当前检索式 ((ALL:network design))
限定条件 ((出处:SCIENCE) AND (作者:Chodosh, James分Chodosh, James) AND (语种:英语) AND (学科/领域:资源环境))
Allen, Todd M. 1 Anahtar, Melis N. 1 Chodosh, James 1
Collins, David R. 1 Gaiha, Gaurav D. 1 Ghebremichael, Musie 1
Landeros, Christian 1 Muzhingi, Itai 1 Newman, Ruchi M. 1
Nwonu, Chioma 1 Piechocka-Trocha, Al 1 Power, Karen A. 1
Rossin, Elizabeth J. 1 Urbach, Jonathan 1 Walker, Bruce D. 1
Waring, Michael 1 Waring, Olivia M. 1 Worrall, Daniel P. 1