro;  Sabarinathan, Radhakrishnan;  Wheeler, David A.;  Mustonen, Ville;  Getz, Gad;  Rozen, Steven G.;  Stratton, Michael R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

The front of the Getz Ice Shelf in West Antarctica creates an abrupt topographic step that deflects ocean currents, suppressing 70% of the heat delivery to the ice sheet.

Mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the ocean has increased in recent decades, largely because the thinning of its floating ice shelves has allowed the outflow of grounded ice to accelerate(1,2). Enhanced basal melting of the ice shelves is thought to be the ultimate driver of change(2,3), motivating a recent focus on the processes that control ocean heat transport onto and across the seabed of the Antarctic continental shelf towards the ice(4-6). However, the shoreward heat flux typically far exceeds that required to match observed melt rates(2,7,8), suggesting that other critical controls exist. Here we show that the depth-independent (barotropic) component of the heat flow towards an ice shelf is blocked by the marked step shape of the ice front, and that only the depth-varying (baroclinic) component, which is typically much smaller, can enter the sub-ice cavity. Our results arise from direct observations of the Getz Ice Shelf system and laboratory experiments on a rotating platform. A similar blocking of the barotropic component may occur in other areas with comparable ice-bathymetry configurations, which may explain why changes in the density structure of the water column have been found to be a better indicator of basal melt rate variability than the heat transported onto the continental shelf(9). Representing the step topography of the ice front accurately in models is thus important for simulating ocean heat fluxes and induced melt rates.

Hydrologic regulation of plant rooting depth 期刊论文
作者:  Fan, Ying;  Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo;  Jobbagy, Esteban G.;  Jackson, Robert B.;  Otero-Casal, Carlos
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
plant rooting depth  soil hydrology  global change biology  infiltration depth  water table depth