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Indigenous rights to Patagonia's Guafo island
Pablo A. Marquet; Juan Carlos Castilla; Aurora Gaxiola; Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete; Alfredo Pena-Vega
英文摘要In September, private investors put 20,000-ha Guafo island up for sale for US $20 million ([ 1 ][1]). The island, located in northern Chilean Patagonia, is a stronghold of unique biodiversity ([ 2 ][2], [ 3 ][3]) and a biocultural heritage site for Patagonia Indigenous groups and the country (4). The owners bought the island a decade ago with plans to conduct coal mining operations ([ 1 ][1]), but after Chile made a climate change commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050 ([ 5 ][4]), the difficulty obtaining mining permits made them rethink their investment. The Chilean government should protect these valuable ecosystems by deeding the island to the Indigenous people who claim it. The challenges facing Guafo island are emblematic of environmental problems throughout Patagonia. A growing exotic salmon aquaculture industry has brought about environmental degradation ([ 6 ][5]). Climate change–induced drought has led to harmful algal blooms ([ 6 ][5], [ 7 ][6]) that may have contributed to the stranding of hundreds of endangered Sei whales ([ 8 ][7]). Terrestrial ecosystems face increasing tensions from tourist developments, a growing human population, peat bog degradation, exotic species invasion, and climate change ([ 6 ][5]), which threatens glacial freshwater reserves ([ 9 ][8]) and increases the likelihood of fires ([ 6 ][5]). Disrespecting Indigenous peoples' heritage in Patagonia threatens the region's biodiversity. Degrading the capacity of carbon sequestration in forest soils, peatbogs, and kelp forests ([ 6 ][5]) and disrupting the carbon sequestration processes fostered by large whales and other marine vertebrates ([ 10 ][9]) will initiate a perfect storm of increasing warming and ecosystem degradation with global consequences. It is incumbent upon the Chilean government to set an example for Patagonian policy by protecting Guafo island and its surrounding seascapes, requiring that the salmon industry withdraw operations from protected waters, and giving Indigenous people the rights to their ancestral lands. In 2008, Chile passed the Mapuche-Lafkenche Marine and Coastal Areas for Indigenous Peoples (MCAIP) law ([ 11 ][10]). The legislation enables the allocation and administration of coastal marine areas to Indigenous communities, who can ensure the sustainability and conservation of marine resources and ecosystems. There is already an MCAIP claim for Guafo island by Indigenous communities from nearby Chiloé island ([ 12 ][11]), the “Wafo Wapi ancestral land for conservation.” The Chilean government should support this claim. 1. [↵][12]1. D. Collyns , “Activists outraged that sacred Chilean island is listed for sale for $20m,” The Guardian (2020). 2. [↵][13]1. R. Hucke-Gaete, 2. L. P. Osman, 3. C. A. Moreno, 4. K. P. Findlay, 5. D. K. Ljungblad , Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B. 271, S170 (2004). [OpenUrl][14][CrossRef][15][PubMed][16] 3. [↵][17]1. R. Reyes-Arriagada, 2. P. Campos-Ellwanger, 3. R. P. Schlatter, 4. C. Baduini , Biodivers Conserv. 16, 913 (2007). [OpenUrl][18] 4. 1. R. Hucke-Gaete, 2. P. Lo Moro, 3. J. Ruiz 1. R. Álvarez, 2. M. Navarro , in Conservando el Mar de Chiloé, Palena, y Guaitecas, R. Hucke-Gaete, P. Lo Moro, J. Ruiz, Eds. (Universidad Austral de Chile, 2010), pp. 65–123 [in Spanish]. 5. [↵][19]Climate Action Tracker, Chile, Pledges and Targets (2020); . 6. [↵][20]1. P. A. Marquet et al ., Eds., “Biodiversidad y cambio climático en Chile: Evidencia científica para la toma de decisiones” (Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación, 2019) [in Spanish]. 7. [↵][21]1. J. León-Muñoz, 2. M. A. Urbina, 3. R. Garreaud, 4. J. L. Iriarte , Sci. Rep. 8, 1330 (2018). [OpenUrl][22] 8. [↵][23]1. V. Häussermann et al ., Peer J. 5, e3123 (2017). [OpenUrl][24] 9. [↵][25]1. M. Rodell et al ., Nature 557, 651 (2018). [OpenUrl][26][CrossRef][27][PubMed][28] 10. [↵][29]1. S. Lutz, 2. R. Barnes, 3. T. Kurvitis , “Fish carbon: Exploring marine vertebrate carbon services” (GRID-Arendal, Arendal, Norway, 2014), p. 36. 11. [↵][30]1. L. Hiriart-Bertrand, 2. J. Silva, 3. S. Gelcich , Ocean Coast. Manag. 193, 105233 (2020). [OpenUrl][31] 12. [↵][32]1. F. Araos et al ., Coast. Manag. 48, 289 (2020). 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领域气候变化 ; 资源环境
GB/T 7714
Pablo A. Marquet,Juan Carlos Castilla,Aurora Gaxiola,et al. Indigenous rights to Patagonia's Guafo island[J]. Science,2020.
APA Pablo A. Marquet,Juan Carlos Castilla,Aurora Gaxiola,Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete,&Alfredo Pena-Vega.(2020).Indigenous rights to Patagonia's Guafo island.Science.
MLA Pablo A. Marquet,et al."Indigenous rights to Patagonia's Guafo island".Science (2020).
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