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Notch signalling drives synovial fibroblast identity and arthritis pathology 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : 259-+
作者:  Han, Xiaoping;  Zhou, Ziming;  Fei, Lijiang;  Sun, Huiyu;  Wang, Renying;  Chen, Yao;  Chen, Haide;  Wang, Jingjing;  Tang, Huanna;  Ge, Wenhao;  Zhou, Yincong;  Ye, Fang;  Jiang, Mengmeng;  Wu, Junqing;  Xiao, Yanyu;  Jia, Xiaoning;  Zhang, Tingyue;  Ma, Xiaojie;  Zhang, Qi;  Bai, Xueli;  Lai, Shujing;  Yu, Chengxuan;  Zhu, Lijun;  Lin, Rui;  Gao, Yuchi;  Wang, Min;  Wu, Yiqing;  Zhang, Jianming;  Zhan, Renya;  Zhu, Saiyong;  Hu, Hailan;  Wang, Changchun;  Chen, Ming;  Huang, He;  Liang, Tingbo;  Chen, Jianghua;  Wang, Weilin;  Zhang, Dan;  Guo, Guoji
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

NOTCH3 signalling is shown to be the underlying driver of the differentiation and expansion of a subset of synovial fibroblasts implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.

The synovium is a mesenchymal tissue composed mainly of fibroblasts, with a lining and sublining that surround the joints. In rheumatoid arthritis the synovial tissue undergoes marked hyperplasia, becomes inflamed and invasive, and destroys the joint(1,2). It has recently been shown that a subset of fibroblasts in the sublining undergoes a major expansion in rheumatoid arthritis that is linked to disease activity(3-5)  however, the molecular mechanism by which these fibroblasts differentiate and expand is unknown. Here we identify a critical role for NOTCH3 signalling in the differentiation of perivascular and sublining fibroblasts that express CD90 (encoded by THY1). Using single-cell RNA sequencing and synovial tissue organoids, we found that NOTCH3 signalling drives both transcriptional and spatial gradients-emanating from vascular endothelial cells outwards-in fibroblasts. In active rheumatoid arthritis, NOTCH3 and Notch target genes are markedly upregulated in synovial fibroblasts. In mice, the genetic deletion of Notch3 or the blockade of NOTCH3 signalling attenuates inflammation and prevents joint damage in inflammatory arthritis. Our results indicate that synovial fibroblasts exhibit a positional identity that is regulated by endothelium-derived Notch signalling, and that this stromal crosstalk pathway underlies inflammation and pathology in inflammatory arthritis.

Nanoplasma-enabled picosecond switches for ultrafast electronics (vol 579, pg 534, 2020) 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : E8-E8
作者:  Li, Jing;  Xu, Chuanliang;  Lee, Hyung Joo;  Ren, Shancheng;  Zi, Xiaoyuan;  Zhang, Zhiming;  Wang, Haifeng;  Yu, Yongwei;  Yang, Chenghua;  Gao, Xiaofeng;  Hou, Jianguo;  Wang, Linhui;  Yang, Bo;  Yang, Qing;  Ye, Huamao;  Zhou, Tie;  Lu, Xin;  Wang, Yan;  Qu, Min;  Yang, Qingsong;  Zhang, Wenhui;  Shah, Nakul M.;  Pehrsson, Erica C.;  Wang, Shuo;  Wang, Zengjun;  Jiang, Jun;  Zhu, Yan;  Chen, Rui;  Chen, Huan;  Zhu, Feng;  Lian, Bijun;  Li, Xiaoyun;  Zhang, Yun;  Wang, Chao;  Wang, Yue;  Xiao, Guangan;  Jiang, Junfeng;  Yang, Yue;  Liang, Chaozhao;  Hou, Jianquan;  Han, Conghui;  Chen, Ming;  Jiang, Ning;  Zhang, Dahong;  Wu, Song;  Yang, Jinjian;  Wang, Tao;  Chen, Yongliang;  Cai, Jiantong;  Yang, Wenzeng;  Xu, Jun;  Wang, Shaogang;  Gao, Xu;  Wang, Ting;  Sun, Yinghao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03
Signatures of self-organized criticality in an ultracold atomic gas (vol 577, pg 481, 2020) 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : E13-E13
作者:  Zhou, Xiaoling;  Feng, Zongqiang;  Zhu, Linli;  Xu, Jianing;  Miyagi, Lowell;  Dong, Hongliang;  Sheng, Hongwei;  Wang, Yanju;  Li, Quan;  Ma, Yanming;  Zhang, Hengzhong;  Yan, Jinyuan;  Tamura, Nobumichi;  Kunz, Martin;  Lutker, Katie;  Huang, Tianlin;  Hughes, Darcy A.;  Huang, Xiaoxu;  Chen, Bin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

Pathway paradigms revealed from the genetics of inflammatory bowel disease 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7796) : 527-539
作者:  Yu, Kwanha;  Lin, Chia-Ching John;  Hatcher, Asante;  Lozzi, Brittney;  Kong, Kathleen;  Huang-Hobbs, Emmet;  Cheng, Yi-Ting;  Beechar, Vivek B.;  Zhu, Wenyi;  Zhang, Yiqun;  Chen, Fengju;  Mills, Gordon B.;  Mohila, Carrie A.;  Creighton, Chad J.;  Noebels, Jeffrey L.;  Scott, Kenneth L.;  Deneen, Benjamin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a complex genetic disease that is instigated and amplified by the confluence of multiple genetic and environmental variables that perturb the immune-microbiome axis. The challenge of dissecting pathological mechanisms underlying IBD has led to the development of transformative approaches in human genetics and functional genomics. Here we describe IBD as a model disease in the context of leveraging human genetics to dissect interactions in cellular and molecular pathways that regulate homeostasis of the mucosal immune system. Finally, we synthesize emerging insights from multiple experimental approaches into pathway paradigms and discuss future prospects for disease-subtype classification and therapeutic intervention.

This Review examines inflammatory bowel disease in the context of human genetics studies that help to identify pathways that regulate homeostasis of the mucosal immune system and discusses future prospects for disease-subtype classification and therapeutic intervention.

Structural basis of energy transfer in Porphyridium purpureum phycobilisome 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Long, Haizhen;  Zhang, Liwei;  Lv, Mengjie;  Wen, Zengqi;  Zhang, Wenhao;  Chen, Xiulan;  Zhang, Peitao;  Li, Tongqing;  Chang, Luyuan;  Jin, Caiwei;  Wu, Guozhao;  Wang, Xi;  Yang, Fuquan;  Pei, Jianfeng;  Chen, Ping;  Margueron, Raphael;  Deng, Haiteng;  Zhu, Mingzhao;  Li, Guohong
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The cryo-electron microscopy structure of a phycobilisome from the red alga Porphyridium purpureum reveals how aromatic interactions between the linker proteins and the chromophores drive a unidirectional transfer of energy.

Photosynthetic organisms have developed various light-harvesting systems to adapt to their environments(1). Phycobilisomes are large light-harvesting protein complexes found in cyanobacteria and red algae(2-4), although how the energies of the chromophores within these complexes are modulated by their environment is unclear. Here we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of a 14.7-megadalton phycobilisome with a hemiellipsoidal shape from the red alga Porphyridium purpureum. Within this complex we determine the structures of 706 protein subunits, including 528 phycoerythrin, 72 phycocyanin, 46 allophycocyanin and 60 linker proteins. In addition, 1,598 chromophores are resolved comprising 1,430 phycoerythrobilin, 48 phycourobilin and 120 phycocyanobilin molecules. The markedly improved resolution of our structure compared with that of the phycobilisome of Griffithsia pacifica(5) enabled us to build an accurate atomic model of the P. purpureum phycobilisome system. The model reveals how the linker proteins affect the microenvironment of the chromophores, and suggests that interactions of the aromatic amino acids of the linker proteins with the chromophores may be a key factor in fine-tuning the energy states of the chromophores to ensure the efficient unidirectional transfer of energy.

Gram-scale bottom-up flash graphene synthesis 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7792) : 647-651
作者:  Long, Haizhen;  Zhang, Liwei;  Lv, Mengjie;  Wen, Zengqi;  Zhang, Wenhao;  Chen, Xiulan;  Zhang, Peitao;  Li, Tongqing;  Chang, Luyuan;  Jin, Caiwei;  Wu, Guozhao;  Wang, Xi;  Yang, Fuquan;  Pei, Jianfeng;  Chen, Ping;  Margueron, Raphael;  Deng, Haiteng;  Zhu, Mingzhao;  Li, Guohong
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Most bulk-scale graphene is produced by a top-down approach, exfoliating graphite, which often requires large amounts of solvent with high-energy mixing, shearing, sonication or electrochemical treatment(1-3). Although chemical oxidation of graphite to graphene oxide promotes exfoliation, it requires harsh oxidants and leaves the graphene with a defective perforated structure after the subsequent reduction step(3,4). Bottom-up synthesis of high-quality graphene is often restricted to ultrasmall amounts if performed by chemical vapour deposition or advanced synthetic organic methods, or it provides a defect-ridden structure if carried out in bulk solution(4-6). Here we show that flash Joule heating of inexpensive carbon sources-such as coal, petroleum coke, biochar, carbon black, discarded food, rubber tyres and mixed plastic waste-can afford gram-scale quantities of graphene in less than one second. The product, named flash graphene (FG) after the process used to produce it, shows turbostratic arrangement (that is, little order) between the stacked graphene layers. FG synthesis uses no furnace and no solvents or reactive gases. Yields depend on the carbon content of the source  when using a high-carbon source, such as carbon black, anthracitic coal or calcined coke, yields can range from 80 to 90 per cent with carbon purity greater than 99 per cent. No purification steps are necessary. Raman spectroscopy analysis shows a low-intensity or absent D band for FG, indicating that FG has among the lowest defect concentrations reported so far for graphene, and confirms the turbostratic stacking of FG, which is clearly distinguished from turbostratic graphite. The disordered orientation of FG layers facilitates its rapid exfoliation upon mixing during composite formation. The electric energy cost for FG synthesis is only about 7.2 kilojoules per gram, which could render FG suitable for use in bulk composites of plastic, metals, plywood, concrete and other building materials.

Flash Joule heating of inexpensive carbon sources is used to produce gram-scale quantities of high-quality graphene in under a second, without the need for a furnace, solvents or reactive gases.

Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7792) : 706-+
作者:  Ma, Runze;  Cao, Duanyun;  Zhu, Chongqin;  Tian, Ye;  Peng, Jinbo;  Guo, Jing;  Chen, Ji;  Li, Xin-Zheng;  Francisco, Joseph S.;  Zeng, Xiao Cheng;  Xu, Li-Mei;  Wang, En-Ge;  Jiang, Ying
收藏  |  浏览/下载:143/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Protein structure prediction can be used to determine the three-dimensional shape of a protein from its amino acid sequence(1). This problem is of fundamental importance as the structure of a protein largely determines its function(2)  however, protein structures can be difficult to determine experimentally. Considerable progress has recently been made by leveraging genetic information. It is possible to infer which amino acid residues are in contact by analysing covariation in homologous sequences, which aids in the prediction of protein structures(3). Here we show that we can train a neural network to make accurate predictions of the distances between pairs of residues, which convey more information about the structure than contact predictions. Using this information, we construct a potential of mean force(4) that can accurately describe the shape of a protein. We find that the resulting potential can be optimized by a simple gradient descent algorithm to generate structures without complex sampling procedures. The resulting system, named AlphaFold, achieves high accuracy, even for sequences with fewer homologous sequences. In the recent Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction(5) (CASP13)-a blind assessment of the state of the field-AlphaFold created high-accuracy structures (with template modelling (TM) scores(6) of 0.7 or higher) for 24 out of 43 free modelling domains, whereas the next best method, which used sampling and contact information, achieved such accuracy for only 14 out of 43 domains. AlphaFold represents a considerable advance in protein-structure prediction. We expect this increased accuracy to enable insights into the function and malfunction of proteins, especially in cases for which no structures for homologous proteins have been experimentally determined(7).

Agriculture erases climate constraints on soil nematode communities across large spatial scales 期刊论文
作者:  Li, Xianping;  Zhu, Huimin;  Geisen, Stefan;  Bellard, Celine;  Hu, Feng;  Li, Huixin;  Chen, Xiaoyun;  Liu, Manqiang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
beta diversity  biotic homogenization  environmental gradient  functional traits  land conversion  phylogenetic diversity  soil biodiversity  soil nematodes  
High thermoelectric performance in low-cost SnS0.91Se0.09 crystals 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6460) : 1418-+
作者:  He, Wenke;  Wang, Dongyang;  Wu, Haijun;  Xiao, Yu;  Zhang, Yang;  He, Dongsheng;  Feng, Yue;  Hao, Yu-Jie;  Dong, Jin-Feng;  Chetty, Raju;  Hao, Lijie;  Chen, Dongfeng;  Qin, Jianfei;  Yang, Qiang;  Li, Xin;  Song, Jian-Ming;  Zhu, Yingcai;  Xu, Wei;  Niu, Changlei;  Li, Xin;  Wang, Guangtao;  Liu, Chang;  Ohta, Michibiro;  Pennycook, Stephen J.;  He, Jiaqing;  Li, Jing-Feng;  Zhao, Li-Dong
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
High thermoelectric cooling performance of n-type Mg3Bi2-based materials 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6452) : 495-498
作者:  Mao, Jun;  Zhu, Hangtian;  Ding, Zhiwei;  Liu, Zihang;  Gamage, Geethal Amila;  Chen, Gang;  Ren, Zhifeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27