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来源IDOSTI ID: 1262248
Modeling CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifer and Depleted Oil Reservoir To Evaluate Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential of Ozark Plateau Aquifer System, South-Central Kansas
Watney, W. Lynn; Rush, Jason; Raney, Jennifer
英文摘要1. Drilled, cored, and logged three wells to the basement and collecting more than 2,700 ft of conventional core; obtained 20 mi2 of multicomponent 3D seismic imaging and merged and reprocessed more than 125 mi2 of existing 3D seismic data for use in modeling CO2- EOR oil recovery and CO2 storage in five oil fields in southern Kansas. 2. Determined the technical feasibility of injecting and sequestering CO2 in a set of four depleted oil reservoirs in the Cutter, Pleasant Prairie South, Eubank, and Shuck fields in southwest Kansas; of concurrently recovering oil from those fields; and of quantifying the volumes of CO2 sequestered and oil recovered during the process. 3. Formed a consortium of six oil operating companies, five of which own and operate the four fields. The consortium became part of the Southwest Kansas CO2-EOR Initiative for the purpose of sharing data, knowledge, and interest in understanding the potential for CO2-EOR in Kansas. 4. Built a regional well database covering 30,000 mi2 and containing stratigraphic tops from ~90,000 wells; correlated 30 major stratigraphic horizons; digitized key wells, including wireline logs and sample logs; and analyzed more than 3,000 drill stem tests to establish that fluid levels in deep aquifers below the Permian evaporites are not connected to the surface and therefore pressures are not hydrostatic. Connectivity with the surface aquifers is lacking because shale aquitards and impermeable evaporite layers consist of both halite and anhydrite. 5. Developed extensive web applications and an interactive mapping system that do the following: a. Facilitate access to a wide array of data obtained in the study, including core descriptions and analyses, sample logs, digital (LAS) well logs, seismic data, gravity and magnetics maps, structural and stratigraphic maps, inferred fault traces, earthquakes, Class I and II disposal wells, and surface lineaments. b. Provide real-time analysis of the project dataset, including automated integration and viewing of well logs, core, core analyses, brine chemistry, and stratigraphy using the Java Profile app. A cross-section app allows for the display of log data for up to four wells at a time. 6. Integrated interpretations from the project’s interactive web-based mapping system to gain insights to aid in assessing the efficacy of geologic CO2 storage in Kansas and insights toward understanding recent seismicity to aid in evaluating induced vs. naturally occurring earthquakes. 7. Developed a digital type-log system, including web-based software to modify and refine stratigraphic nomenclature to provide stakeholders a common means for communication about the subsurface. 8. Contracted use of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) log and ran it slowly to capture response and characterize larger pores common for carbonate reservoirs. Used NMR to extend core analyses to apply permeability, relative permeability to CO2, and capillary pressure to the major rock types, each uniquely expressed as a reservoir quality index (RQI), present in the Mississippian and Arbuckle rocks. 9. Characterized and evaluated the possible role of microbes in dense brines. Used microbes to compliment H/O stable isotopes to fingerprint brine systems. Used perforation/swabbing to obtain samples from multiple hydrostratigraphic units and confirmed equivalent results using less expensive drill stem tests (DST). 10. Used an integrated approach from whole core, logs, tests, and seismic to verify and quantify properties of vuggy, brecciated, and fractured carbonate intervals. 11. Used complex geocellular static and dynamic models to evaluate regional storage capacity using large parallel processing. 12. Carbonates are complex reservoirs and CO2-EOR needs to move to the next generation to increase effectiveness of CO2 and efficiency and safety of the injection.
来源平台US Department of Energy (DOE)
GB/T 7714
Watney, W. Lynn,Rush, Jason,Raney, Jennifer. Modeling CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifer and Depleted Oil Reservoir To Evaluate Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential of Ozark Plateau Aquifer System, South-Central Kansas,2014.
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