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Refined classification and characterization of atmospheric new-particle formation events using air ions 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (24) : 17883-17893
作者:  Dada, Lubna;  Chellapermal, Robert;  Mazon, Stephany Buenrostro;  Paasonen, Pauli;  Lampilahti, Janne;  Manninen, Hanna E.;  Junninen, Heikki;  Petaja, Tuukka;  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Kulmala, Markku
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Vertical characterization of highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) below and above a boreal forest canopy 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (23) : 17437-17450
作者:  Zha, Qiaozhi;  Yan, Chao;  Junninen, Heikki;  Riva, Matthieu;  Sarnela, Nina;  Aalto, Juho;  Quelever, Lauriane;  Schallhart, Simon;  Dada, Lubna;  Heikkinen, Liine;  Perakyla, Otso;  Zou, Jun;  Rose, Clemence;  Wang, Yonghong;  Mammarella, Ivan;  Katul, Gabriel;  Vesala, Timo;  Worsnop, Douglas R.;  Kulmala, Markku;  Petaja, Tuukka;  Bianchi, Federico;  Ehn, Mikael
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Vertical and horizontal distribution of regional new particle formation events in Madrid 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (22) : 16601-16618
作者:  Carnerero, Cristina;  Perez, Noemi;  Reche, Cristina;  Ealo, Marina;  Titos, Gloria;  Lee, Hong-Ku;  Eun, Hee-Ram;  Park, Yong-Hee;  Dada, Lubna;  Paasonen, Pauli;  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Mantilla, Enrique;  Escudero, Miguel;  Gomez-Moreno, Francisco J.;  Alonso-Blanco, Elisabeth;  Coz, Esther;  Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso;  Temime-Roussel, Brice;  Marchand, Nicolas;  Beddows, David C. S.;  Harrison, Roy M.;  Petaja, Tuukka;  Kulmala, Markku;  Ahn, Kang-Ho;  Alastuey, Andres;  Querol, Xavier
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Atmospheric new particle formation and growth: review of field observations 期刊论文
作者:  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Chen, Xuemeng;  Vakkari, Ville;  Petaja, Tuukka;  Kulmala, Markku;  Bianchi, Federico
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atmospheric aerosol  field measurements  nucleation  particle growth  
Exploring the potential of nano-Kohler theory to describe the growth of atmospheric molecular clusters by organic vapors using cluster kinetics simulations 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (18) : 13733-13754
作者:  Kontkanen, Jenni;  Olenius, Tinja;  Kulmala, Markku;  Riipinen, Ilona
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Ground-based observation of clusters and nucleation-mode particles in the Amazon 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (17) : 13245-13264
作者:  Wimmer, Daniela;  Mazon, Stephany Buenrostro;  Manninen, Hanna Elina;  Kangasluoma, Juha;  Franchin, Alessandro;  Nieminen, Tuomo;  Backman, John;  Wang, Jian;  Kuang, Chongai;  Krejci, Radovan;  Brito, Joel;  Morais, Fernando Goncalves;  Martin, Scot Turnbull;  Artaxo, Paulo;  Kulmala, Markku;  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Petaja, Tuukka
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The role of H2SO4-NH3 anion clusters in ion-induced aerosol nucleation mechanisms in the boreal forest 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (17) : 13231-13243
作者:  Yan, Chao;  Dada, Lubna;  Rose, Clemence;  Jokinen, Tuija;  Nie, Wei;  Schobesberger, Siegfried;  Junninen, Heikki;  Lehtipalo, Katrianne;  Sarnela, Nina;  Makkonen, Ulla;  Garmash, Olga;  Wang, Yonghong;  Zha, Qiaozhi;  Paasonen, Pauli;  Bianchi, Federico;  Sipila, Mikko;  Ehn, Mikael;  Petaja, Tuukka;  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Worsnop, Douglas R.;  Kulmala, Markku
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Exploring non-linear associations between atmospheric new-particle formation and ambient variables: a mutual information approach 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (17) : 12699-12714
作者:  Zaidan, Martha A.;  Haapasilta, Ville;  Relan, Rishi;  Paasonen, Pauli;  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Junninen, Heikki;  Kulmala, Markku;  Foster, Adam S.
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Comprehensive analysis of particle growth rates from nucleation mode to cloud condensation nuclei in boreal forest 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (16) : 12085-12103
作者:  Paasonen, Pauli;  Peltola, Maija;  Kontkanen, Jenni;  Junninen, Heikki;  Kerminen, Veli-Matti;  Kulmala, Markku
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Modelling studies of HOMs and their contributions to new particle formation and growth: comparison of boreal forest in Finland and a polluted environment in China 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2018, 18 (16) : 11779-11791
作者:  Qi, Ximeng;  Ding, Aijun;  Roldin, Pontus;  Xu, Zhengning;  Zhou, Putian;  Sarnela, Nina;  Nie, Wei;  Huang, Xin;  Rusanen, Anton;  Ehn, Mikael;  Rissanen, Matti P.;  Petaja, Tuukka;  Kulmala, Markku;  Boy, Michael
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09