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OBSERVER: How do Italy, Germany and Spain boost the development of the Copernicus networks and user uptake?

OBSERVER: How do Italy, Germany and Spain boost the development of the Copernicus networks and user uptake?

As part of the European Union’s Space Strategy, the European Commission established the Copernicus Relays and the Copernicus Academy networks as Copernicus ambassadors all over the world.

The Copernicus Relays now counts 99 members from 36 countries around the world. They represent the “voice, eyes and ears” of the European Commission at a local and regional level in the EU and beyond. They act as local specialists, help spread awareness about opportunities set-up by the European Commission and they also promote innovative applications and business models. The Relays contribute to ensuring user needs are met and help maximise the use of Copernicus data at local and operational level.

The Copernicus Academy on the other hand counts 164 members present in 40 countries around the world. The goal of the network is to link research and academic institutions with authorities and service providers, facilitate collaborative research, develop educational and training material to empower researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs with suitable skill sets to use Copernicus data and information services to their full potential.

As the network members are local Copernicus ambassadors, it is also important they receive support from the national Copernicus representatives. The National Coordination Bodies do just this. Whether they focus mainly on Academy members, the whole national Copernicus ecosystem, or both Copernicus networks, the National Coordination Bodies are key in supporting and promoting the Copernicus networks, as well as fostering User Uptake.

Read on to hear from the Italian, German and Spanish National Coordination Bodies about how they structure their work and help promote and support the Copernicus networks.

The Italian Copernicus Academy National Network

In Italy, the Copernicus National User Forum (CNUF) and the National Coordination Body are intrinsically linked. Indeed, at the beginning of 2019, the Italian CNUF, which started User Uptake activities in 2014, decided to appoint a National Copernicus Academy Coordination (NCAC) and to foster a National Network (NCAN).

The idea being to define, support and implement, a three-year shared National Action Plan involving public and private subjects, including the main Italian Universities, or other academic bodies, and representatives of the academic community at the regional level, as the focal joints of the network.

This decision aimed to bring together, support and coordinate the individual national members of the European Copernicus Academy Network to a collective participation in the CNUF itself, and to harmonise their activities with national policy and the Delegation’s actions regarding Copernicus.

As the institutions in charge of higher education in EU Member States, universities, academic bodies and research centres have an important role to play in the Copernicus institutional user community and in contributing to user uptake. As such, they can:

  • educate and participate in training future public officials, professionals and entrepreneurs, researchers and teacher;
  • support and promote new professional profiles through new educational paths, connecting the different academic disciplines and training subjects, in order to respond to emerging business processes and market demands related to EO and GI matters.

Maria Vittoria Castellani and Bernardo De Bernardinis, who are in charge of the NCAC, strongly believe that ”teaching EO, GI and ICT principles, methods and tools on which Copernicus is based and which it uses, along with what it produces, is the most effective and lasting way to achieve substantial User Uptake in the medium and long term”.

Since 2019, the NCAN has organised and supported more than 40 events, such as general assemblies, formal meetings, seminars, open schools and national academy workshops, at governmental locations, university campuses, research centres and professional institutes. Some of these events, such as the Academy National Workshops (Fig.1) and the Copernicus Geodata and Satellite Facilities Open Schools (Fig.2) are the fruit of a collaboration with regional and local interested stakeholders, as well as companies and businesses providing EO, GI and ICT services and training.

The Academy Workshop on Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Figure 1: the Academy Workshop on Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

A Copernicus Open School event

Figure 2: A Copernicus Open School event

Moreover, they have systematically pursued synergies with other "user uptake" activities, such as hackathons, info sessions, and events organised by the Copernicus Relays, by participating in events that have already been set up or by contributing to the implementation of shared ones.

In addition to being attended by more than 800 people overall, these User Uptake activities have fostered the growth of the national Copernicus Academy from the first 16 individual members to over 31 members (Fig.3).

The Copernicus Academy in Italy in mid-2020

Figure 3: The Copernicus Academy in Italy in mid-2020

Overall, the NCAC and the NCAN have proved to be very effective tools to develop continuous and important User Uptake activities, giving an active and organised role to the academic and training communities within the CNUF and thus keeping them in close collaborative contact with the communities of potential Copernicus users on a local scale.

Coordinating and supporting Copernicus User Uptake in Germany

In Germany, the approach is slightly different, focusing on the whole national Copernicus ecosystem, with no specific body for the Copernicus networks. The German Aerospace Centre (DLR) leads these efforts.

The German Aerospace Centre is Germany’s research centre for aerospace research. Its Space Administration implements Germany’s national space programme and represents Germany on space issues internationally, in particular vis-à-vis the European Space Agency (ESA). DLR also supports the federal government in implementing its Copernicus strategy. Specifically, DLR implements, supports and facilitates Copernicus information and networking activities in Germany. It also funds research and use-case projects and provides CODE-DE as a national access and exploitation platform for Copernicus data and services.

Training workshop at the National Forum on Remote Sensing and Copernicus 2018

Training workshop at the National Forum on Remote Sensing and Copernicus 2018

In Germany, national Copernicus User Uptake is guided by the National Copernicus Strategy, which includes user uptake objectives. On behalf of the federal ministry of transport and digital infrastructure, DLR implements Copernicus user uptake measures primarily in three areas:

  • Information, communication and networking – including the maintenance of a national Copernicus website, national Copernicus events, animating national networks, etc.
  • Technical development projects – supporting pilot projects of national Core Users (i.e. public bodies implementing their official tasks) demonstrating or testing the expanded application of Copernicus data or Services.
  • Data Access – operating a national data access and exploitation platform:

They are also coordinating the Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake with the European Commission (

According to DLR, the added value of the Copernicus networks is that they present an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with the European Commission, the entrusted entities and other European stakeholders. It provides them with information and a “label” they can use internally to justify and explain their roles. The networks also facilitate information exchange about the activities of network members.

A key aspect of the Copernicus networks is their core European dimension. Similar national networks also exist in Germany. DLR’s aim is thus not to duplicate or complement the animation of the EU’s networks, but rather address the national networks and stakeholders with information about Copernicus and invite them to various events.

Jörn Hoffmann, Copernicus Programme Manager at DLR, highlights that “most Academy/Relay members act primarily locally. Therefore, in order to increase the impact and effectiveness of the Copernicus networks in Germany, additional resources to support or enhance the network members’ activities would be welcome. Targeted European actions focussing on specific application domains implemented in partnership with selected members of the networks, could also help improve the impact of the networks”.

Promoting collaboration and synergies between the network members in Spain

Spain has adopted a sort of hybrid approach between the Italian and German one. Indeed, while it does have a specific focus on the network members, it is inscribed within the larger Copernicus ecosystem in Spain.

These activities are coordinated between CDTI and MITERD. CDTI, the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, is part of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and aims to foster Spanish industrial competitiveness by financing national R&D projects, participating in a full range of international technology co-operation programmes, and supporting technology transfer. They hold the Spanish representation in the Copernicus Committee together with MINCOTUR (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism).

MITERD, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, acts as national coordinator at the Copernicus User Forum (together with IGN, the Spanish National Geographical Institute). They promote the Copernicus programme, services and products in Spain and foster the use of European satellite data.

With eleven Copernicus Relays members and twenty-one Copernicus Academy members, the Copernicus networks have a strong presence in Spain. CDTI, as the focal point of R&D activities in Spain and representative of the Copernicus Committee, and MITERD, as representative of the User Forum, are in contact with the Spanish Relay and Academy members to coordinate and explore synergies within their respective activities.

According to them, the Copernicus networks provide many benefits to the national community and are crucial for increasing user uptake. By joining efforts at the national level, they help transmit the benefits of the Copernicus programme to potential national Copernicus users and help create a community with the different stakeholders. MITERD and CDTI themselves are both members of the Copernicus Relays.

Copernicus event in Spain

Elisa Rivera Mendoza and Monica Lopez Lopez from the Ministry of Science and Innovation believe “that the best way to enhance the impact and effectiveness of the Academy/Relays networks locally is maintaining a very good coordination among the different stakeholders, as well as keeping information updated about national activities. This can be reached by organising annual meetings and coordination meetings with members from the Copernicus Academy and Relays networks and stakeholders. In addition, the use of diffusion tools, such as websites, allow to keep information updated and serve to create a network of national contacts”.

A concrete example of the increased coordination and outreach of the Copernicus ecosystem is “ApliCOP”, a website created under the CUP-FP programme by the University of Cantabria (IH Cantabria), a Copernicus Academy member. The objective of this website is to facilitate the use of Copernicus data and products, as well as to connect potential users and providers of the Copernicus ecosystem in Spain.

They also organise a series of events, workshops, presentations and trainings to boost exchanges and synergies within the Copernicus ecosystem in Spain and to increase User Uptake. For example, a yearly national user forum is organised gathering representatives from companies, research centers and public administrations. Furthermore, they organise thematic workshops on the applications of Copernicus data and training sessions for public authorities (of which one has become an official training course in the Ministry’s General Training Plan for civil servants).

Boosting the development of the network

Does all the above sound interesting? If you are not yet a member of the Copernicus networks, head over to the dedicated Relays and Academy application forms .

If you are already a member of the Copernicus network, why not reach out to your National Coordination Body and find out what support and opportunities they can offer!

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来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: How do Italy, Germany and Spain boost the development of the Copernicus networks and user uptake?. 2020.
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