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Highly porous nature of a primitive asteroid revealed by thermal imaging 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7800) : 518-522
作者:  Quinn, Robert A.;  Melnik, Alexey, V;  Vrbanac, Alison;  Fu, Ting;  Patras, Kathryn A.;  Christy, Mitchell P.;  Bodai, Zsolt;  Belda-Ferre, Pedro;  Tripathi, Anupriya;  Chung, Lawton K.;  Downes, Michael;  Welch, Ryan D.;  Quinn, Melissa;  Humphrey, Greg;  Panitchpakdi, Morgan;  Weldon, Kelly C.;  Aksenov, Alexander;  da Silva, Ricardo;  Avila-Pacheco, Julian;  Clish, Clary;  Bae, Sena;  Mallick, Himel;  Franzosa, Eric A.;  Lloyd-Price, Jason;  Bussell, Robert;  Thron, Taren;  Nelson, Andrew T.;  Wang, Mingxun;  Leszczynski, Eric;  Vargas, Fernando;  Gauglitz, Julia M.;  Meehan, Michael J.;  Gentry, Emily;  Arthur, Timothy D.;  Komor, Alexis C.;  Poulsen, Orit;  Boland, Brigid S.;  Chang, John T.;  Sandborn, William J.;  Lim, Meerana;  Garg, Neha;  Lumeng, Julie C.;  Xavier, Ramnik J.;  Kazmierczak, Barbara, I;  Jain, Ruchi;  Egan, Marie;  Rhee, Kyung E.;  Ferguson, David;  Raffatellu, Manuela;  Vlamakis, Hera;  Haddad, Gabriel G.;  Siegel, Dionicio;  Huttenhower, Curtis;  Mazmanian, Sarkis K.;  Evans, Ronald M.;  Nizet, Victor;  Knight, Rob;  Dorrestein, Pieter C.
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Carbonaceous (C-type) asteroids(1) are relics of the early Solar System that have preserved primitive materials since their formation approximately 4.6 billion years ago. They are probably analogues of carbonaceous chondrites(2,3) and are essential for understanding planetary formation processes. However, their physical properties remain poorly known because carbonaceous chondrite meteoroids tend not to survive entry to Earth'  s atmosphere. Here we report on global one-rotation thermographic images of the C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu, taken by the thermal infrared imager (TIR)(4) onboard the spacecraft Hayabusa2(5), indicating that the asteroid'  s boulders and their surroundings have similar temperatures, with a derived thermal inertia of about 300 J m(-2) s(-0.5) K-1 (300 tiu). Contrary to predictions that the surface consists of regolith and dense boulders, this low thermal inertia suggests that the boulders are more porous than typical carbonaceous chondrites(6) and that their surroundings are covered with porous fragments more than 10 centimetres in diameter. Close-up thermal images confirm the presence of such porous fragments and the flat diurnal temperature profiles suggest a strong surface roughness effect(7,8). We also observed in the close-up thermal images boulders that are colder during the day, with thermal inertia exceeding 600 tiu, corresponding to dense boulders similar to typical carbonaceous chondrites(6). These results constrain the formation history of Ryugu: the asteroid must be a rubble pile formed from impact fragments of a parent body with microporosity(9) of approximately 30 to 50 per cent that experienced a low degree of consolidation. The dense boulders might have originated from the consolidated innermost region or they may have an exogenic origin. This high-porosity asteroid may link cosmic fluffy dust to dense celestial bodies(10).

Thermal imaging data obtained from the spacecraft Hayabusa2 reveal that the carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu is an object of unusually high porosity.

Experimental demonstration of memory-enhanced quantum communication 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Quinn, Robert A.;  Melnik, Alexey, V;  Vrbanac, Alison;  Fu, Ting;  Patras, Kathryn A.;  Christy, Mitchell P.;  Bodai, Zsolt;  Belda-Ferre, Pedro;  Tripathi, Anupriya;  Chung, Lawton K.;  Downes, Michael;  Welch, Ryan D.;  Quinn, Melissa;  Humphrey, Greg;  Panitchpakdi, Morgan;  Weldon, Kelly C.;  Aksenov, Alexander;  da Silva, Ricardo;  Avila-Pacheco, Julian;  Clish, Clary;  Bae, Sena;  Mallick, Himel;  Franzosa, Eric A.;  Lloyd-Price, Jason;  Bussell, Robert;  Thron, Taren;  Nelson, Andrew T.;  Wang, Mingxun;  Leszczynski, Eric;  Vargas, Fernando;  Gauglitz, Julia M.;  Meehan, Michael J.;  Gentry, Emily;  Arthur, Timothy D.;  Komor, Alexis C.;  Poulsen, Orit;  Boland, Brigid S.;  Chang, John T.;  Sandborn, William J.;  Lim, Meerana;  Garg, Neha;  Lumeng, Julie C.;  Xavier, Ramnik J.;  Kazmierczak, Barbara, I;  Jain, Ruchi;  Egan, Marie;  Rhee, Kyung E.;  Ferguson, David;  Raffatellu, Manuela;  Vlamakis, Hera;  Haddad, Gabriel G.;  Siegel, Dionicio;  Huttenhower, Curtis;  Mazmanian, Sarkis K.;  Evans, Ronald M.;  Nizet, Victor;  Knight, Rob;  Dorrestein, Pieter C.
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The ability to communicate quantum information over long distances is of central importance in quantum science and engineering(1). Although some applications of quantum communication such as secure quantum key distribution(2,3) are already being successfully deployed(4-7), their range is currently limited by photon losses and cannot be extended using straightforward measure-and-repeat strategies without compromising unconditional security(8). Alternatively, quantum repeaters(9), which utilize intermediate quantum memory nodes and error correction techniques, can extend the range of quantum channels. However, their implementation remains an outstanding challenge(10-16), requiring a combination of efficient and high-fidelity quantum memories, gate operations, and measurements. Here we use a single solid-state spin memory integrated in a nanophotonic diamond resonator(17-19) to implement asynchronous photonic Bell-state measurements, which are a key component of quantum repeaters. In a proof-of-principle experiment, we demonstrate high-fidelity operation that effectively enables quantum communication at a rate that surpasses the ideal loss-equivalent direct-transmission method while operating at megahertz clock speeds. These results represent a crucial step towards practical quantum repeaters and large-scale quantum networks(20,21).

A solid-state spin memory is used to demonstrate quantum repeater functionality, which has the potential to overcome photon losses involved in long-distance transmission of quantum information.

Cryo-EM structure of SWI/SNF complex bound to a nucleosome 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Hang, Saiyu;  Paik, Donggi;  Yao, Lina;  Kim, Eunha;  Trinath, Jamma;  Lu, Jingping;  Ha, Soyoung;  Nelson, Brandon N.;  Kelly, Samantha P.;  Wu, Lin;  Zheng, Ye;  Longman, Randy S.;  Rastinejad, Fraydoon;  Devlin, A. Sloan;  Krout, Michael R.;  Fischbach, Michael A.;  Littman, Dan R.;  Huh, Jun R.
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The chromatin-remodelling complex SWI/SNF is highly conserved and has critical roles in various cellular processes, including transcription and DNA-damage repair(1,2). It hydrolyses ATP to remodel chromatin structure by sliding and evicting histone octamers(3-8), creating DNA regions that become accessible to other essential factors. However, our mechanistic understanding of the remodelling activity is hindered by the lack of a high-resolution structure of complexes from this family. Here we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SWI/SNF bound to a nucleosome, at near-atomic resolution. In the structure, the actin-related protein (Arp) module is sandwiched between the ATPase and the rest of the complex, with the Snf2 helicase-SANT associated (HSA) domain connecting all modules. The body contains an assembly scaffold composed of conserved subunits Snf12 (also known as SMARCD or BAF60), Snf5 (also known as SMARCB1, BAF47 or INI1) and an asymmetric dimer of Swi3 (also known as SMARCC, BAF155 or BAF170). Another conserved subunit, Swi1 (also known as ARID1 or BAF250), resides in the core of SWI/SNF, acting as a molecular hub. We also observed interactions between Snf5 and the histones at the acidic patch, which could serve as an anchor during active DNA translocation. Our structure enables us to map and rationalize a subset of cancer-related mutations in the human SWI/SNF complex and to propose a model for how SWI/SNF recognizes and remodels the +1 nucleosome to generate nucleosome-depleted regions during gene activation(9).

The cryo-electron microscopy structure of the yeast SWI/SNF complex bound to a nucleosome substrate provides insights into the chromatin-remodelling function of this family of protein complexes and suggests mechanisms by which the mutated proteins may cause cancer.

A mycobacterial ABC transporter mediates the uptake of hydrophilic compounds 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 409-+
作者:  Al-Shayeb, Basem;  Sachdeva, Rohan;  Chen, Lin-Xing;  Ward, Fred;  Munk, Patrick;  Devoto, Audra;  Castelle, Cindy J.;  Olm, Matthew R.;  Bouma-Gregson, Keith;  Amano, Yuki;  He, Christine;  Meheust, Raphael;  Brooks, Brandon;  Thomas, Alex;  Levy, Adi;  Matheus-Carnevali, Paula;  Sun, Christine;  Goltsman, Daniela S. A.;  Borton, Mikayla A.;  Sharrar, Allison;  Jaffe, Alexander L.;  Nelson, Tara C.;  Kantor, Rose;  Keren, Ray;  Lane, Katherine R.;  Farag, Ibrahim F.;  Lei, Shufei;  Finstad, Kari;  Amundson, Ronald;  Anantharaman, Karthik;  Zhou, Jinglie;  Probst, Alexander J.;  Power, Mary E.;  Tringe, Susannah G.;  Li, Wen-Jun;  Wrighton, Kelly;  Harrison, Sue;  Morowitz, Michael;  Relman, David A.;  Doudna, Jennifer A.;  Lehours, Anne-Catherine;  Warren, Lesley;  Cate, Jamie H. D.;  Santini, Joanne M.;  Banfield, Jillian F.
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is an obligate human pathogen and the causative agent of tuberculosis(1-3). Although Mtb can synthesize vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) de novo, uptake of cobalamin has been linked to pathogenesis of tuberculosis2. Mtb does not encode any characterized cobalamin transporter(4-6)  however, the gene rv1819c was found to be essential for uptake of cobalamin(1). This result is difficult to reconcile with the original annotation of Rv1819c as a protein implicated in the transport of antimicrobial peptides such as bleomycin(7). In addition, uptake of cobalamin seems inconsistent with the amino acid sequence, which suggests that Rv1819c has a bacterial ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-exporter fold1. Here, we present structures of Rv1819c, which reveal that the protein indeed contains the ABC-exporter fold, as well as a large water-filled cavity of about 7,700 angstrom(3), which enables the protein to transport the unrelated hydrophilic compounds bleomycin and cobalamin. On the basis of these structures, we propose that Rv1819c is a multi-solute transporter for hydrophilic molecules, analogous to the multidrug exporters of the ABC transporter family, which pump out structurally diverse hydrophobic compounds from cells(8-11).

Common genetic variation drives molecular heterogeneity in human iPSCs 期刊论文
NATURE, 2017, 546 (7658) : 370-+
作者:  Kilpinen, Helena;  Goncalves, Angela;  Leha, Andreas;  Afzal, Vackar;  Alasoo, Kaur;  Ashford, Sofie;  Bala, Sendu;  Bensaddek, Dalila;  Casale, Francesco Paolo;  Ulley, Oliver J. C.;  Danecek, Petr;  Faulconbridge, Adam;  Harrison, Peter W.;  Kathuria, Annie;  McCarthy, Davis;  McCarthy, Shane A.;  Meleckyte, Ruta;  Memari, Yasin;  Moens, Nathalie;  Soares, Filipa;  Mann, Alice;  Streeter, Ian;  Agu, Chukwuma A.;  Alderton, Alex;  Nelson, Rachel;  Harper, Sarah;  Patel, Minal;  White, Alistair;  Patel, Sharad R.;  Clarke, Laura;  Halai, Reena;  Kirton, Christopher M.;  Kolb-Kokocinski, Anja;  Beales, Philip;  Birney, Ewan;  Danovi, Davide;  Lamond, Angus I.;  Ouwehand, Willem H.;  Vallier, Ludovic;  Watt, Fiona M.;  Durbin, Richard;  Stegle, Oliver;  Gaffney, Daniel J.
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