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The humanitarian-development nexus in Northern Uganda 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Lie, Jon Harald Sande
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Afrika / Africa  Humanitære spørsmål / Humanitarian issues  Konflikt / Conflict resolution  Sosialantropologi / Social antropology  Utviklingspolitikk / Development policy  
The next big European project? The migration and asylum crisis: a vital challenge for the EU 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Pastore, Ferruccio
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EU / EU  Europa / Europe  Humanitære spørsmål / Humanitarian issues  Internasjonale organisasjoner / International Organisations  Migrasjon / Migration  
Key Policies Affecting Civilian Capacities 科技报告
来源:Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO). 出版年: 2015
作者:  Wahab, Wael Abdel;  Sazak, Onur;  Woods, Auveen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/05
Sikkerhetspolitikk  Humanitære spørsmål  FN  FN / UN  Humanitære spørsmål / Humanitarian issues  Sikkerhetspolitikk / Security policies