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AMMA Industry Awards celebrate resources & energy superstars

Australian Resources and Energy Group AMMA has continued its tradition of celebrating the industry’s high achievers, brightest stars, future talent and leading workforce initiatives.

Winners of the 2020 AMMA Industry Awards were announced and celebrated through an innovative four-week online campaign, complete with podcasts, in-depth stories and live video reactions.

“This year has no doubt been enormously challenging. In such an environment, it is more important than ever we celebrate those who have achieved excellence within the resources and energy industry,” AMMA Chief Executive Steve Knott, said.

“While far from immune to the COVID economic depression, parts of Australia’s resources and energy industry have been shining lights of the Australian economy, with the talented people and innovation of employers the engine room of its success.

“In these extraordinarily difficult times, the high achievers of the resources and energy industry deserve extra recognition and we are pleased to do just that through the prestigious AMMA Industry Awards.”

Mr Knott praised the high level of award nominations across four categories relating to key workforce-related areas of the industry.

“Without fail, the awards attract an exceptional calibre of nominations each and every year and 2020 was no different, leading to a truly outstanding set of winners,” he said.

“The awards highlight the bright future of our industry with a diverse array of talent showcased amongst the most important part of the industry – our people.

“From workforce innovation, mental health and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, to our outstanding young leaders, AMMA is very proud to celebrate our industry’s success stories for 2020.”

See below for further information on all four award winners. For images of the award winners, or additional comment, please contact Brad Thompson on 0409 781 580.


Mental Health & Wellbeing Award – Northern Star Resources

Northern Star has been awarded for providing innovative mental health support, reducing stigma and uniting its people through a range of programs, resulting in increased workplace conversations and story-sharing. The gold miner’s range of initiatives have made a positive impact on its workplaces and employees, with the company rising to the challenge of proactively prioritising sustainable long-term outcomes. Northern Star has normalised mental health through a multi-layered approach, led by its flagship Mental Health First Aid Program, which has seen more than 300 employees becoming accredited Mental Health First Aiders.

Read the full story here | Listen to the podcast here

Workforce and Workplace Relations Innovation Award – New Hope Group

New Hope Group has been recognised for its “Finishing Well” program, which has innovated the way mine closures are managed. When the company was presented with one of the industry’s most challenging periods as its Jeebropilly Mine reached end of life in late 2019, New Hope Group was determined to ensure it was a positive phase for all stakeholders. The company implemented a plan that would not only be embraced by its workforce, but set them on the path for success once the mine closed. Its unified path towards mine closure was guided by “Finishing Well”, tailored specifically to balance the needs of the business and its people, while addressing some of the greatest identified risks in staff retention and culture.

Read the full story here | Listen to the podcast here

Diversity and Inclusion Award (sponsored by Sodexo) – Thiess

Thiess was awarded for developing Allies, the company’s first LGBTIQA+ support and engagement network in Australia and Chile. Allies created a workplace network advocating and facilitating a culture of inclusion and respect, regardless of sex, sexuality, gender and expression. Judges were impressed with how the network was successful in creating awareness and its understanding of diversity and inclusion matters, and for challenging bias, stereotypes and intolerance. Allies was created to align with Thiess’ diversity and inclusion strategy, with judges also commending how the program was both employee-led and backed by the executive leadership.

Read the full story here | Listen to the podcast here

Future Leader Award – Ryan Cobb (Woodside Energy)

Judges were impressed with Ryan’s range of accomplishments, displaying leadership traits beyond his years. Not only has Ryan become Australia’s first indigenous master mariner, he is also a passionate role model and mentor who is heavily involved in working with young Indigenous people, encouraging them to strive for a career in the marine industry. As a Marine Operations Adviser with Woodside Energy, Ryan can command any ship of any size in any ocean in the world. He now uses his experience and journey to inspire others to explore the rewarding career opportunities in the sector.

Read the full story here | Listen to the podcast here

来源平台Australian Resources & Energy Group
GB/T 7714
admin. AMMA Industry Awards celebrate resources & energy superstars. 2020.
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