当前检索式 ((ALL:"科技报告"))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2014) AND (语种:英语))
[null] 380 World Meteorological 76 World Meteorological 32
Lindsay Daugherty 13 United Kingdom 13 et al. 12
Rajeev Ramchand 10 Climate and Developm 9 Beverly A. Weidmer 8
Bonnie Ghosh-Dastida 8 Jennifer L. Cerully 8 Matthews, Patrick 8
Sarah Ladislaw 8 Zientek, Michael L. 8 Charlene Rohr 7
Emma Aguila 7 Global Facility for 7 Guthrie, George 7
Lisa H. Jaycox 7 Louay Constant 7