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Novel trophic interactions under climate change promote alpine plant coexistence 期刊论文
Science, 2020
作者:  Patrice Descombes;  Camille Pitteloud;  Gaëtan Glauser;  Emmanuel Defossez;  Alan Kergunteuil;  Pierre-Marie Allard;  Sergio Rasmann;  Loïc Pellissier
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/22
Environmental change reduces body condition, but not population growth, in a high‐arctic herbivore 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2020
作者:  Kate Layton‐;  Matthews;  Vidar Grø;  tan;  Brage Bremset Hansen;  Maarten J. J. E. Loonen;  Eva Fuglei;  Dylan Z. Childs
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/20
Mammalian herbivory shapes intraspecific trait responses to warmer climate and nutrient enrichment 期刊论文
Global Change Biology, 2020
作者:  Maria‐;  Theresa Jessen;  Elina Kaarlejä;  rvi;  Johan Olofsson;  Anu Eskelinen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/10/20
High silicon concentrations in grasses are linked to environmental conditions and not associated with C4 photosynthesis 期刊论文
Global Change Biology, 2020
作者:  William H. Brightly;  Sue E. Hartley;  Colin P. Osborne;  Kimberley J. Simpson;  Caroline A. E. Strö;  mberg
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2020/10/20
Ecology and evolution of cycad‐feeding lepidoptera 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2020
作者:  Melissa R. L. Whitaker;  Shayla Salzman
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Global impacts of fertilization and herbivore removal on soil net nitrogen mineralization are modulated by local climate and soil properties 期刊论文
Global Change Biology, 2020
作者:  Anita C. Risch;  Stefan Zimmermann;  Barbara Moser;  Martin Schü;  tz;  Frank Hagedorn;  Jennifer Firn;  Philip A. Fay;  Peter B. Adler;  Lori A. Biederman;  John M. Blair;  Elizabeth T. Borer;  Arthur A. D. Broadbent;  Cynthia S. Brown;  Marc W. Cadotte;  Maria C. Caldeira;  Kendi F. Davies;  Augustina di Virgilio;  Nico Eisenhauer;  Anu Eskelinen;  Johannes M. H. Knops;  Andrew S. MacDougall;  Rebecca L. McCulley;  Brett A. Melbourne;  Joslin L. Moore;  Sally A. Power;  Suzanne M. Prober;  Eric W. Seabloom;  Julia Siebert;  Maria L. Silveira;  Karina L. Speziale;  Carly J. Stevens;  Pedro M. Tognetti;  Risto Virtanen;  Laura Yahdjian;  Raul Ochoa‐;  Hueso
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2020/09/30
Dietary trends in herbivores from the Shungura Formation, southwestern Ethiopia 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2020
作者:  Enquye W. Negash;  Zeresenay Alemseged;  René Bobe;  Frederick Grine;  Matt Sponheimer;  Jonathan G. Wynn
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2020/09/08
Animal body size distribution influences the ratios of nutrients supplied to plants 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
作者:  Elizabeth le Roux;  Laura S. van Veenhuisen;  Graham I. H. Kerley;  Joris P. G. M. Cromsigt
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/09/08
Herbivore Impacts on Carbon Cycling in Boreal Forests 期刊论文
Trends in Ecology & Evolution\, 2020
作者:  Shawn J. Leroux:Yolanda F. Wiersma:Eric Vander Wal
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/08/18
Information arms race explains plant-herbivore chemical communication in ecological communities 期刊论文
Science, 2020
作者:  Pengjuan Zu;  Karina Boege;  Ek del-Val;  Meredith C. Schuman;  Philip C. Stevenson;  Alejandro Zaldivar-Riverón;  Serguei Saavedra
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/06/22