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Intensive farming drives long-term shifts in avian community composition 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7799) : 393-+
作者:  Oh, Eugene;  Mark, Kevin G.;  Mocciaro, Annamaria;  Watson, Edmond R.;  Prabu, J. Rajan;  Cha, Denny D.;  Kampmann, Martin;  Gamarra, Nathan;  Zhou, Coral Y.;  Rape, Michael
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

Variation in vegetation and climate affects the long-term changes in bird communities in intensive-agriculture habitats, but not in diversified-agriculture or natural-forest habitats, by changing the local colonization and extinction rates.

Agricultural practices constitute both the greatest cause of biodiversity loss and the greatest opportunity for conservation(1,2), given the shrinking scope of protected areas in many regions. Recent studies have documented the high levels of biodiversity-across many taxa and biomes-that agricultural landscapes can support over the short term(1,3,4). However, little is known about the long-term effects of alternative agricultural practices on ecological communities(4,5) Here we document changes in bird communities in intensive-agriculture, diversified-agriculture and natural-forest habitats in 4 regions of Costa Rica over a period of 18 years. Long-term directional shifts in bird communities were evident in intensive- and diversified-agricultural habitats, but were strongest in intensive-agricultural habitats, where the number of endemic and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List species fell over time. All major guilds, including those involved in pest control, pollination and seed dispersal, were affected. Bird communities in intensive-agricultural habitats proved more susceptible to changes in climate, with hotter and drier periods associated with greater changes in community composition in these settings. These findings demonstrate that diversified agriculture can help to alleviate the long-term loss of biodiversity outside natural protected areas(1).

Microbiota-targeted maternal antibodies protect neonates from enteric infection 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7791) : 543-+
作者:  Zheng, Wen;  Zhao, Wenjing;  Wu, Meng;  Song, Xinyang;  Caro, Florence;  Sun, Ximei;  Gazzaniga, Francesca;  Stefanetti, Giuseppe;  Oh, Sungwhan;  Mekalanos, John J.;  Kasper, Dennis L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Although maternal antibodies protect newborn babies from infection(1,2), little is known about how protective antibodies are induced without prior pathogen exposure. Here we show that neonatal mice that lack the capacity to produce IgG are protected from infection with the enteric pathogen enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli by maternal natural IgG antibodies against the maternal microbiota when antibodies are delivered either across the placenta or through breast milk. By challenging pups that were fostered by either maternal antibody-sufficient or antibody-deficient dams, we found that IgG derived from breast milk was crucial for protection against mucosal disease induced by enterotoxigenic E. coli. IgG also provides protection against systemic infection by E. coli. Pups used the neonatal Fc receptor to transfer IgG from milk into serum. The maternal commensal microbiota can induce antibodies that recognize antigens expressed by enterotoxigenic E. coli and other Enterobacteriaceae species. Induction of maternal antibodies against a commensal Pantoea species confers protection against enterotoxigenic E. coli in pups. This role of the microbiota in eliciting protective antibodies to a specific neonatal pathogen represents an important host defence mechanism against infection in neonates.

Neonatal mice are protected against infection with the enteric pathogen enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli by maternally derived natural antibodies as well as by maternal commensal microbiota that induce antibodies that recognize antigens expressed by Enterobacteriaceae.

Dualities and non-Abelian mechanics 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7792) : 636-+
作者:  Song, Xinyang;  Sun, Ximei;  Oh, Sungwhan F.;  Wu, Meng;  Zhang, Yanbo;  Zheng, Wen;  Geva-Zatorsky, Naama;  Jupp, Ray;  Mathis, Diane;  Benoist, Christophe;  Kasper, Dennis L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Dualities-mathematical mappings between different systems-can act as hidden symmetries that enable materials design beyond that suggested by crystallographic space groups.

Dualities are mathematical mappings that reveal links between apparently unrelated systems in virtually every branch of physics(1-8). Systems mapped onto themselves by a duality transformation are called self-dual and exhibit remarkable properties, as exemplified by the scale invariance of an Ising magnet at the critical point. Here we show how dualities can enhance the symmetries of a dynamical matrix (or Hamiltonian), enabling the design of metamaterials with emergent properties that escape a standard group theory analysis. As an illustration, we consider twisted kagome lattices(9-15), reconfigurable mechanical structures that change shape by means of a collapse mechanism(9). We observe that pairs of distinct configurations along the mechanism exhibit the same vibrational spectrum and related elastic moduli. We show that these puzzling properties arise from a duality between pairs of configurations on either side of a mechanical critical point. The critical point corresponds to a self-dual structure with isotropic elasticity even in the absence of spatial symmetries and a twofold-degenerate spectrum over the entire Brillouin zone. The spectral degeneracy originates from a version of Kramers'  theorem(16,17) in which fermionic time-reversal invariance is replaced by a hidden symmetry emerging at the self-dual point. The normal modes of the self-dual systems exhibit non-Abelian geometric phases(18,19) that affect the semiclassical propagation of wavepackets(20), leading to non-commuting mechanical responses. Our results hold promise for holonomic computation(21) and mechanical spintronics by allowing on-the-fly manipulation of synthetic spins carried by phonons.

Coherent laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions using quantum logic 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7793) : 60-+
作者:  Oh, Myoung Hwan;  Cho, Min Gee;  Chung, Dong Young;  Park, Inchul;  Kwon, Youngwook Paul;  Ophus, Colin;  Kim, Dokyoon;  Kim, Min Gyu;  Jeong, Beomgyun;  Gu, X. Wendy;  Jo, Jinwoung;  Yoo, Ji Mun;  Hong, Jaeyoung;  McMains, Sara;  Kang, Kisuk;  Sung, Yung-Eun;  Alivisatos, A. Paul;  Hyeon, Taeghwan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:53/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Precision spectroscopy of atomic systems(1) is an invaluable tool for the study of fundamental interactions and symmetries(2). Recently, highly charged ions have been proposed to enable sensitive tests of physics beyond the standard model(2-5) and the realization of high-accuracy atomic clocks(3,5), owing to their high sensitivity to fundamental physics and insensitivity to external perturbations, which result from the high binding energies of their outer electrons. However, the implementation of these ideas has been hindered by the low spectroscopic accuracies (of the order of parts per million) achieved so far(6-8). Here we cool trapped, highly charged argon ions to the lowest temperature reported so far, and study them using coherent laser spectroscopy, achieving an increase in precision of eight orders of magnitude. We use quantum logic spectroscopy(9,10) to probe the forbidden optical transition in Ar-40(13+) at a wavelength of 441 nanometres and measure its excited-state lifetime and g-factor. Our work unlocks the potential of highly charged ions as ubiquitous atomic systems for use in quantum information processing, as frequency standards and in highly sensitive tests of fundamental physics, such as searches for dark-matter candidates(11) or violations of fundamental symmetries(2).

The precision of laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions is improved by eight orders of magnitude by cooling trapped, highly charged ions and using quantum logic spectroscopy, thereby enabling tests of fundamental physics.

Design and synthesis of multigrain nanocrystals via geometric misfit strain 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7790) : 359-+
作者:  Oh, Myoung Hwan;  Cho, Min Gee;  Chung, Dong Young;  Park, Inchul;  Kwon, Youngwook Paul;  Ophus, Colin;  Kim, Dokyoon;  Kim, Min Gyu;  Jeong, Beomgyun;  Gu, X. Wendy;  Jo, Jinwoung;  Yoo, Ji Mun;  Hong, Jaeyoung;  McMains, Sara;  Kang, Kisuk;  Sung, Yung-Eun;  Alivisatos, A. Paul;  Hyeon, Taeghwan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The impact of topological defects associated with grain boundaries (GB defects) on the electrical, optical, magnetic, mechanical and chemical properties of nanocrystalline materials(1,2) is well known. However, elucidating this influence experimentally is difficult because grains typically exhibit a large range of sizes, shapes and random relative orientations(3-5). Here we demonstrate that precise control of the heteroepitaxy of colloidal polyhedral nanocrystals enables ordered grain growth and can thereby produce material samples with uniform GB defects. We illustrate our approach with a multigrain nanocrystal comprising a Co3O4 nanocube core that carries a Mn3O4 shell on each facet. The individual shells are symmetry-related interconnected grains(6), and the large geometric misfit between adjacent tetragonal Mn3O4 grains results in tilt boundaries at the sharp edges of the Co3O4 nanocube core that join via disclinations. We identify four design principles that govern the production of these highly ordered multigrain nanostructures. First, the shape of the substrate nanocrystal must guide the crystallographic orientation of the overgrowth phase(7). Second, the size of the substrate must be smaller than the characteristic distance between the dislocations. Third, the incompatible symmetry between the overgrowth phase and the substrate increases the geometric misfit strain between the grains. Fourth, for GB formation under near-equilibrium conditions, the surface energy of the shell needs to be balanced by the increasing elastic energy through ligand passivation(8-10). With these principles, we can produce a range of multigrain nanocrystals containing distinct GB defects.

An orbital water-ice cycle on comet 67P from colour changes 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7793) : 49-+
作者:  Oh, Myoung Hwan;  Cho, Min Gee;  Chung, Dong Young;  Park, Inchul;  Kwon, Youngwook Paul;  Ophus, Colin;  Kim, Dokyoon;  Kim, Min Gyu;  Jeong, Beomgyun;  Gu, X. Wendy;  Jo, Jinwoung;  Yoo, Ji Mun;  Hong, Jaeyoung;  McMains, Sara;  Kang, Kisuk;  Sung, Yung-Eun;  Alivisatos, A. Paul;  Hyeon, Taeghwan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:52/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Solar heating of a cometary surface provides the energy necessary to sustain gaseous activity, through which dust is removed(1,2). In this dynamical environment, both the coma(3,4) and the nucleus(5,6) evolve during the orbit, changing their physical and compositional properties. The environment around an active nucleus is populated by dust grains with complex and variegated shapes(7), lifted and diffused by gases freed from the sublimation of surface ices(8,9). The visible colour of dust particles is highly variable: carbonaceous organic material-rich grains(10) appear red while magnesium silicate-rich(11,12) and water-ice-rich(13,14) grains appear blue, with some dependence on grain size distribution, viewing geometry, activity level and comet family type. We know that local colour changes are associated with grain size variations, such as in the bluer jets made of submicrometre grains on comet Hale-Bopp(15) or in the fragmented grains in the coma(16) of C/1999 S4 (LINEAR). Apart from grain size, composition also influences the coma'  s colour response, because transparent volatiles can introduce a substantial blueing in scattered light, as observed in the dust particles ejected after the collision of the Deep Impact probe with comet 9P/Tempel 1(17). Here we report observations of two opposite seasonal colour cycles in the coma and on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through its perihelion passage(18). Spectral analysis indicates an enrichment of submicrometre grains made of organic material and amorphous carbon in the coma, causing reddening during the passage. At the same time, the progressive removal of dust from the nucleus causes the exposure of more pristine and bluish icy layers on the surface. Far from the Sun, we find that the abundance of water ice on the nucleus is reduced owing to redeposition of dust and dehydration of the surface layer while the coma becomes less red.

Demonstration of cooling by the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7793) : 53-+
作者:  Zheng, Wen;  Zhao, Wenjing;  Wu, Meng;  Song, Xinyang;  Caro, Florence;  Sun, Ximei;  Gazzaniga, Francesca;  Stefanetti, Giuseppe;  Oh, Sungwhan;  Mekalanos, John J.;  Kasper, Dennis L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The use of accelerated beams of electrons, protons or ions has furthered the development of nearly every scientific discipline. However, high-energy muon beams of equivalent quality have not yet been delivered. Muon beams can be created through the decay of pions produced by the interaction of a proton beam with a target. Such '  tertiary'  beams have much lower brightness than those created by accelerating electrons, protons or ions. High-brightness muon beams comparable to those produced by state-of-the-art electron, proton and ion accelerators could facilitate the study of lepton-antilepton collisions at extremely high energies and provide well characterized neutrino beams(1-6). Such muon beams could be realized using ionization cooling, which has been proposed to increase muon-beam brightness(7,8). Here we report the realization of ionization cooling, which was confirmed by the observation of an increased number of low-amplitude muons after passage of the muon beam through an absorber, as well as an increase in the corresponding phase-space density. The simulated performance of the ionization cooling system is consistent with the measured data, validating designs of the ionization cooling channel in which the cooling process is repeated to produce a substantial cooling effect(9-11). The results presented here are an important step towards achieving the muon-beam quality required to search for phenomena at energy scales beyond the reach of the Large Hadron Collider at a facility of equivalent or reduced wfootprint(6).