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DNA-repair enzyme turns to translation 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 198-199
作者:  Bian, Zhilei;  Gong, Yandong;  Huang, Tao;  Lee, Christopher Z. W.;  Bian, Lihong;  Bai, Zhijie;  Shi, Hui;  Zeng, Yang;  Liu, Chen;  He, Jian;  Zhou, Jie;  Li, Xianlong;  Li, Zongcheng;  Ni, Yanli;  Ma, Chunyu;  Cui, Lei;  Zhang, Rui;  Chan, Jerry K. Y.;  Ng, Lai Guan;  Lan, Yu;  Ginhoux, Florent;  Liu, Bing
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

A key DNA-repair enzyme has a surprising role during the early steps in the assembly of ribosomes - the molecular machines that translate the genetic code into protein.

The online competition between pro- and anti-vaccination views 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : 230-+
作者:  Wu, Fan;  Zhao, Su;  Yu, Bin;  Chen, Yan-Mei;  Wang, Wen;  Song, Zhi-Gang;  Hu, Yi;  Tao, Zhao-Wu;  Tian, Jun-Hua;  Pei, Yuan-Yuan;  Yuan, Ming-Li;  Zhang, Yu-Ling;  Dai, Fa-Hui;  Liu, Yi;  Wang, Qi-Min;  Zheng, Jiao-Jiao;  Xu, Lin;  Holmes, Edward C.;  Zhang, Yong-Zhen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Insights into the interactions between pro- and anti-vaccination clusters on Facebook can enable policies and approaches that attempt to interrupt the shift to anti-vaccination views and persuade undecided individuals to adopt a pro-vaccination stance.

Distrust in scientific expertise(1-14) is dangerous. Opposition to vaccination with a future vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent of COVID-19, for example, could amplify outbreaks(2-4), as happened for measles in 2019(5,6). Homemade remedies(7,8) and falsehoods are being shared widely on the Internet, as well as dismissals of expert advice(9-11). There is a lack of understanding about how this distrust evolves at the system level(13,14). Here we provide a map of the contention surrounding vaccines that has emerged from the global pool of around three billion Facebook users. Its core reveals a multi-sided landscape of unprecedented intricacy that involves nearly 100 million individuals partitioned into highly dynamic, interconnected clusters across cities, countries, continents and languages. Although smaller in overall size, anti-vaccination clusters manage to become highly entangled with undecided clusters in the main online network, whereas pro-vaccination clusters are more peripheral. Our theoretical framework reproduces the recent explosive growth in anti-vaccination views, and predicts that these views will dominate in a decade. Insights provided by this framework can inform new policies and approaches to interrupt this shift to negative views. Our results challenge the conventional thinking about undecided individuals in issues of contention surrounding health, shed light on other issues of contention such as climate change(11), and highlight the key role of network cluster dynamics in multi-species ecologies(15).

Dating the skull from Broken Hill, Zambia, and its position in human evolution 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 372-+
作者:  Mergner, Julia;  Frejno, Martin;  List, Markus;  Papacek, Michael;  Chen, Xia;  Chaudhary, Ajeet;  Samaras, Patroklos;  Richter, Sandra;  Shikata, Hiromasa;  Messerer, Maxim;  Lang, Daniel;  Altmann, Stefan;  Cyprys, Philipp;  Zolg, Daniel P.;  Mathieson, Toby;  Bantscheff, Marcus
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The cranium from Broken Hill (Kabwe) was recovered from cave deposits in 1921, during metal ore mining in what is now Zambia(1). It is one of the best-preserved skulls of a fossil hominin, and was initially designated as the type specimen of Homo rhodesiensis, but recently it has often been included in the taxon Homo heidelbergensis(2-4). However, the original site has since been completely quarried away, and-although the cranium is often estimated to be around 500 thousand years old(5-7)-its unsystematic recovery impedes its accurate dating and placement in human evolution. Here we carried out analyses directly on the skull and found a best age estimate of 299 +/- 25 thousand years (mean +/- 2s). The result suggests that later Middle Pleistocene Africa contained multiple contemporaneous hominin lineages (that is, Homo sapiens(8,9), H. heidelbergensis/H. rhodesiensis and Homo naledi(10,11)), similar to Eurasia, where Homo neanderthalensis, the Denisovans, Homo floresiensis, Homo luzonensis and perhaps also Homo heidelbergensis and Homo erectus(12) were found contemporaneously. The age estimate also raises further questions about the mode of evolution of H. sapiens in Africa and whether H. heidelbergensis/H. rhodesiensis was a direct ancestor of our species(13,14).

Reply to: Why fossil fuel producer subsidies matter 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7793) : E5-E7
作者:  Wang, Peng;  Zheng, Yuanlin;  Chen, Xianfeng;  Huang, Changming;  Kartashov, Yaroslav V.;  Torner, Lluis;  Konotop, Vladimir V.;  Ye, Fangwei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13
A self-activating orphan receptor 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7797) : 35-35
作者:  Wang, Lin;  Wu, Juehui;  Li, Jun;  Yang, Hua;  Tang, Tianqi;  Liang, Haijiao;  Zuo, Mianyong;  Wang, Jie;  Liu, Haipeng;  Liu, Feng;  Chen, Jianxia;  Liu, Zhonghua;  Wang, Yang;  Peng, Cheng;  Wu, Xiangyang;  Zheng, Ruijuan;  Huang, Xiaochen;  Ran, Yajun;  Rao, Zihe;  Ge, Baoxue
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The first 3D structure of a full-length G-protein-coupled receptor whose natural activator is unknown has been determined, providing insights into an unusual mode of activation and a basis for discovering therapeutics.

Hyperactivation of sympathetic nerves drives depletion of melanocyte stem cells 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7792) : 676-+
作者:  Zhao, Ruozhu;  Chen, Xin;  Ma, Weiwei;  Zhang, Jinyu;  Guo, Jie;  Zhong, Xiu;  Yao, Jiacheng;  Sun, Jiahui;  Rubinfien, Julian;  Zhou, Xuyu;  Wang, Jianbin;  Qi, Hai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Empirical and anecdotal evidence has associated stress with accelerated hair greying (formation of unpigmented hairs)(1,2), but so far there has been little scientific validation of this link. Here we report that, in mice, acute stress leads to hair greying through the fast depletion of melanocyte stem cells. Using a combination of adrenalectomy, denervation, chemogenetics(3,4), cell ablation and knockout of the adrenergic receptor specifically in melanocyte stem cells, we find that the stress-induced loss of melanocyte stem cells is independent of immune attack or adrenal stress hormones. Instead, hair greying results from activation of the sympathetic nerves that innervate the melanocyte stem-cell niche. Under conditions of stress, the activation of these sympathetic nerves leads to burst release of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline (also known as norepinephrine). This causes quiescent melanocyte stem cells to proliferate rapidly, and is followed by their differentiation, migration and permanent depletion from the niche. Transient suppression of the proliferation of melanocyte stem cells prevents stress-induced hair greying. Our study demonstrates that neuronal activity that is induced by acute stress can drive a rapid and permanent loss of somatic stem cells, and illustrates an example in which the maintenance of somatic stem cells is directly influenced by the overall physiological state of the organism.

Stress induces hair greying in mice through depletion of melanocyte stem cells, which is mediated by the activation of sympathetic nerves rather than through immune attack or adrenal stress hormones.

Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 74-+
作者:  Xu, Zhenci;  Chau, Sophia N.;  Chen, Xiuzhi;  Zhang, Jian;  Li, Yingjie;  Dietz, Thomas;  Wang, Jinyan;  Winkler, Julie A.;  Fan, Fan;  Huang, Baorong;  Li, Shuxin;  Wu, Shaohua;  Herzberger, Anna;  Tang, Ying;  Hong, Dequ;  Li, Yunkai;  Liu, Jianguo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

To address global challenges(1-4), 193 countries have committed to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(5). Quantifying progress towards achieving the SDGs is essential to track global efforts towards sustainable development and guide policy development and implementation. However, systematic methods for assessing spatio-temporal progress towards achieving the SDGs are lacking. Here we develop and test systematic methods to quantify progress towards the 17 SDGs at national and subnational levels in China. Our analyses indicate that China'  s SDG Index score (an aggregate score representing the overall performance towards achieving all 17 SDGs) increased at the national level from 2000 to 2015. Every province also increased its SDG Index score over this period. There were large spatio-temporal variations across regions. For example, eastern China had a higher SDG Index score than western China in the 2000s, and southern China had a higher SDG Index score than northern China in 2015. At the national level, the scores of 13 of the 17 SDGs improved over time, but the scores of four SDGs declined. This study suggests the need to track the spatio-temporal dynamics of progress towards SDGs at the global level and in other nations.

Response to Comment on "Spin coating epitaxial films" 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6458)
作者:  Kelso, Meagan V.;  Mahenderkar, Naveen K.;  Chen, Qingzhi;  Tubbesing, John Z.;  Switzer, Jay A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Optical modulation goes deep in the brain 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 365 (6452) : 456-457
作者:  Chen, Shuo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Biological adaptations in the Arctic cervid, the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 364 (6446) : 1154-+
作者:  Lin, Zeshan;  Chen, Lei;  Chen, Xianqing;  Zhong, Yingbin;  Yang, Yue;  Xia, Wenhao;  Liu, Chang;  Zhu, Wenbo;  Wang, Han;  Yan, Biyao;  Yang, Yifeng;  Liu, Xing;  Kvie, Kjersti Sternang;  Roed, Knut Hakon;  Wang, Kun;  Xiao, Wuhan;  Wei, Haijun;  Li, Guangyu;  Heller, Rasmus;  Gilbert, M. Thomas P.;  Qiu, Qiang;  Wang, Wen;  Li, Zhipeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27