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OBSERVER - Copernicus and Galileo: boosting their integration and synergies around the world

OBSERVER - Copernicus and Galileo: boosting their integration and synergies around the world

While Copernicus, the EU’s Earth Observation (EO) programme, and Galileo, the EU’s Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS), may address different needs, fostering synergies between uses of both programmes can strongly  benefit the EU space ecosystem. Most significantly, solutions that combine data from both programmes can power the EU’s twin green and digital transitions. 

In this context, fostering bridges and interaction between Copernicus and Galileo users around the world is paramount. This can be achieved first and foremost by stimulating collaboration, information and expertise exchange  notably between the Copernicus Academy and Relays networks around the world and the Galileo Information Centres (GICs)in Latin America. 

Synergies in practice: Copernicus and Galileo data powering the solutions of tomorrow 

Synergies generated by the combined use of Copernicus EO data and E-GNSS data exist in many market segments. Agriculture and urban planning are some of the more obvious market segments that can strongly benefit from these synergies. 

In the agricultural sector, for example, EO data can provide information on crop health, soil moisture and other important indicators, while E-GNSS data can provide high-precision positioning data. Together, this enables farmers to target irrigation, fertilisation and other operations to where they are most needed, powering precision agriculture solutions. 

The combined use of Copernicus and E-GNSS data in the agricultural sector is currently powering the FaST digital platform. FaST, or the Farm Sustainability Tool, is a digital service platform supported by three European Commission Directorate-Generals: DG Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), DG Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) and DG Informatics (DG DIGIT). It aims to support EU agriculture and the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), by leveraging EU Space data from Copernicus and Galileo to achieve sustainable and competitive agriculture in the EU. It will provide EU farmers, Member State Paying Agencies (in the CAP context) and others with important data to ensure compliance with the CAP and ensure more sustainable farm management. 

In terms of urban planning, EO data can be used to monitor urban growth, urban green areas, as well as land use and its evolution over time, while E-GNSS data can be used to understand mobility habits in urban areas and the location of key utilities and infrastructure. Combined, these data would enable public authorities and urban planners to design smart cities, define new urban corridors and infrastructure projects, and help track compliance with environmental legislation. 

Other markets such as environmental management and monitoring, border surveillance, maritime safety, transport, emergency/crisis management and many more can also benefit from combining the power of Copernicus EO and E-GNSS data. With the establishment of the EU Agency for the Space Programme later in 2021, these synergies will only become more evident and further exploited, enabling solutions that make the most out of the EU Space Programme’s two flagship initiatives.

Synergies around the world: the Copernicus networks and Galileo Information Centres

Firstly, what are the Copernicus networks and Galileo Information Centres? 

The Copernicus Academy and Relays networks bring together leading experts from academic institutions, research centres, public institutions, industry and SMEs. Together they act as ambassadors of the Copernicus programme, help spread awareness and boost user uptake of the Copernicus programme and its data. The Copernicus networks count 280 members from 50 countries: 179 Academy members and 101 Relays members. 

Copernicus networks lgoos

The Galileo Information Centres aim to promote Galileo/EGNOS (E-GNSS) in Latin America, monitor local and regional satellite navigation initiatives, boost user uptake and support users in Latin America, as well as foster innovation and cooperation between industry in Latin America and Europe. There are currently three GICs: GIC Brazil, GIC Chile (which also covers Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador) and GIC Mexico (which also covers Central America and the Caribbean).

The three GICs logos

Both initiatives act as ambassadors and expertise-enablers of the Copernicus and Galileo programme in their respective geographical areas and are crucial in boosting user uptake of EU Space data and services. Building synergies between the Copernicus networks and the GICs will contribute to foster, where appropriate, the seamless use of Galileo and Copernicus services through the combined use of signals and data, to power new products and services contributing to the digital economy. 

The GICs and Copernicus networks can and should therefore find new avenues for cooperation to increase user uptake of both programmes, boost R&D and innovation, as well as industrial collaboration on space, in the EU and between the EU and the rest of the world.

By harnessing their wealth of expertise and cross-referencing the benefits of Galileo and Copernicus, the Galileo Information Centres and the Copernicus networks are indeed able to contribute to anchor the leading position of EU Space internationally. In today’s deeply interconnected world, stepping-up such cooperation will significantly contribute to better promote EU Space data and services (both EO and EGNSS) to citizens, authorities, academia and the business community. 

While the Copernicus networks and GICs are, and will remain, separate initiatives, harnessing synergies will ultimately reinforce their missions, inter alia, making their activities more efficient and providing best added value to the communities they serve.

These topics will be further discussed on 13 April 2021 during a dedicated webinar for Copernicus network members on the synergies between Copernicus and Galileo with the participation of the Galileo Information Centres and members from both the Copernicus Relays and Academy networks. The webinar will in particular look into the trend of increased integration between Copernicus and Galileo and how to stimulate international cooperation and capacity-building between them to benefit the EU space ecosystem and beyond. 

Are you interested in becoming a Copernicus Academy or Relay member? Find out more on the Copernicus website and head over to the dedicated Relays and Academy application forms. 

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER - Copernicus and Galileo: boosting their integration and synergies around the world. 2021.
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